About nuclearlabrats
The worlds first ""Broadband Band?"" A duo like XTC - two brothers [ala The Kinks, Oasis, Black Crows, etc.,] who've jammed together since kids formed the band in 1991. Unique in that they continue to create despite this major obsticle: One Rat resides in Washington State while the other remains in Southern California. They do their composing and collaborating and even jamming via an internet connection. Using Ninjam and Shoutcast, bouncing streaming music back and forth, creating rock and roll long distance. Instant messaging instead of talking, writing music together without being in the same state let alone same recording studio.

We don't know how many other artists are doing it this way so as far as we can tell The Nuclear LabRats are breaking new ground in how they utilize technology in making music.

They've come a long way since actaully residing within a recording studio in Anaheim, California in 1991 complete with psychedelic gecko painted walls and termite art ""trees"" growing in between the glass which separates the control room from the main area. Now they're just humans with wives and children living the surburban middle class life, slaves to their day jobs.

< Nevertheless their desire to write, compose, perform, and share their unique art continues to this very minute. Somehow they make time to make the muse. We're glad they do.

The Nuclear LabRats may have practically invented a new genre: TopRock (Topical Rock). Simply view the lyrics to ""Church And State"" ""Turbin Bomb"" or ""Casino"" and you immediately notice they're not afraid to breach the social rule of never discussing politics or religion in mixed company.

However, the light nonsensical lyrics of ""Hand Made"" and ""Watching The Grass Grow"" and ""Carpet Ride"" with boyish vocals reaching searing heights clearly reveal their psychedelic rock roots.

Although comparisons to The Flaming Lips have been made by industry peers, this is downplayed by The Rats who say they would never claim such degree of talent. As Rat one puts it ""ya, in our dreams, come on, get real.""

But you really cannot hang a sign on them which would confine them to one sound. The song ""New Day (For Mary)"" smacks of early Pink Floyd. Yet ""When I Was A Boy"" sounds alot like something from Tom Petty.

The vast range is likely due in large part to the Rats age gap of some 9 years. Rat one digs the late 60's to early 70's US and Brit influences and are clearly audible. The younger Rat 2 is primarily the hard rocking distorted guitar head banger type also prevelant in most of their work.

Cat Blair - Chemistry Set Records

Anti-politically correct space rocker with industrial goth tint which is topical with what's happening in the middle east

Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

Irony of how both are actually inseperable and damanging and more harm than good fill the history books

Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

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4/18/2007 2:50:30 AM
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Last logged in: 6/10/2013 7:37:11 PM         Pageviews:  9252
Cat Very cool 'Rats! Nice to see you're getting a little web presence going on. Rock it!
Lizzy Oh another place I've found to STALK you! Luv, Lizzy
The New Guinea Pigs Wow. We wish we could jam with you some time
Broker D Happy New Year You Rats
Torn Memory Please check out our sounds and let us know what you think!
Polonium2ten Shout! Happy new year man
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3/28/2014 7:09:34 PM
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The Nuclear Labrats