This Band of traditional jazz began its activity at the end of 1981 in the city of Cordoba, Argentina, trying to recreate the style of the first groups of the twenties such as Joe ""King"" Oliver, Clarence Williams, Louis Armstrong, Sam Morgan, Johnny Dodds, ""Jelly Roll"" Morton and others less famous but not less important musically speaking. The Small Jazz Band is formed by teachers of Musical Education who believe in the aesthetic and sentimental value of this genre, maybe the most relevant and influential popular expression of the last century.
From its beginnings this group has performed countless presentations, in all kind of events like didactic concerts, inaugurations of works of government, dinner shows, important commercial presentations, in all kind of concert halls, standing out the following ones:

-Traditional jazz festival of Santa Rosa (La Pampa), every year from 1986, until 2005.
-International Festival of traditional jazz of Mendoza, 1988 and 1989.
-Traditional jazz festival of Rosario (Santa Fe), 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 and 1994.
-National festival of old time jazz of Bahia Blanca, 1993 and 1994.
-Jazzologia (San Martin Theater in Buenos Aires), 1985, 1995, 2001 and 2005.
-Cultural Center City of Buenos Aires, 1986.
-Theatre Payro (Mar del Plata), 1987.
-Hotel Hermitage (Mar del Plata), 1987.
-International meeting of traditional jazz of Cordoba, 1990.
-Alvear Palace Hotel (Buenos Aires), 1990.
-Live broadcast of L.R.A.7 National Radio Cordoba, from 1984 until 2000.
-Concert series "Cordoba today in the art", from 1983 until 2000.
-National Theater festival of Cordoba, 1990.
-Cordoba´s Theatre San Martin. (Main stage), from 1985 until 2005 in diverse events.
-International festival of jazz of Los Angeles (Chile), 1995.
-UTN Avellaneda jazz festival (Buenos Aires), from 2000 until 2005.
-Jazz series of "Jazz Club of Cordoba", 1994, 1995 and 2001.
-Bariloche´s international Jazz festival, 1997.
-International jazz festival of FUSDAI (Cordoba), from 1993 until 2005.
-Jazz meeting in the center (Rio IV - Cordoba), from 1998 until 2005.
-International jazz festival of Santa Fe, 2003.

Between June and September, 1991 the SJB was on tour along numerous stages of Spain located in Madrid, Toledo, Salamanca, Sevilla and other important cities of Spain. In 1992 again they traveled to Europe, but this time to the Federal Republic of Germany. There, they were presented in the most outstanding jazz clubs of Hannover, Berlin, Bremen and other urban centers of cultural importance.
The SJB has recorded three cassettes in Argentina, one recorded live in Hannover (Germany) and a ""CD"" edited by “Redondel” recording company of Buenos Aires, which was released in the middle of 1994. The above mentioned work, called ""Harlem Joys"", is the first compact disk recorded by a jazz band of the interior of Argentina, and it was nominated by A.C.E. (Association Chroniclers of the Spectacle) among the best four productions of jazz of 1994. This distinction was never awarded to a group in the Jazz genre outside the city of Buenos Aires, which adds another important record to the group. In October, 1996, being again awarded an important prize for the Musical Edition by the City hall of Cordoba, again the recording company Redondel released another CD entitled “Small Jazz Band, 15 años con el jazz”. In September of 2004 appeared “Alta Sociedad”, CD that shows the repertoire that travels the band after more than 20 years and in which they participate invited musicians of USA, France and Chile, as also of Buenos Aires.-

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The Best Argentine Hot Jazz

Traditional Jazz

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Traditional Jazz

Streamline Gal
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Traditional Jazz

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* Your song 'What-Cha-Call-'em Blues' has just been added to Jazz Favorites picked by Little Red King station!
* Your song 'Wild Cat Blues' has just been added to Jazz Favorites picked by Little Red King station!
* Your song 'Streamline Gal' has just been added to Jazz Favorites picked by Little Red King station!
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Small Jazz Band