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    KIndieMusicPeople &, a venture of Independent Artists Company                   ï¿½2009 Independent Artists Company                              All Rights Reserved
advertise on IndieMusicPeople

We appreciate your interest in advertising on the IndieMusicPeople website! Display ads now run right along with mainstream advertisers. 

DISPLAY ADS  - Dedicated front page-  Will be in columnar (vertical) format, and will be found in the top right column of the page. Media can be jpg, gif,png, or Flash; size 160x600.  The following generic campaigns have been defined for ease of use.


To order Display Ads, email - include the following:

  1. Indicate the date you want your campaign to start.
  2. Specify the url your ad should link to.
  3. Attach graphics in jpg, gif or png format.

STATION PROMO - Run on Stations Homepage and all Station Charts pages, and Station Adds. The station's primary image, and the short description, are used for the ad. Cost: $25 per month. To order, email with your start date, monthly or weekly. Indicate the email account to be invoiced and will bill you.

BI-MONTHLY NEWSLETTER - One insertion in bi-monthly IndieMusicPeople newsletter, $100. Format: text, with link. To order, email  with your start date, number of insertions, text and link. Indicate the PayPal account to be invoiced and IndieMusicPeople will bill you.