…..this is about Funch……

….Funch was mainly created around csf who after being locked inside a recording studio for approx. 2 years by two studio owners (now being the Funch manager and the Funch producer……) broke out and revealed an enormous amount of songs about global life and love and behavior etc………

……Funch is now a band……… a very nice band……(I recon you hear it)……..

……csf ( alias black bastard) is the singer and 2nd guitarist……… born Claus Funch…… 7th of may 1977 in a small industrial town……founder of Funch… songwriting fulltime (…..barman…..)….. nice bloke….. will talk to you about the songs later……gasping for air……

…….tony……..( alias tommy and the tooth ferry……)….educated guitarist…… born Tony nielsen 1977 on a small southern island…..2nd member of Funch……special and extremely overwhelming sound that brings calm feelings in perspective…… very nice bloke…… fingers bleeding from exhausting late night guitars…… don’t think he sleeps that often…..

…….lund……( alias the tower and sometimes satan himself)….upright and electric bass playing……born Soren Lund 1976……3rd member of Funch……under construction but now taking a break to put things together…..tall persons tend to scare people…..extremely nice bloke……probably the most extreme musical mind in the band having been involved with multiple genres from black metal to jazz and now rock ( that is Funch music ladies and gentlemen…..)….don’t be afraid although the pressure from the bass to your body may sometimes feel a bit concerning……you will be fine……

……adam……(alias the falcon….(….during rehearsals he sometimes loose touch of gravity and takes off and we have to pull him down from off the ceiling…if we rehearsed outdoors there would simply be no falcon……..)….anyway……drummer and percussionist……under construction….born adam winberg 1978…..4th member of Funch…..goes from cozy rhythm to extreme anarchistic power drum sound before you know it…….small people don’t tend to scare people…….amazing how nice a bloke he is……doesn’t look happy behind the drums….(believe me……he is…..ask him….)……

…….mads…..(alias mother…..(…taking care of his children both funchwise and in real life…..)…..keyboards and everything with keys in it…..born Mads Jensen 1973…5th member of Funch…..happily married and father of two beautiful rock and roll children……mainly talking all the time……which is nice….(we know he is alive…..)….. straight nice figures to take your mind elsewhere…..mother will always take care of you…..

……..martini…….(….alias papa….(…also taking care of his children funchwise…..in a different manner though….))…born Jesper Martini 1973……6th member of Funch…..management and shouting at idiot children…the mainmainman…….bone structure to scare the devil himself…..funny changing accents……very hardcore extremely outgoing nice bloke…….if he calls you say yes by any means…….you will be fine…….

…….Funch released an ep on February 2004 called “up against all history”……an ep to present you to Funch in 4 various ways……each song being different pathways to the idea of Funch as both a band and a way of thinking……(….I think it is time to thank the people who bought it or copied it or even took a few minutes to listen to it……we are very thankful that you exist out there……..)……up against all history was taken nicely by the critics…….the local newspaper wrote that this is the beginning to something big…..and we sure hope so…..thank you very nice critic…..yes you are……another critic compared it with a rather disappointing meal at a restaurant which is a bit concerning whereas our belief is miles from that……if you compare music with food you ought to eat…..don’t talk…..just eat…..very bad critic…..yes you are…..anyway…….we really hope you like it and if you don’t like it please listen to it again and we hope you like it then……

…..on December 2004 Funch released a 3-track single called “someplaceelsewhere”. People liked it…..and so did we……around September 2005 the first album will hit the streets and a special offer will be made on our homepage (www.funchmusic.dk)……only for you my friend……..

…..we hope you enjoy Funch…….if you need anything……give us a hint…….

Yours sincerely


Alternative Pop Rock

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7 March 2005:
Funch are in the studio working on their debut album. We expect to release it around september 2005.

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