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With song placements on Oprah, Nickelodeon, Mean Girls 2, Barbara Walters, Hyundai Elantra, MLB baseball, Food Network , Degrassi and more Gina Cutillo's new CD The Lover is setting itself up for global domination. Best Up and Coming Singer for 2009, Gina Cutillo is fueling herself with everything it takes to get straight to the top.

Warped Tour 08’ & 09’
With Katy Perry, Gym Class Heroes & more...

Remember You
As heard on Oprah, nickelodeon and more..

Pop Rock

So Easy
AS heard on Degrassi - Season Premiere

Pop Rock

Let's Just Go! Radio Edit


New You

dance pop

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4/3/2007 6:37:28 PM
Way to rock!



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Last logged in: 9/24/2012 2:02:19 PM         Pageviews:  28572
* Congratulations! Your song 'Mi Amor' is now #11 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Your song 'Change My Mind' has just been added to Workout Mix station!
* Congratulations! Your song 'Mi Amor' is now #10 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Your song 'Change My Mind' has just been added to Regina C Radio Station station!
* Your song 'Change My Mind' has just been added to Othello station!
* Your song 'Change My Mind' has just been added to FtB Favorites station!
* Your song 'Change My Mind' has just been added to Five Gems station!
* Your song 'Love in a Frame Captured' has just been added to KIAC Platinum Hits station!
* Your song 'Voices Carry (licensed cover)' has just been added to Fem til Danmark station!
* Your song 'Voices Carry (licensed cover)' has just been added to Variegation station!
* Your song 'Voices Carry (licensed cover)' has just been added to 3 months ago station!
* Your song 'Voices Carry (licensed cover)' has just been added to 6 months ago station!
* Your song 'Voices Carry (licensed cover)' has just been added to Five Gems station!
* Your song 'Mi Amor' has just been added to Five Gems station!
* Your song 'Love in a Frame Captured' has just been added to Alternative Pop Rock station!
* Your song 'Voices Carry (licensed cover)' has just been added to [ ( { -DYNAMIC- } ) ] station!
* Your song 'Love in a Frame Captured' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
Stacey Wicked band - great stuff!
* Your song 'Change My Mind' has just been added to Choice Tunes station!
* Your song 'Voices Carry (licensed cover)' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'Go On and Get It' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'Change My Mind' has just been added to Ray Porters Top Female Artists Of 2008 station!
* Your song 'Go On and Get It' has just been added to Ray Porters Top Female Artists Of 2008 station!
* Your song 'Change My Mind' has just been added to Raymond Porters Top Female Artists 2008 station!
* Your song 'Voices Carry (licensed cover)' has just been added to Larree's Harem station!
* Your song 'Let's Just Go! Radio Edit' has just been added to Diane's Place station!
* Your song 'Let's Just Go! Radio Edit' has just been added to This Just In station!
* Your song 'Remember You' has just been added to Heavy Rotation station!
* Your song 'So Easy' has just been added to Acid Rain station!
* Your song 'New You' has just been added to Extra! station!
* Your song 'New You' has just been added to Dance station!
* Your song 'Let's Just Go! Radio Edit' has just been added to Alternative Pop Rock station!
* Your song 'Remember You' has just been added to Pop station!
* Your song 'So Easy' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'So Easy' has just been added to Alternative Modern Rock station!
* Your song 'New You' has just been added to Alizarine FM station!
* Your song 'So Easy' has just been added to New and Notable station!
* Your song 'Let's Just Go! Radio Edit' has just been added to Render Unto Little Caesar station!
* Your song 'Let's Just Go! Radio Edit' has just been added to Back in Black station!
* Your song 'So Easy' has just been added to Auf der gleichen Wellenlänge station!
* Your song 'So Easy' has just been added to Nice Vocals station!
* Your song 'So Easy' has just been added to Short Attention Span Radio station!
* Your song 'Let's Just Go! Radio Edit' has just been added to Calling All Angels station!
* Your song 'New You' has just been added to Radio Jones station!
* Your song 'So Easy' has just been added to bENZENE fILTER station!
* Your song 'New You' has just been added to Ray's Selections station!
IMP Your song 'So Easy' has just been added to Faces station!
IMP Your song 'So Easy' has just been added to DEMOISELLES station!
IMP Your song 'Let's Just Go! Radio Edit' has just been added to DEMOISELLES station!
IMP Your song 'Remember You' has just been added to DEMOISELLES station!
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New CD The Lover has been signed to APM licensing. With that signing there has been tons of song placements are major networks, commercials and film. Here are some placements:

Oprah (her whole promotional campaign for OWN),
Nickelodeon (cruise commercial & various shows),
Mean Girls 2,
Barbara Walters (Jersey Shore segment),
Hyundai Elantra,
MLB baseball,
Food Network (various shows-Giada, Martha, Food Challenge, Amazing Cakes, & more),
Soap Channel,
40 Most shocking break-ups,
PGA tour

and so much more

Auf der gleichen Wellenlänge
Render Unto Little Caesar
Nice Vocals
This Just In
DEMOISELLES FM - a Desperado Revue stn
New and Notable
Diane's Place
Acid Rain
Calling All Angels
Short Attention Span Radio
Heavy Rotation Archive
Ray's Selections
Hitline Archive
Alternative Pop Rock

2/3/2012 8:36:24 PM
Last pageview at: 3/7/2025 8:10:01 PM
Pageviews: 28572

Gina Cutillo