Angels Weeping (Once Lovely in the Distance)
Loosely based upon a British TV programmmme and one of its most fearsome "monsters"... but then, a springboard to broader concepts

Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

No Work
Shut up woman.

Fusion Blues

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Daniel P Hudelson

2/9/2016 5:38:13 PM
Thanks for the comments and interest, guys. Looking forward to more fun.

Two Silo Complex

2/9/2016 1:04:19 PM
Great comments on the review channel. You have a good ear and really pay attention to detail. Great to see you there. I will come back and check out your tunes when I can listen.

Bryon Tosoff

2/9/2016 9:09:38 AM
Unique groove you bring, enjoyed your work on Angles Weeping, great production and performance ,pro sound. great vibe. welcome to IMP Daniel



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2/9/2016 7:38:04 PM
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Daniel P Hudelson