Hear my songs as URL: http://www.youtube.com/pughsabrina. Each song is accompanied by a video that is the lyric sheet synchronized to the audio recording for easy sing-a-long.
Song Title: Me
Song Subject: Live yourlife and love yourself
Hear Audio at URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPg7hsqEgB0
Song Title: Don't let my tears roll in vain
Song Subject: Healing power of tears and time
Hear audio at URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lYz2l2w8Pw
Song Title: One time for love
Song subject: rarity of true love
Hear audio at URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kdGmRhLSt4
Song Title: No sugar; No cream
Song subject: loving the person within
Hear audio at URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g89WRMU9NMI
Song Title: Hosana
Song Suject: Jesus' arrival at Jerusalem
Hear auido at URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2wDXexLvjs
Song Title: One Day
Song Subject: Trouble don't last always
Hear audio at URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfASYmQ56YI
Also included are jingles for the following companies. Toysrus (X-mas), Pepto-Bismol, Snickers Candy Bar, Wal-Mart, Chuckee Cheese

A song delivering the message; "live your life and love yourself?


Don't let my tears roll in vain
A song about the healing power of tears and time


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Last logged in: 6/9/2013 12:25:11 AM         Pageviews:  11548
* Your song 'Don't let my tears roll in vain' has just been added to THE SAD SONGS station!
* Your song 'Don't let my tears roll in vain' has just been added to matell radio station!
IMP Your song 'Don't let my tears roll in vain' has just been added to Finnegans Wake station!
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All song/jingle are original works of Sabrna A Pugh aka Majorshadow
Eacg video is merely the lyric sheet synchronized to the audio recording for easy sing-a-long

Finnegans Wake Book 1 Chapter 1

4/14/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 12/1/2024 7:25:24 PM
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