This is a tale about a forgetful guy who has to be constantly reminded about times and dates and being in the right place etc. Could be any one of us, right?
Vocals: Pete Hopkins
The song was written in June 2018. I've forgotten why I wrote it.
Video to follow.
I've Forgotten Something Else! - June 2018
I think there's something wrong
I don't know what it is
I've had it for a long time
I don't remember things
My mind goes round and round
A really bad feeling
I don't get it
I don't want it
It's like I'm going round the bend
You agree!
I don't wanna let it show
Don't want to let you know
But then I need to tell you
I've forgotten something else
Not sure just what it is
I'll remember in a while
I don't have sense of time
And always the wrong place
I'm constantly reminded
I forget my keys and things
And who I've got to ring
And even where I'm driving
No answer
What question?
It's like I've got no common sense
You agree!
I don't wanna let it show
Don't want to let you know
But then I need to tell you
I've forgotten something else
Not sure just what it is
I'll remember in a while.
Dum diddy dum dum dum ...
I don't wanna let it show
Don't want to let you know
But then I need to tell you
I've forgotten something else
Not sure just what it is
I'll remember in a while.
x |