Welcome to 10,000 Years--The Honeydogs' ambitious, sweeping epic on Michael Penn and Aimee Mann's United Musicians label. 10,000 Years employs expert musicianship, a pan-genre stylistic palette and uncannily graceful melodicism to create a powerful soundscape across which an often blood-chilling scenario plays out with cinematic scope and immediacy.

10,000 Years

Alternative Pop Rock

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Last logged in: 5/31/2009 5:00:00 PM         Pageviews:  12540
* Your song '10,000 Years' has just been added to Ruling 11 station!
* Your song '10,000 Years' has just been added to CURL's boys station!
* Your song '10,000 Years' has just been added to PRO... station!
* Your song '10,000 Years' has just been added to Cashbox All Indie Picks station!
* Your song '10,000 Years' has just been added to Cashbox Rock Picks station!
* Your song '10,000 Years' has just been added to The Unknown (TS) station!
* Your song '10,000 Years' has just been added to WROK station!
* Your song '10,000 Years' has just been added to This Just In station!
* Your song '10,000 Years' has just been added to Elder Statesmen of the Ruling 11 station!
* Your song '10,000 Years' has just been added to Acid Rain station!
Cashbox Magazine Congrats guys on the #4 chart spot on Cashbox magazine. Click the link and Check it out
* Your song '10,000 Years' has just been added to Five Gems station!
* Your song '10,000 Years' has just been added to SuperPuss top 20 station!
* Your song '10,000 Years' has just been added to Five Gems station!
* Your song '10,000 Years' has just been added to SuperPuss Funky Feline Radio station!
* Your song '10,000 Years' has just been added to That's the way I like it uh huh station!
* Your song '10,000 Years' has just been added to The Dangerous Cafeteria station!
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That's the way I like it uh huh
CURLie boys
Mike Peace's All Indie Picks
Elder Statesmen of the Ruling 11
Indie Rock Revolution - Volume 5
This Just In II
The Dangerous Cafeteria
The Unknown (TS)
Mike Peace Magazine - Rock Picks

10/23/2010 8:42:35 PM
Last pageview at: 9/20/2024 10:40:58 AM
Pageviews: 12540


The Honeydogs