D.C. Hathaway"Beyond Goodbye" performed by Ray Allaire
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Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
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Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
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Funny song based on actual events experienced by D.C. Hathaway.

Words & music by D.C. Hathaway. Lead vocal by Ray Allaire. Background vocals by Ray Allaire & Amy Ketchum. All instruments by D.C. Hathaway. Recorded at Seabean Studios, Cococa Beach, FL.

(Dwain C. Hathaway)
© 2002 D.C. Hathaway Music

We had seven years together with so many ups and downs.
The show is over baby ‘cause I’m not your circus clown.
I’ve said “goodbye” so many times before I’m turnin’ blue
So let me put it in a way there’s no confusing you.

It’s more like “you are out of here” and “you’re already gone”.
Take a good look out the window. Your stuff’s out on the lawn.
No matter how I say it, I don’t need a reason why.
So long, farewell, forever. I am well beyond goodbye.
I gave you all I had to give. You only wanted more.
You’ve taken all you’re gonna take. Now you can hit the door.
You don’t have to leave the key. I changed the locks in case you try
To come back where you don’t belong. I’m well beyond goodbye.


I tried so hard to tell you nice time and time again
But there’s no getting through to you. Good riddance and amen.
Then I woke up from this crazy dream and much to my surprise.
She’s standing right in front of me with fire in her eyes.
This dream is comin’ true but in a way I’m gonna dread.
I think she’s well beyond “goodbye” ‘cause this is what she said:


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