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Growing up in Australia and other exotic South Pacific locales such as Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands gave singer/songwriter, Alana Natalie Sowman, the opportunity to learn from and embrace a variety of cultures which have come to influence her emotive musical style.

Alana was always a “closet musician” who enjoyed playing the piano and even writing music as a child. She began working in the music industry in Australia as a recording engineer before deciding to continue her trek around the globe. The souvenirs of Alana's travels have been the remarkable people and places that inspire her earnest lyrics and dulcet melodies.

Arriving in Washington D.C., Alana entered her public life as a musician-performing in local venues. Her passion led her to produce a self released album titled “‘laud-e-nin-ab-sis”.

Alana’s classic nomadic existence spurned her on to New York where she scored and performed music for an off-Broadway play, “Phoebe in Flux.”

Turning her sights westward, Alana landed in Los Angeles (her new adopted home) where she has performed at several well-known venues including Genghis Cohen, Highland Grounds, Kulak’s Woodshed, and Room 5. She is also known to host legendary barbeques on her cozy rooftop terrace where you will find a gang of well established musicians jamming under the stars.

During a trip back to visit family in Australia, Alana recorded tracks at Sony Music Studios; and is working on a new album. She was recently invited to write an original song for an upcoming feature film, “Three Days in Dublin” which is set to start shooting in Ireland in the Fall.

When asked which musicians she has admired along the way – Elton John and Joan Armitrading quickly popped to mind.

Alana picked up her first guitar quite by chance, “My boyfriend at the time was a singer/songwriter and I just picked up his guitar one day when he was at work.” Now, for Alana, songwriting is like solving a puzzle, “I just let it come to me, and when I’ve found it then it’s cool.” Songwriting has become the filter through which she sees life.

Alana’s performances remain about the audience, “I want them to find that it means something to them.” Whether she is examining her own soul or examining the condition of the world her honest, soulful delivery engages the listener in a journey through the rich layers of her melodies.

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Loren DiGiorgi

8/22/2007 8:48:34 PM
"Grey."......great tune!



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Last logged in: 7/9/2009 4:58:44 PM         Pageviews:  13889
brian booth/serendipity Delighted to add The Chasm - especially liked the guitar in the background
Marc Hi ! Alana, I added CHASM on Up to the light station !
Brian (again) my pleasure, glad you're posting the lyrics, you have a unique story behind that song and a lot of us will appreciate having the words
stag chasm to "old folks"...nice folk/folk pop...staggerlee
Paul Germana Added chasm to myKIAC. Good song.
Brian Booth/Serendipity Hello - this is a new station, in which I'm asking artists who've been on serendipity stations to nominate one of their songs, new or old, for inclusion, with a brief review of what you like about it. Hope you can join in
Brian Now we are ten.. please follow this new link, I've been a bit blown away by the response
Chris Eaglehead says I added you to our wednesday station instead - hope u dont mind being one of our wednesday girls? best wishes :)
Johannes Hi Alana - I took you on two stations: Chief He Who Speaks In Silence and the brandnew Troubled Minds I. Hope you like 'em. Peace - Johannes.
Alana Certainly appreciate the support! Many thanks Johannes. Alana.
Johannes Hi, you're on Troubled Minds I. For Troubled Minds II please suggest a FELLOW ARTIST. Pleas give a clear COMMENT as to WHY this song. Peace, J.
staggerlee hi alan..check out my new song...folkish thing. tx dana
Rich Check it out, Alana...I added it to Hornhead Station:)
Maria & Paul Hello Alana, thank you for your message on our compassion station, adding Breathe now, best wishes :):) xx
Gus. thanks for the page link Alana...cheers gus
Breithablik ( Hall Two ) Hi - I reserved a Chair of Honour for you. Hope you like it. Peace upon you - Johannes.
TheHouseOfTheRisingSun I booked a room for you - hope you like it. If you wanna check out I strongly suggest to leave your room in ruins. Peace upon you - Johannes.
God Does Not Play Dice.. Some defining moments in IAC's ( relatively short ) history. Welcome!
This is Pop? Hey Alana! I added Grey. T%hank you so much.Keep rockin;
Hugo Happy New Year to you, Alana - thanks for stopping by the station - Grey is excellent work...
Heavy Rotation added
Allen You song was added to Got Music? Thanks for the shout.
* Your song 'Grey' has just been added to Radio Head station!
* Your song 'Grey' has just been added to somewhere station!
* Your song 'Clouds' has just been added to Extra! station!
* Your song 'Blindness' has just been added to Spin Doctor Radio station!
* Your song 'Blindness' has just been added to Got Mashed Potatoes station!
* Your song 'The Chasm' has just been added to Groovy Music 10 station!
* Your song 'Grey' has just been added to SuperPuss Funky Feline Radio station!
* Your song 'Grey' has just been added to Five Gems station!
* Your song 'Grey' has just been added to These Were Gems station!
* Your song 'The Chasm' has just been added to Coffeehouse station!
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Msg  Go! 9/11/2023 5:51:46 AM
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