sistersRISE UP for the People of Japan
Blues Rock HyperLink
song created                                

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
song updated                               

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
stations playing this song              
music is truth II


for the people of Japan

Lyrics: Marty Ross Vining
Musical inspiration: Anne Cozean
Musical reality: Ken Damkier
Lead: Marty Ross Vining
BGV: Anne, Ken, Annie Mayo Muir
Mix: Anne Cozean

Hanging out in my sister’s studio the Saturday after the Japanese earthquake/tsunami, we were goofing off with loops (as in MY SISTER was goofing off with loops, putting some together so we could write a song). We didn’t know a song about the Japanese situation was gonna come….the first two lines just sort of ended up on paper and bam, we went from there. Ken stepped in with his Willingness, his Viking-ness, and his Excellence to make the music REAL, and Annie Mayo Muir added her sweet pipes to really round it all out. THANKS for the listen....and thanks to that sister of mine for arranging/mixing and for those exquisite ohhhhh’s at the end....//marty
March 12, 2011

Far on a distant shore
Stands a man in his grief
Stunned, he looks around at the
Hell beyond belief

Shaking in the cold night
Oh, there’s no relief
Gone in an endless moment
His whole world beneath his feet

Rise up
Rise up
Rise up
Stand and help your brother

Rise up
Rise up
Rise up
People help each other, oh

Fires light the night
Though the blackness is complete
Nation devastated
Thousands crying in the streets

Mothers without babies
Fathers without sons
Laughter has been silenced
Now the mourning has begun

Rise up
Rise up
Rise up
Stand and help your brother

Rise up
Rise up
Rise up
People help each other, oh


Hold on strong/hold onto your spirit
Hold on strong/hold on, don’t let go
Hold on strong/stand and help your brother
Hold on strong/people help each other, oh

Rise up
Rise up
Rise up
And offer your hand

Rise up
Rise up
Rise up
Hold on, don’t let go
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh x
Song Comments

music is truth II
rockin cool girls. and for a good cause to. sweet guitar ,love the slide, great harmonies and nailing the chorus groove. fine vibe

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