Hailing from various parts of the USA, Subterranean Masquerade was originally formed in 1997 by Tomer Pink, as a means of self-expression of his deepest and darkest thoughts and emotions. Spring 2004 will mark the release of the band's debut recording, ""Temporary Psychotic State"". Part one of a trilogy series revolving around the life of X, this EP is a 2-track conceptual piece that deals with the conflict of adjusting to today's dysfunctional, stone cold sober, confirmative world and the search of becoming emotionally independent away from any boundaries!
To monument this recording Tomer invited some labelmates and friends that share the same passion, and gathered a stunning cast of musicians including drummer Tino LoSicco (Epoch of Unlight), bassist Jason William Walton (Agalloch, Nothing, Especially Likely Sloth), guitarist Jake DePolitte (Anima Nera, The Kill), vocalist Paul Kuhr (Novembers Doom), and a guest appearance by Andy Winter (Winds, Age Of Silence) on mellotron. Also, session musicians were invited for strings, keyboards and folklore female vocals. The EP was recorded and mixed by California based producer & engineer Bryan Hall who has extensive studio experience under his belt after years of work with producer Dave Jerden (Alice in Chains, Jane's Addiction, Offspring, Stabbing Westward and many more.) and masterd at Soundlab Studios by Andy Winter. Artwork is provided by famed Travis Smith.

""Temporary Psychotic State"" strikes many musical levels, as the songs blend old-style progressive rock with rock n' roll grooves, building layers upon layers of experimental psychedelic passages and heavy post rock blasting! Subterranean Masquerade's signature is timeless & uniquely diverse, the blend of so many genres and influences make this EP recording an enjoyable journey for fans of extreme metal as well as to those who enjoy edgy, dark progressive rock.

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Subterranean Masquerade