If you'd like to contact me, please use the "ARTIST MAIL" link under my photo to the right ====> Welcome to my page...I hope you'll enjoy a listen to a song or two... All proceeds - 100% - from download sales of "The Slainte Song" will joyfully be sent to www.CultivatingCommunity.orgHUGH HAMILTON is a stay-at-home father of three who has rather obsessive-compulsively been equipping his home studio over the last few years, spending more time learning how to use gear than writing songs...MOST of what you hear on this page was done one-man-band style, but we acknowledge with gratitude the drumming of Dean Clean on a number of songs.
Welcome to my page...I hope you'll enjoy a listen to a song or two...
All proceeds - 100% - from download sales of "The Slainte Song" will joyfully be sent to www.CultivatingCommunity.org
HUGH HAMILTON is a stay-at-home father of three who has rather obsessive-compulsively been equipping his home studio over the last few years, spending more time learning how to use gear than writing songs...MOST of what you hear on this page was done one-man-band style, but we acknowledge with gratitude the drumming of Dean Clean on a number of songs.
Rainfall Fingerpicking acoustic guitar instrumental inspired by the likes of John Lennon, James Taylor and Andrew Chalfen; tuned DADF#AC# and capo on fourth fret.
Too Sad To Cry The garden of love is thick with thorns...beware...
Are You (A Believer)? 3 May, 2008 - BRAND NEW TODAY - wrote this and recorded it this very morning. A song about the worst kind of hypocrites...started off calling this "Are YOU?" Trying the new title on for size.
Ukulele Odyssey (Take 1) 13 May, 2008: Written and recorded after blogging here this morning (see my blog "Sing to me, O Muse...")
Little Old Man (starring M. Ace) Hugo engineers the drum/percussion work and plays only "crockery percussion" on this one - writing, singing and guitar playing by M. Ace (see www.ookworld.com) and drums (and maybe some crockery) by Dean Sabatino.
Don't Hide Your Love (Live Duet with Dick Aven) 6 July, 2008: This was one of the things we tried on our first day here at my studio...we played and sang live to one mic - Dick plays flute, I play uke...
L.O.V.E. (Duet with Dick Aven) 8 July, 2008 - BRAND NEW, RECORDED TODAY!!! - Banjo and Sax - and an AMAZING sax performance from Mr. Aven - check it out!
Some People Aug 29, 2008: Wrote and recorded this just now. This is NOT about folks who adopt one or more personae for benign entertainment purposes. This is about folks who are either fearful or hiding something; unwilling to own up publicly to their thoughts or feelings; folks who lampoon or ridicule others from behind the veil of anonymity.
Sand Castles (The Hurricane's Coming) 6 Sept., 2008: Conceived and demo'ed this morning. Go ahead - build your mansion on the sand and see what happens...
We Cannot Have Tomorrow
I'll See You In My Dreams (duet) Your grandma should know... Licensed Cover
We Cannot Have Tomorrow (duet) Featuring Dick Aven on baritone sax. Yeah, Man...
Don't Hide Your Love 28 April, 2008: Bought a new uke and a cajon a few days ago...here they are in their first recordings - a few melodic morsels I had previously worked out, but which lacked lyrics...recorded this morning, after checking the IAC blogs...and thus a song is born..
Oh, Leigh Recorded by ERIC LICHTER (who also made about half the noises)...a real quickie...much fun...that's his lead axe in your right speaker, Hugo in your left...and Eric took that picture of me rockin' out with his sweeeeeet Gretsch...
Glen Hill (with Eric Lichter) Recorded with and by Eric Lichter at his Dirt Floor Studios. Compare this to the demo if you like. Groovy...
Tell Me Please. Just tell me THE TRUTH.
What to Do?
At the Cavern I sanded the paint off a '70s Strat, reassembled it, and plugged it in hoping I hadn't wired it wrong and wouldn't blow myself up...played the rhythm guitar track on this, making it up on the spot and not intending to do anything with it. I'd like to say the lead came just as easily, but that took a week of real work. Last thing added were Dean Clean's drums. Things get a little spotty once or twice, but given the way it was done, that's no surprise...still a rockin' bit of fun - shake yer bo
Men of Religion A man gets tired of biting his tongue...
Alcohol Written by Joe Jack Talcum, who also plays harp... Licensed Cover
I Want Pizza (Right NOW!)
Time to Remember
Love Song (band version)
Birthday Song
The Lonesome Road
Our Love
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2/1/2021 3:13:26 PM Hey will always be big fan with a name like Hugh Hamilton far do you see yersel in the full kilt and playing Scottish music. Wie a name like that there is a town called Hamilton in Scotland. I have been there for a rave it was amazing
12/10/2017 7:33:19 AM I'll See You In My Dreams "isn't acting right", Hugh... It Won't Play anymore! -M-
1/19/2017 12:57:48 PM Hope that you and yours are Well and Happy, Hugh. Glad your songs are still here. -M-
10/21/2013 12:45:59 PM yo, what´s up Hugo?
8/26/2012 8:16:40 AM Whassup?
5/30/2012 9:39:12 PM Greetings to one and all. Thanks for having a look and a listen.
11/4/2011 7:07:02 AM I just dropped by to listen and say hello. I wish you and yours the best. Congrats on contributing a song to the "War Child" charitable CD.
5/20/2011 7:25:50 PM hmmmm.... "Hugh Look Familiar" is startin' to sprout WINGS, and kill the CHARTS again, my good man. Currently your REMIX, with guitar & backup vocals by YOU, is charting HIGHER than the original, in the TOP 25 of POP. THANKS for doin' this with me, mang! Hope all is well, and moving forward positively, with your muses, and your li'l world out there in PA. CHEERS to a killa second half of 2011 for ya. Again, Nice Collab work, brutha, the PEOPLE have been listening, and ROCK on with yo' bad se'f ! peace Spread The Love....
4/29/2011 12:41:03 PM hugh hugh hugh, added "oh leigh" to m'music lovers station, and your collabro "you look familiar." Well you do... Hope all's well, and your spring's rockin', rockin' robin...
4/15/2011 9:41:39 AM Beautiful guitar picking on rainfall ,I am a classical/acoustic player so I can relate to your stlye a lot.We'll have to catch more of your songs ,good musicianship .Our music has all differrent mixtures of sounds ,drop by if you can .
4/8/2011 10:35:55 AM Just listened to "We Cannot Have Tomorrow" on the new Satori Station - I am blown away - this is an amazing sound - never heard anything like it ... I would totally download this but I notice you don't have a price tag on it on your profile page - How can I get an Mp3? So beautiful! Dolores
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