When Bill Slater decided to pull the plug on his last band and go solo this album was the result. With the aid of some awesomely talented studio musician friends, he formed "Icarus Fell", a progressive folk rock/what-the-hell- genre is it? band...

Some reviews that may pique your interest about "Dreamland Is Burning" - check out each song page for dozens more raves culled from listeners just like you - and me:

Great Composition and dreamland lyrics!
This song starts out with a great "Lamb Lies Down On Broadway" kind of intro! Really great with the drums breaking and the keys tumbling over! Nice!
The lyrics are really fitting the music! Progressive and a bit weird!
Have you ever listened to Genesis (early years)? I guess you would like them!
The compositions are in finest shape too! Nothing wrong there - they are created with great innovative and progressive sense!
Good work guys!
Respect From Drone!

Extra Credit: Keyboards, Lyrics, Originality.
Rasmuss Jogren, Århus C, Denmark

Synth- BOOYA!
YES!!! Right from the start I dug this tune with the synth opener.

I can't help but make comparisons to the great 70s rock prog bands Yes and ELP. The vocals are pretty cool too, very audible. I like the "that's all she wrote" backing vocal.

The lead guitar player plays some explosive passages which compliment the song very well. There are just some pure epic parts in the song.

The drummer clearly has some chops, perhaps could be dropped a little in the mix, but that's a matter of taste. It's really like an all you can eat drum buffet.

This song kicks! Keep dishing it out and making huge music. This is a very well thought out song. Nice work.

Extra Credit: Guitars, Drums, Keyboards, Originality, Most Rocking Track.
Michael Spalluto, Boston

This song reminds me of Ziggy Stardust era Bowie. I like the way the song starts with a neat little keyboard part. I like the use of a slide guitar. Makes the song different from everything else. I like the direction of this band. It sounds vintage. The song is written well, and the solos are cool and creative.

Extra Credit: Guitars, Mood.

Odd but good
This is an unusual track but i like it. The band is tight and the vocals are fine. The lyrics tell a story well. The guitarist is tres bien. Good album track.
Brigitta Fazekas, Belarus

Good song!
Very Yes like intro with the spastic synths. I love the background yells ('Thats all she wrote!') Great classical work on both drums and guitar, very clean and together. Its a very calming, folky, and when the keys come in it grows to the progressiveness you speak of. The lyrics seem very personal, and are sung great, changing with the mood of the song.

Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Keyboards, Production, Lyrics, Mood, Best Feel Good Track.
Myles O'Donnell, Lombard Illinois

nice job
The keyboard to this song is especially great. I like how they used a creative sounding keyboard part instead of just guitar. The bluesy tone guitar works very well, and all the sounds are used well and appropriately for the song. Its a different type of song and the band definitely has their own unique sound. The lead guitar part in the bridge really gives an emotional edge that other songs of this genre don’t have, the lead guitar is great in it, although brief it fits well. Overall very good job, and good luck

Extra Credit: Originality, Most Rocking Track
Jon Craig, Pennsylvania

Rush to the diamond
Intro reminds me of rush.
Drums are cool nice flams and fills. It all fits well. props to the drummer. Good song I would listen again.

Luke Fackler Pioneer, Ohio

About songs from the album "Lines & Circles":

Can’t You Take a Little Joke?

Lyrics are strong, and the down and dirty rock sound works for this humorous track. Vocals are good and have personality. Would make a good live track with a club audience. I like the sax and horn parts. Good story, performance song, arranged well.

Richard Filaccio, Yreka, CA

Jerry Lee Lewis of the new millenium...vocals and players are all mixed great…I can tell that some talented people got behind this one to make it come together.

Bain Anderson, Vancouver, BC

E-Street band meets Stevie Ray Vaughan. Wind section is brilliant, piano too.

Augustino Graguio, Spain

This has a nice NRBQ feel with a great squeezed Strat guitar tone a la Al Anderson. Doesn’t mean this is derivative, you can hear the right amount of influence mixed with original style. The horns are slamming-nicely mixed too. The lyric is delicious clever fun with just a sprinkle of Beatles flavor thrown in here and there. Drums and bass are locked tight…This is fun rock and roll, something it takes balls to do anymore, sadly. Keep it up-you guys rock!

