With an unparalleled female rhythm section and an energetic male vocalist, this trio creates an inventive and unique brand of indie/alternative rock music.

Video Game
It's about trying to "make it", but "make it" on your own terms, which is kinda like trying to beat a video game... the more you think about it and the harder you try the more difficult it can become, and then when you learn to kinda let go you find it happens a little smoother... There are also alot of references to breathing in the song - which refers too how badly you want certain things to happen that it almost feels as necessary as oxygen.


My Will
our twist on a love song

Alternative Pop Rock

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Last logged in: 6/5/2013 10:15:35 PM         Pageviews:  8501
* Your song 'My Will' has just been added to pretty darn good station!
* Your song 'My Will' has just been added to rock yo station!
* Congratulations! Your song 'My Will' is now #46 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'My Will' is now #38 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'My Will' is now #34 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'My Will' is now #26 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'My Will' is now #20 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'My Will' is now #18 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'My Will' is now #16 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'My Will' is now #12 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'My Will' is now #10 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'My Will' is now #8 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'My Will' is now #7 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'My Will' is now #7 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Your song 'My Will' has just been added to WANTED! 700,000,000,000 new fans! station!
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Just released our debut album ""Follow The White Noise"" and are heading out on an east coast summer tour in late July/August!
pretty darn good
rock yo

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Change the station music   http://www.myspace.com/changethestation

4/16/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 1/29/2025 2:41:03 PM
Pageviews: 8501


Change the station music