Tim Ratliff is a guitarist and music composer that resides in eastern Kentucky with his wife Shiela and son Chris. Tim has released four guitar instrumental Cd's as of August 2011 and continues to publish these tunes to a broad range of audiences. Tim's guitar playing style ranges from blues to jazz and country to rock with a soulful blend of Tim's own folk edge on each tune almost any ear will find tasteful sounds.Check out his website in his artist links.His website offers free demos of each of his thirty five guitar instrumentals and an online store where you can buy physical Cd,s or download Mp3's.

Breezy Day
Guitar instrumental recorded on three tracks. Track one rhythm. Track two melody. Track three riffs.

Instrumental Guitar Rock

Dancing Trees
An acoustic guitar instrumental and I also played upright bass.

Acoustic Guitar Instrumental

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Jo Ellen

8/22/2011 7:10:37 AM
Hey Tim! Thanks for visiting my page and leaving an encouraging word. Rock on guy...it all (music) matters :-) Jo



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Tim Ratliff