Denny Presley, Nashville, TN

A fun and rocking (!) song to listen to - enjoyed listening to it. The guitar playing was excellent - a lovely tone. The production was good, could hear every player clearly and well balanced. The vocals were great and lively - excellent performance from all in the band. The lyrics were quite bizarre but good to listen to - suited the track. great stuff!!!!!!

Rob Colquhoun, Swindon, UK
The music here is good and well performed. It reminds me of Little Feat meets the Band with some Billy Joel thrown in…

David Hillman, Seattle, Washington

Boogie Down
Early 70's rock sound. Maybe early Ringo solo stuff.
Love the sax. The song is like a show tune.

Bald Walter Band, Boston, MA

Mr. Smith of Nowhere

I love it from the start killer opening and just a very creative song if you don’t like this track well your entitled to your own opinion but I love it and highly recommend a good listen…it is a very useful way of producing music and the song has a great story. This is one of my favorite styles of writing… thanks guys this track made my night really I will be definitely looking you up.

Adam Dias, Lolita, CA

The vocalist sounds a little angry. Its like he's bottled up and about to snap. Really cool. The backup singers on the other hand are angelic, which is a great compliment to his voice. This song sounds like its in a play or a movie or something…You guys could easily open for B52's.

Bill Sotnkow, Toronto, Canada

A combination of All Along the Watchtower and Led Zeppe(lin).

Ken Oliver, London, UK

Retro, but in a really really good kind of way.
Nice bluesy guitar on the intro. I like the production of the vocals, the "on the other end of the telephone" thing. The dynamics between male and female vocals are just right. Quite deliciously retro. Overall, production and performance are really good. This song has mood and personality. Definitely looking forward to hear more of the band.

Geoffroy Vincens, Bordeaux, France

Diggity! Male vocals have a unique sound to them...Especially when the sweet female vocals come in. Guitars are nice and bluesy. Really add some credibility to [this] song.
I'll admit it I had to stop typing and find out what the chords were. Simple fun stuff. Lyrics are fun and storytelling. What else can you say?

Very original song guys!

Marcus Henderson, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

3 Monkeys

I love the melody that carries this song during the verses. Lyrics are good…overall produced well.

John White, Toledo, OH

Good mix of stuff in the intro. I had to listen again… [This] song sounds like a Beatles tune…

Bill Sotnkow, Toronto, Canada

Think of Me

Good guitar, cool backup vocals. I really like the guitar. really good production. Drums were really good job on following the music, filled up the song.

Tim Buchholz, Columbus, OH

Nice Job!
A soulful type of music group...the female vocals really kicks it up a notch! She should be featured more...

Stacy S, Wilmington, Delaware

Nice, slow rock song
I like the intro with acoustic guitars and drums slowly coming in. This is a good rock song, and the vocalist is very gifted. The female voice in the background is groovy and sexy, even if it's kind of surprising to hear her voice/style in this type of slow, acoustic song. - The melody and arrangement work well, and the song is easy to remember, which is a good thing.

Helge Kraybe, Oslo, Norway

A Bare Naked Ladies song with clothes on… the mix is great, pro quality production...the hook here is the supporting guitar riff and the background vocalist.

Bain Anderson, Vancouver, BC

Great Lyrics! The snoring in the intro made me laugh and was not sure what to expect. Loved the instrumental which is strong but did not overpower the vocals. The lyrics are creative. This is a catchy song that I can't really categorize. The female vocals are a nice touch. Good stuff.

Josh Holmes, Chicago, Illinois

Scarecrows Story
XTC meets Rocky Racoon

Classic and Progressive Rock

Stowaway to Heaven


Can't You Take A Little Joke?
A song about a stalker, no lie.


Think of Me

Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

Sell Your Soul
The dividing line between here and now and prophetic just got a little thinner.

Hard Rock

Old Woodenhead
Yet another tedious protest song


Crazy Island
Look! De plane Boss! De PLANE!


For the superhero in all of us...(well, at least in me...I don't know about you!)


Don't Wanna Be Edward D.
Plan 9 from Outer Space set to music.


Dreamland Is Burning
A song about everything...I think.

Guitar Rock

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3/27/2008 2:28:42 AM
Excellent stuff! I was hooked in by the "Ode to Mary Ann". "Don't Wanna be Edward D." just served as 'confirmation'. Thank you, father. I'll be back. Often.



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Bill Slater and Icarus Fell