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Andrew Larkin (POP): Vocals
Eliot Poulter (Old School): Guitars
Kane Dalton: Drums
Keith (The Beef) Hodge: Rhythm Guitar
Matt Payne (Doc) : Bass Guitar

"Liquor In The Front / Poker 'Round The Back"

Produced by: Alan Labiner
Chief Engineer: Joe Brancato

Studio Sessions / Guest Musicians:
Bass Guitar: Kenny Colgate, Alan Labiner
Drums: Fabio Amato, Kat Pretto

Recorded with LOVE in:

Royersford, PA / Brooklyn, NYC / USA

Release: JUNE 2009


Never give up on what you believe in.
Think about what you want.
Reach out and grab it, hold it tight, and never let it go.
You never know when you'll be able to realise it again.

Your dreams determine you and everything about you.

Keep the dreams alive and


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Kenny Colgate
General Partner

We dedicate this record to the Independent Artists Company.

IAC was directly responsible for bringing together
the creative musical forces that have transpired from these recordings.

Not your song
C 2008 Poulter From the CD "Liquor in the Front / Poker 'Round the Back" Produced by ALAN LABINER Andy Larkin (Vocals) Eliot Poulter (Guitars) Kenny Colgate (Bass) Fabio Amato (Drums) Release: June 2009 Romulus X Records "Spread The Love"


Brain Machine
C 2008 Larkin / Poulter / Obie
From the CD "Liquor in the Front / Poker 'Round the Back"
Produced by ALAN LABINER
Andy Larkin (Vocals)
Eliot Poulter (Guitars)
Kenny Colgate (Bass)
Fabio Amato (Drums)
Release: June 2009
Romulus X Records
"Spread The Love"

Hard Alternative

Ode to Louie
C 2008 Larkin / Poulter
From the CD "Liquor in the Front / Poker 'Round the Back"
Produced by ALAN LABINER
Andy Larkin (Vocals)
Eliot Poulter (Guitars)
Kenny Colgate (Bass)
Fabio Amato (Drums)
Release: June 2009
Romulus X Records
"Spread The Love"


if's and butts
C 2008 Poulter From the CD "Liquor in the Front / Poker 'Round the Back" Produced by ALAN LABINER Andy Larkin (Vocals) Eliot Poulter (Guitars) Kenny Colgate (Bass) Kat Pretto (Drums) Release: June 2009 Romulus X Records "Spread The Love"


C 2008 Poulter From the CD "Liquor in the Front / Poker 'Round the Back" Produced by ALAN LABINER Andy Larkin (Vocals) Eliot Poulter (Guitars) Kenny Colgate (Bass) Fabio Amato (Drums) Release: June 2009 Romulus X Records "Spread The Love"


Smug You Are
C 2008 Larkin / Poulter / Obie
From the CD "Liquor in the Front / Poker 'Round the Back"
Produced by ALAN LABINER
Andy Larkin (Vocals)
Eliot Poulter (Guitars)
Kenny Colgate (Bass)
Fabio Amato (Drums)
Release: June 2009
Romulus X Records
"Spread The Love"

Hard Alternative

C 2008 Larkin / Poulter From the CD "Liquor in the Front / Poker 'Round the Back" Produced by ALAN LABINER Andy Larkin (Vocals) Eliot Poulter (Guitars) Kenny Colgate (Bass) Fabio Amato (Drums) Release: June 2009 Romulus X Records "Spread The Love"


(Fuck Fuck) I've Got a Mental

C 2008 Larkin / Poulter / Obie
From the CD "Liquor in the Front / Poker 'Round the Back"
Produced by ALAN LABINER
Andy Larkin (Vocals)
Eliot Poulter (Guitars)
Kenny Colgate (Bass)
Fabio Amato (Drums)
Release: June 2009
Romulus X Records
"Spread The Love

Grunge Rock

Question My Judgements
C 2008 Larkin / Poulter
From the CD "Liquor in the Front / Poker 'Round the Back"
Produced by ALAN LABINER
Andy Larkin (Vocals)
Eliot Poulter (Guitars)
Kenny Colgate (Bass)
Kat Pretto (Drums)
Release: June 2009
Romulus X Records
"Spread The Love"

Hard Alternative

Twinkle Twinkle
From the CD "Liquor in the Front / Poker 'Round the Back"
Produced by ALAN LABINER
Andy Larkin (Vocals)
Eliot Poulter (Guitars)
Kenny Colgate (Bass)
Kat Pretto (Drums)
Release: June 2009
Romulus X Records
"Spread The Love"

