Originally, there were four of us, back in 1976, the year I started songwriting. We were all together in a band called Lakeside. There was me, (guitars) John Williams (keyboards and Brenda's boyfriend) Bob Neal (Bass) and Brenda Pinnington (vocals and John's girlfriend) Without Brenda there would have been no band as us three blokes couldn't sing! So, when Brenda and John broke up, Lakeside broke up - which was a shame. John and I, who wrote most of the songs carried on and eventually, started to write long instrumentals to give the world a break from our voices. We were totally studio based and continued doing this together until 1986 when we just ground to a natural halt, which was also a shame but we had exhausted that way of doing things at that point in time. However, we continued to write various things on our own over the following years, usually running our ideas by one another to see if they were any good! John, for instance has just completed a brilliant solo instrumental album called Nighthealing which can be found on CDbaby and Itunes. I started songwriting again and over the last couple of years have become less bashful about my voice and have put together an album called Deep Blue Water. (From Lakeside to Bluewater - my life in shopping centres! People living in Kent and Essex will know what I mean.) John kindly played synth on one of the tracks and Andy Burnham, another friend spared my blushes by singing two of the others. I am also putting together an album called Animal Passion, which is devoted to a theme that any, so called, civilised society needs to take seriously; the abuse of animals for our own ends and pleasures. I am pleased to say that there are more songs in the pipeline (hopefully that pleases other people too) and I still have an urge to try my hand at a longer instrumental again - one day!

Changing the Countryside
Folk ballad leaning towards folk rock

Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Swing in the Countryside
This is an instrumental track using the musical themes from Changing the Countryside but arranged and played in a very different style.


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Maria Daines

10/12/2008 6:21:39 PM
Hi Peter,

great to find you here, hoping you are well and continuing with your musical plans, have a happy autumn and all our best :)

M&P xx

Charlie Thomas

10/12/2008 11:47:47 AM
Thanks for the kind words Pete, you really made my day by relating with me on Numbered Days. I'm very pleased that you enjoyed my simple songs


T Bone - "charlie t" on the pipeline

Cat Ize

10/11/2008 5:12:13 PM
Welcome to The Peaceful Revolution!!!!

Cat Ize - Cat Man Do -

Charlie Thomas

10/11/2008 5:09:46 PM
love it man, i gotta send you to Cat Ize to hook up with the Peaceful Revolution!!!!!


T Bone - charlie t

tom lee

10/7/2008 5:10:48 PM
hey pete hello to you



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* Your song 'Changing the Countryside' has just been added to Raymond Porters New Songs Station station!
* Your song 'Changing the Countryside' has just been added to Folk 4 Folks station!
* Your song 'Changing the Countryside' has just been added to The Peaceful Revolution station!
cat ize you are quite welcome Changing the Countryside is awesome tune Pete - very nice job man
tom lee your welcome pete peace :~)
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Pete Bagshaw