Dwell At Erklings request "Somehow" has been added to....Who likes you anyway.......
Dwell You're very welcome....All we ask is you return the favor and request someones music that you like...ThanX!
ERKLING Somehow is great hit! You should promote it more activley to different stations. I'm sure it will make to the KIAC BIG 50!
ERKLING Somehow is a great hit! You should promote it more activley to different stations. I'm sure it will make to the KIAC BIG 50!
staggerlee hi---you left anote about a link to request at "private stash"
ERKLING Yeah, absolutely! On an average I've wrote to some 400 station here and now about 40 of them are playing my songs. To make a record you don't need a record company. You need it (or somebody) to promote your music. Thats what the music biz is about- promot
ERKLING Promotion!
ERKLING You are very welcomed!
AM Just wanted to let you know- The Pop Wave station made it into top 5 stations in the stations contest in June.
staggerlee hi---pls listen to my new song, "rain-wide river" when you get a chance. tx
POP WAVE Starting at 9:00 PM EST today the runner up stations will be played on KIAC for 24 hours straight, including The Pop Wave station.
Resident Alien Have you "Heard The Sound"? What the heck - give it a try. It is NOT a "churchy" sound.
JUSTIFICATION STATION We are full but we like SOMEHOW so much you are now on JB AUDIO FEEDBACK (our sister station, where you have you own intro and write up - Click the link - Pop in and see us - VAERSEGOD!
JB My son is living in Horten with his Noeweigan girlfriend and the song "I" on the station is by another band from your land too "Fulluna"
JB Glad you've put some information up now by the way, Thanks!
Lauri (huminuh) Dropped by for a listen. Really nice sound here :)
NEO My pleasure ;-)
This is Pop? Thumbs up! I like your stuff!
Brian Booth/Serendipity I enjoyed 'Somehow', delighted to add it here
brian (again) You're welcome. I'd be delighted if you contributed to another station - just click the link and read the preamble
brian - Brian Booth Pick your song, then put its name and a comment about why you chose it in the shout box at this link (see some of the others there, and serendipity IX/X for examples of what you might say); I'll do the rest
brian (finally) - Brian All done, thanks
Bryan Anthony (WICKMAN M Just thought I'd let you know...more I listen, more I like what you're doing. wish you all the best!
Egil Check out their great video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2xE4QpRjJ8
Gonzalo Matthew
* Your song 'Broke my eyes (Mastered version)' has just been added to POP WAVE STATION station!
* Your song 'Broke my eyes (Mastered version)' has just been added to The K-shell station!