Hard Alternative

Be myself
C 2008 Larkin / Poulter From the CD "Liquor in the Front / Poker 'Round the Back" Produced by ALAN LABINER Andy Larkin (Vocals) Eliot Poulter (Guitars) Kenny Colgate (Bass) Fabio Amato (Drums) Release: June 2009 Romulus X Records "Spread The Love"


Dead quiet
C 2008 Larkin / Poulter From the CD "Liquor in the Front / Poker 'Round the Back" Produced by ALAN LABINER Andy Larkin (Vocals) Release: June 2009 Romulus X Records "Spread The Love"


187 Bitch slap
a quick demo of some new material

Hard Alternative

a quick demo of a new song we have been playing lately

Hard Alternative

DMD Compact Disc Online
Liquor in the front, Poker round the back

Alternative  info  

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5/5/2023 8:55:09 PM
credible login


3/23/2023 4:10:28 AM
A product recall is the process by which a company takes action due to safety or quality concerns. We are offering you to get [url=]Microsoft Dynamics partner[/url] and learn things related your Dynamics shaps. A company may issue a product recall after somebody finds an issue with the product and it is determined that there is an issue that needs to be fixed before the customer can continue to use or consume the item.


3/1/2023 12:18:56 AM
side eye dog

Duane Flock

1/31/2010 12:00:33 PM
Got my copy of Liquor In The Front/Poker Round The Back last friday.
This collection of great tunes was well worth the wait!! I listened to it all day Saturday and added some tunes to my Droid phone for an occasional Product Recall fix. Plus, I can lay it on a few of my friends’ ears too.
I always enjoy tunes that stand out musically and are a cut above the norm. It has great chord progressions and well placed riffs. Cool dynamics with starts and stops along with ups and downs. Good production and of course band chemistry are big factors. This CD has all of these things going for it. I’d recommend this CD to anyone that likes hard hitting in your face ROCK!

I made a copy for my daughter to take to a party. Without an explanation she added Liquor/Poker to the 5-disc CD player for the evenings tunes. Note that this CD changer was set to “random” so there was a mixture of songs. As the evening progressed, a couple of the songs had played and people started to ask “who was this group? This is cool stuff!” My daughter filled them in about Product Recall and they all decided to listen to the CD while playing beer pong.
Soon a lot of dancing in place, footstompin’, arm swinging, and head bobbin’ took place.
“Bad-ass tunage”…… AJ
“Different and Refreshing”…….. Tim (that could have been the beer too)
“Could easily be a top band in this area”………. Ralphie
“I hear a touch of early Nirvana in that one”…. (Smug You Are)…… Amber

To say the least, a good time was had by all and a lot more fans were made!
Great Job Product Recall! May you be at everyone’s party!



12/31/2009 11:30:38 AM
Happy New Year PR!

All the best for 2010!



11/22/2009 6:55:19 AM

YEAH, THAT's what I'm talkin' 'bout Duane!!!

Support for artists who wanna make a FUTURE for indie/underground music, and on a SMALLER scale....IAC too.

- And SCHOOL, give Duane Flock's music a LISTEN. A couple of his TUNES, are amongst my pHAVOURITE on IAC. Not shittin' you man.

He's good people, and a badass musician/artist/songwriter, in his OWN right!

Duane Flock

11/19/2009 6:54:25 PM
Hey guys,
Just bought the CD to help out Phlemmy's cause. Guess they'll send me a link or a CD in the mail.


Conversation Suicide

5/17/2009 12:30:32 PM
DOH!!!!! I just looked at yer page again, and read my last comment.

NOW I know why you so easily remembered my wife's Birthday & Anniversary.

What a DUMB fuck I can be.

Durrrrrr.... FUCK FUCK I've Got a MENTAL !@!@!!!@#!!!!!@#!@&&^%#@$

Conversation Suicide

3/30/2009 4:55:26 AM
urrr.... Crazy mo' fo' here ... just lettin' you know, we're STILL lookin' at early MAY (for Princezzz birthday on MAY 1st & our 4 year wedding Anniversary on MAY 7th....)

BUT, as soon as the dates are more set in stone, I'll let you know.... The Princezzz and Phlegm British Invasion Should be BEFORE you take off for the US New York tour....


2/22/2009 3:34:47 PM
No worries, we flit in and out as well!

M25 North then A41 West from Epsom to us!


Conversation Suicide

2/13/2009 12:50:01 AM
Uh.... guyz THE CODE is a pretty cool UK band, and they're tryin' to get your attention. Their one of my FAVs on IAC !

