Ruslan Moiseev is a professional drummer, composer, songwriter and a bandleader from Russia. Ruslan considers myself as a seeker and sharer of professional knowledge and experience. His interests refuse confinement to category, and having extraordinary will, energy, insatiable enthusiasm and curiosity of life, he is anxious to continually expand my creative capabilities and to explode any limitations.

Ruslan Moiseev is musical college graduate with both longtime studio practicing as a drummer, composer, arranger, and also onstage experience at professional level. Ruslan has authored 5 albums of songs and instrumentals in style of progressive-rock featuring a rock-band together with chamber orchestra, neo-classical pieces (solo-piano works), contemporary jazz/fusion and a few other projects are currently underway.

Silent Hour

Classic and Progressive Rock

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On two consecutive years of 2006-2007 Ruslan Moiseev had been organizing and hosting THE FESTIVAL OF JAZZ AND CONTEMPORARY MUSIC in his home-town of Kaluga (outside of Moscow).

In 2007 Ruslan released his latest solo-album 'Asphalt Armageddon' and co-founded the award-winning prog-hard-rock band TRIBE OF EDEN, based in New York.

Currntly Ruslan Moiseev is working on his next prog-rock album 'Enderphothrone' due to be out in 2009.

3/10/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 3/10/2025 4:31:58 PM
Pageviews: 14518

Ruslan Moiseev