I am a recording artist of 20 years who is nearing the completion of my debut EP.

Talk To Mary

Indie Rock

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11/22/2014 2:20:23 PM
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11/3/2014 7:30:58 AM
Snail speed recording for this upcoming album. A few tracks to do before I can send it off to production. New track Talk To Mary is now available to listen. Thanks to my loyal supporters of eYe Radio. Peace


9/26/2013 12:27:51 PM
Hello all
I have just uploaded my first finished song from new album
it is called Ms. Understanding. Please take a few minutes to have a listen


11/14/2011 3:50:17 PM
Good day sirs and maams!

Heading back into the studio in about a month to continue on with follow up album to Songs From Apartment 4 with Lovesick.
I am both excited and nervous as I want to make this my best to date. Hope all of you is well and please keep checking in for demo releases as I upload them.




8/14/2011 9:06:45 AM
Hello friends.
Trux has just pre-released a new song The Path for those who wish to take a listen.
This is one of the songs that will be featured on the upcoming album Lovesick. Release date of album is undetermined.
Thank you :)


11/16/2009 2:53:08 AM
Songs From Apartment 4 is selling very well. Just working on some promotion and being looked at by a few medai production agencies.
New music in the works.


4/13/2009 7:59:42 PM
Hello all

Keeping your nose in my business....I am expecting to be finished my debut album by mid June.
Periodically, I will be adding new songs for you to listen to. They are still in a rather modest form of pre-production however, they are good enough, in my opinion, to be reviewed.

Take care


Ben Elliot

3/26/2008 6:20:45 AM
hey, thanks for the comment, look forward to seeing the video


3/26/2008 5:29:52 AM
Hello all!

Just wanted to let those of you who check in from time to time that I am in the middle of editing my first ever full length video.
Hope And A Kite has been receiving overwhelming attention from various websites and from that, I decided to bring to life visually.
I will be releasing it on YouTube to start and hopefully abroad wherever the wind takes it.
Thanks to everyone who supports independent music and for all the kind words about my songs.

Take care



6/28/2007 7:22:11 PM
hello there...whomever you may be.
i just thought that i would keep you up to date on my whereabouts and progress on my forthcoming debut album " LISTEN "

I am currently recording and mixing two songs entitled Hope And A Kite and What Are You Waiting For?
these two particular songs are nearing completion and will be on my site here and at myspace.com/truxxurt to listen to in the very near future.

thanks for stopping by, peace!



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* Congratulations! Your song 'Let Down Girl' is now #15 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'Let Down Girl' is now #13 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Your song 'Let Down Girl' has just been added to eYe station!
* Your song 'Mend' has just been added to eYe station!
* Your song 'The Path' has just been added to MUSIC IS TRUTH station!
IAC Your song 'Ms.Understanding' has just been added to songs for strange days station!
IAC Your song 'Talk To Mary' has just been added to eYe station!
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