* Your song 'I Never Knew' has just been added to Raymond Porters New Songs Station station!
* Your song 'I Never Knew' has just been added to Raymond Porters New Song Of The Day station!
* Your song 'I Never Knew' has just been added to Easy Listening station!
* Your song 'I Never Knew' has just been added to All The Best station!
* Your song 'Let Myself be Free' has just been added to Private Stock station!
* Your song 'Let Myself be Free' has just been added to ^^Moods For All Seasons^^ station!
* Your song 'Let Myself be Free' has just been added to Six Senses Overtime station!
* Your song 'Haunt You Every Night' has just been added to Lonesome Wolf Radio station!
* Your song 'Yes Girl' has just been added to Raymond Porters New Songs Station station!
* Your song 'Until' has just been added to Raymond Porters New Songs Station station!
* Your song 'Greed for the Money' has just been added to Raymond Porters Weekly Playlist station!
* Your song 'Maybe I can let You go Again' has just been added to Texas Willie's New Releases station!
* Your song 'Breakin Loose' has just been added to Words and Music Gets The Blues station!
* Your song 'Greed for the Money' has just been added to THE ECONOMY IS FUNDAMENTALLY SOUND station!
* Your song 'Maybe I can let You go Again' has just been added to Darren Rhodes Country station!
* Your song 'Dont Look Back' has just been added to Onestreamer 12 station!
* Your song 'Breakin Loose' has just been added to KIAC Wave Country station!
* Your song 'Brand New Friend' has just been added to Bonanza station!
* Your song 'Summer Ballad in G' has just been added to WHERE THE MIGHTY RIVERS MEET station!
* Your song 'Ghostly Traces' has just been added to Easy Listening station!
* Your song 'Greed for the Money' has just been added to WARRIORS FOR CHANGE station!
* Your song 'BowLegged Nora (plays mando to a lonely man)' has just been added to Bowlegged Nora Radio station!
* Your song 'Again this Time' has just been added to Bowlegged Nora Radio station!
* Your song 'You Say You Love Me' has just been added to Bowlegged Nora Radio station!
* Your song 'Dreamer' has just been added to Bowlegged Nora Radio station!
* Your song 'Together Forever' has just been added to Bowlegged Nora Radio station!
* Your song 'Ghostly Traces' has just been added to Bowlegged Nora Radio station!
* Your song 'Greed for the Money' has just been added to Bowlegged Nora Radio station!
* Your song 'Dont Look Back' has just been added to Bowlegged Nora Radio station!
* Your song 'I Never Knew' has just been added to Bowlegged Nora Radio station!
* Your song 'Let Myself be Free' has just been added to Bowlegged Nora Radio station!
* Your song 'What can I do or Say' has just been added to Bowlegged Nora Radio station!
* Your song 'Haunt You Every Night' has just been added to Bowlegged Nora Radio station!
* Your song 'What can I do or Say' has just been added to Radio ONE station!
* Your song 'Again this Time' has just been added to Radio ONE station!
* Your song 'This ain't Love' has just been added to Aira Winterland folk rock station!
* Your song 'Greed for the Money' has just been added to Airport station!
* Your song 'Ghostly Traces' has just been added to THE NOBODIES CURSE! station!
* Your song 'Again this Time' has just been added to The Gatekeeper station!
IAC Your song 'Greed for the Money' has just been added to INDIE SPIRIT station!
IAC Your song 'Dreamer' has just been added to MUSIC IS TRUTH station!
IAC Your song 'Ghostly Traces' has just been added to Mystery Radio station!
IAC Your song 'Ghostly Traces' has just been added to eYe station!
IAC Your song 'Let Myself be Free' has just been added to LAID BACK LIFE station!
* Your song 'Dreamer' has just been added to eYe station!
IMP Your song 'Dont Look Back' has just been added to COZY FM - A Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'I Never Knew' has just been added to COZY FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Again this Time' has just been added to HONKY FM - a Desperado Revue Station station!
IMP Your song 'BowLegged Nora (plays mando to a lonely man)' has just been added to RANCH FM - a Desperado Revue Station station!
IMP Your song 'Haunt You Every Night' has just been added to RANCH FM - a Desperado Revue Station station!