So wha's up School? -pHLeGm


1/7/2009 8:36:01 AM
Hi Chaps - we are based in NW Hertfordshire!

Not too far away!?


1/5/2009 1:50:16 PM
Hey Guy's - could be a time for a catch up!

We are not so far away!


Conversation Suicide

10/27/2008 5:51:34 AM
Don't know if y'all check this page much.

BUT< I'll leave a comment HERE & on PUNKRockers.COM...

I'm gonna be in London, England November 30th-December 6th with my wife Princezzz.

Would love to somehow meet up with you, by train or somesuch, and drink down a few pints in a pub, or check out some Live Original music with y'all.

-hit me back with a comment & we'll work out the details from there...

or just call me at 520-546-4522, if the idea works for ya -pHLeGm

Conversation Suicide

9/9/2008 1:53:52 AM
Hells Yeah! Y'all fuckin' ROCK.... You were the FIRST band to make me PROUD to soon be on Romulus X Records with y'all....

-pHLeGm of CoNvERsAtiOn SuiCiDE



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Leicester Leicestershire England
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Last logged in: 7/18/2011 2:19:05 AM         Pageviews:  64650
I trust in School and so, I sent you rare, as yet unreleased, bran new tune for the SIDE project you will DIG....Let me know what you think. I know it needs more balls, but these guyz who layed down the best example track with me, turned out to be MAJOR pussys. Honestly.
* Your song 'Twinkle Twinkle' has just been added to NTP Venue Contests station!
OI -- it's Wanker-Man again. Wha's up slick?
* Your song 'Breeders' has just been added to Phlegm Phavorites station!
Welcome to Phlegm Phavourites again, mates !!
wakereee wakey....eggs and bake-eeeee
blaaaaaarrrrrrghghhggggh music and spreadin' the love, and shit like that.
fuck I've got a mental, man.
* Your song 'Dead quiet' has just been added to Phlegm Phavorites overPhlow station!
* Your song 'Dead quiet' has just been added to REAL HARD Alternative station!
* Your song 'if's and butts' has just been added to Phlegm Phavorites station!
* Your song 'if's and butts' has just been added to Phlegm Phavorites station!
* Your song 'Be myself' has just been added to Phlegm Phavorites overPhlow station!
yup. you're now dominati pHLeGm pHaVouRites OverpHLow.... yeahhhhh boyeeeeee !! -pHLeGm
yo school It's AsShOLe.... what the FUCK is up?
* Your song 'Dead quiet' has just been added to LIve and Lo-Fi a la pHLegm station!
* Your song 'if's and butts' has just been added to REAL HARD Alternative station!
* Your song 'Breeders' has just been added to Rock Quotes station!
"We're BREEDERS !!!!" Tum-ta-tum-ta..... wha's up?
just put 100 dollars towards the ENGLAND fund. CHECK your fuckin' AMAZON acct, biaaaatch....!!! -pHuCkin' pHLeGm
Yup. A Wanker from the U.S. donated 100 american dollars.....filthy Lucre !!!!
y'all --=== : - }
* Your song 'Not your song' has just been added to Flock Of Tunes station!
* Your song 'Be myself' has just been added to PHIFTY PHLEGM PHAVORITES station!
* Your song 'Breeders' has just been added to PHIFTY PHLEGM PHAVORITES station!
a musician fan who's getting the word out and spreadin' the fuckin' LOVE, is worth a thousand regular fans.
* Your song 'Not your song' has just been added to IAC Request Line Station = 520-546-4522 station!
* Your song 'if's and butts' has just been added to PHIFTY PHLEGM PHAVORITES station!
s'not a joke just need a goddamn MIRACLE, so's I can get there before the end of 2010....
* Your song 'Smug You Are' has just been added to IAC Request Line Station = 520-546-4522 station!
Oi ! mate....
* Your song '(Fuck Fuck) I've Got a Mental' has just been added to Who the fuck do you think U R, a STAR?! station!
* Your song 'if's and butts' has just been added to Kung Fu Indie station!
* Your song '(Fuck Fuck) I've Got a Mental' has just been added to KCUF station!
* Your song 'Not your song' has just been added to SqurlyMurly station!
IMP Your song '(Fuck Fuck) I've Got a Mental' has just been added to BEARD OF KNOWLEDGE station!
IMP Your song 'Question My Judgements' has just been added to ? station!
IMP Your song '(Fuck Fuck) I've Got a Mental' has just been added to KCUF station!
IMP Your song 'Question My Judgements' has just been added to IRON Radio Desperado station!
IMP Your song 'Question My Judgements' has just been added to TOUGH Radio Desperado station!
IMP Your song 'if's and butts' has just been added to OTHER FM - A Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Ode to Louie' has just been added to TOUGH FM - A Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Twinkle Twinkle' has just been added to TOUGH FM - A Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song '(Fuck Fuck) I've Got a Mental' has just been added to TOUGH FM - A Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Not your song' has just been added to ANOTHER FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song '(Fuck Fuck) I've Got a Mental' has just been added to STORM FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Question My Judgements' has just been added to STORM FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Ode to Louie' has just been added to STORM FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Smug You Are' has just been added to STORM FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Brain Machine' has just been added to STORM FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
Name       Link
Msg  Go!

Sometimes you can listen to a song on the radio and think, ""what the fuck, how did they....."" We all got a bit pissed about this and thought sweet jesus we can do this, we can do this better. so after scratching our arses for a bit, we started to find our honesty, we started to find our ideas of what music is, we started to understand how music should make you feel.
Not because of what we're told and heard but what we felt was right. and you know, we can write better than those pretty shits, we can convey our deeper self in three chords and a scream. Damn it I am better than you. We are better than you, We are the Product Recall, Don't believe the price!!!!

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SCHOOL, Mr. Burns, POP
In the USA...
Brought to YOU by IAC!

We are the PRODUCT RECALL from the heartland of England, Leicester. Our music is a hard hitting cross between Metal and Punk and we have been told on several occasions that we are re-defining British Grunge... You know Britain never had a grunge scene... Recently our music has been likened to that of early Nirvana (not in a musical sense). Confused? Well we feel just as rock starts to get old obvious and stale something new comes along with fresh ideas and regenerates passion for the rock scene again... Well apparently thats us... the pioneers of the new frontier.

At the moment the band is busy getting ready for our up and coming debut release on Romulus X Records... "Liquor in the Front / Poker round the Back" And teaching Leicester how to rock hard.

PRODUCT RECALL has one goal...... To give the music industry a kick up the arse and there is nothing they can do about it!!! Standing side by side with Romulus X Records we will take this war to their front door and we will not stop until it is kicked down and the fight is won.

POP (Andrew Larkin / Vocals) and OLD SCHOOL (Eliot Poulter / Guitars) began recording their debut CD with Producer ALAN LABINER and Assistant Engineer JOE BRANCATO on Friday September 14th. There will be a few SURPRISE GUEST MUSICIANS on the recordings as POP and OLD SCHOOL have decided they want an ALL AMERICAN lineup backing them as they record their songs. PRODUCT RECALL is about to create the Punk MUSCLE that will be the first in a long line of Artists in that musical genre building The New Republic.

Please sit back and enjoy the few tunes on here. Let us know if you enjoy them or not. If you you'd like to book us, we're FUCKING AWESOME. Just get in contact with us all the same.

Keep the dreams alive and Spread the Love

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Phlegm Phavorites overPhlow
Indigo Station
STORM FM - a Desperado Revue station
Station Blue
Indie sound of America and beyond
Hit Beast
E Nox Noise
Kung Fu Indie
Borderline Spectacular
REAL HARD Alternative
OTHER FM - a Desperado Revue station
Mob Rules
thebernreuter - all request
SMASH deux
Phlegm's Phone-in Request Line
LIve and Lo-Fi a la pHLegm
Mighty Jerkules Approved
Phlegm Phavorites
men men men men
harder than dark
fast rokkas
Internet Colaborations
ANOTHER FM - a Desperado Revue station

Station Links
THIS   its not my fault they have good taste
Short Attention Span Radio  
Rock Monkey's  
I Like Strange. ~M~  
The Demonstration Station  
Page Links
The Wizard X   good people
L7   they make my shit list
The Bloody Irish Boys   good honest irish/punk
Dr Terribol  
Rockstars Glued Radio  
Conversation Suicide   pure genius
Conversation Suicide   Personally i love conversation suicide i love their energy their passion and their honesty, real ballsy music with a pure heart
Phlegm   Phlegm, one of my favoure people on this here site, a massive musical talent and a real nice guy
Rancid   One of my all time favourite bands a band that has kept its honesty through out, they have influenced me in oh so many ways, not enough superbatives to describe them
KENNY COLGATE   Kenny Colgate, an inspiration a joy a wonderful person and a great mentor. I Love you Kenny colgate
NOFX   Another huge influence on me, not just in their music but their ethics too, a band that cant do any wrong

5/6/2023 1:55:24 AM
Last pageview at: 2/18/2025 4:12:17 PM
Pageviews: 64650

Product Recall