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"In memory of the Greatests" is now available!

Finally "In memory of the Greatests" is available on CD
As you can see it's with different cover but the music is still the same :-)

Buy the CD
AREK RELIGA: In Memory of the Greatests
click to order

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Arek Religa was born in Poland in 1965. He started playing guitar at the age of 16. His musical talent soon transformed him to major Polish stages, playing with many great named musicians and bands. One of the most memorable performances for Arek was in 1999 when he played the "International Film Music Festival" in Poznan, Poland. At this festival Arek performed with the band of Robert Janson right next to world famous musicians and bands such as Chuck Mangione, Blues Brothers, Maurice Jarre, Michael Kamen, and others. In 2000 Arek came to America where he found another musical talent - composing and arranging.

Few of his many recent achievements are:

2005 "Dallas Songwriter Association Contest " - 3rd place in the Instrumental / TV /Instrumental /Film / Classical and Jazz Category with his tune "It's going to be better"

7th Annual Great American Song Contest - Finalist in the Instrumental Category with the tune "It's going to be better"

Song called "Hope" was used in a movie by J. Michael Seyfert "Rent a Rasta"click here

January 2007 - Song of the Year Contest, monthly finalist in the Instrumenta/Jazz/world Music Category

February 2007 - Song of the Year Contest, runner up in the Instrumenta/Jazz/world Music Category

March 2007 - Song of the Year Contest, winner in the Instrumenta/Jazz/world Music Category

April 2007 - Texas Music Project (Gutiar Solo Contest), winner in the Electrical Guitar Category

Two of Arek's songs: "It's going to be better" & "!Viva! Carlos" were released on compilation CD "Real musica" by "Black Rose Production"

"Beyond horizon" will be released on compilation CD "Guitars of Tomorrow vol.1" by K.T. here

Semifinalist for the Dallas Songwriters Association 2007 Song Contest in category: "Instrumental/TV/Film/Class/Jazz " with songs "Beyond horizon" & "Island of my dreams"
click here

Unisong International Songwriting Contest
11th Annual Blues HONORABLE MENTIONS, song "And the road goes on"
click here

Arek Religa was selected by JIMDUNLOP.COM as a BAND OF THE WEEK-12-31-2007.

3rd Place DSA 2007 Winner Song Contest in category: "Instrumental/TV/Film/Class/Jazz " with song "Island of my dreams"
Honorable Mention DSA 2007 Winner Song Contest in category: "Instrumental/TV/Film/Class/Jazz " with song "Beyond horizon"
click here

Arek Religa - composer,arranger, producer, guitars, keyboards

Tom Wywrot - saxophone, keyboards

Jerry Kusiak - drums

Paul Pospieszalski - bass

Garage Band

Viva Carlos #38 Instrumental Rock Charts (all-time)
click here

It’s going to be better #94 Instrumental Rock Charts (all-time)
click here

It’s going to be better #1 Best Melody in Instrumental Rock, all-time
Into the future #6 Best Melody in Instrumental Rock, all-time
Beyond horizon #25 Best Melody in Instrumental Rock, all-time
click here

It’s going to be better #1 Feel Good Track in Instrumental Rock, all-time
Into the future #2 Feel Good Track in Instrumental Rock, all-time
Beyond horizon #9 Feel Good Track in Instrumental Rock, all-time
click here

It’s going to be better #7Best Guitars in Instrumental Rock, all-time
click here

Beyond horizon #15 Grooviest Rhythm in Instrumental Rock, all-time
click here

It’s going to be better #24 Best Guitars overall, all-time
click here

Beyond horizon

Guitar Instrumental

Viva Carlos !

Instrumental Guitar Rock

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Last logged in: 6/8/2013 9:46:47 PM         Pageviews:  19707
* Your song '!Viva! Carlos' has just been added to Who's the Guitar God Now? station!
* Your song 'Waiting for the miracle' has just been added to Harvard Classics station!
* Your song 'Walking on the desert' has just been added to AOR Overflow station!
* Your song 'Island of my dreams-part 1' has just been added to Psurfadelic station!
* Your song 'Beyond horizon' has just been added to Restless Hearts station!
* Your song 'Island of my dreams-part 1' has just been added to Restless Hearts station!
* Your song '!Viva! Carlos' has just been added to I hear with my little Ear... station!
* Your song 'Island of my dreams' has just been added to Larree's Choice Cuts station!
* Your song '!Viva! Carlos' has just been added to ! station!
* Your song '!Viva! Carlos' has just been added to string plucking wankers station!
* Your song 'In memory of the Greatest' has just been added to ROCKSCAPES station!
* Your song 'In memory of the Greatest' has just been added to E N D A N G E R E D station!
* Your song 'In memory of the Greatest' has just been added to FREEDOM FOR SEALS station!
* Your song 'Hope' has just been added to FREEDOM FOR SEALS station!
* Your song 'Next step to the end' has just been added to moodtones station!
* Your song 'Beyond horizon' has just been added to SuperPuss Funky Feline Radio station!
* Your song 'Hope' has just been added to WILDLIFE DIRECT station!
* Your song 'Island of my dreams' has just been added to Psurfin' the Pipeline station!
* Your song 'And the road goes on' has just been added to GUITAR GOD station!
* Your song 'It's going to be better' has just been added to Bow to the Guitar God! station!
* Your song 'It's going to be better' has just been added to Are you a guitar god or a guitar buddha? station!
* Your song 'It's going to be better' has just been added to The Guitar God Speaketh... "Practice!" station!
* Your song 'It's going to be better' has just been added to WAR of the GUITAR GODS station!
* Your song '!Viva! Carlos' has just been added to WAR of the GUITAR GODS station!
* Your song 'Beyond horizon' has just been added to ****AIRWAVE EXCORIEE**** station!
* Your song 'Island of my dreams' has just been added to NAPA WINE TRAIN station!
* Your song 'Island of my dreams' has just been added to LAID BACK LIFE station!
* Your song 'Island of my dreams' has just been added to FAME & GLORY station!
* Your song 'Island of my dreams-part 1' has just been added to Rays Jazz Picks station!
* Your song 'Beyond horizon' has just been added to GUITAR GOD SYSTEM station!
* Your song 'Into the future' has just been added to Ruby Tuesday station!
* Your song 'Island of my dreams' has just been added to Without Lyrics station!
* Your song 'Island of my dreams-part 1' has just been added to The Fire wall station!
* Your song 'Island of my dreams-part 1' has just been added to The Power Grid station!
* Your song 'Island of my dreams' has just been added to The Power Grid station!
* Your song 'Beyond horizon' has just been added to Station Mu station!
* Your song 'Beyond horizon' has just been added to Blues Potpourri station!
* Your song 'And the road goes on' has just been added to Blues Potpourri station!
* Your song '!Viva! Carlos' has just been added to Spectral Potpourri station!
* Your song 'Beyond horizon' has just been added to GUITAR GOD station!
* Your song 'Viva Carlos !' has just been added to HaPPEE nEW yEAR! station!
* Your song 'Beyond horizon' has just been added to Rays Guitar Instrumental Station station!
* Your song 'Beyond horizon' has just been added to Eaglehead's Big Bundle O' Tunes station!
* Your song 'Viva Carlos !' has just been added to Rock Quotes station!
* Your song 'Viva Carlos !' has just been added to Alone Prelude and Other Guitar Delights station!
* Your song 'Beyond horizon' has just been added to Latest Wonders station!
IAC Your song 'Viva Carlos !' has just been added to Now We're REALLY Streamin' station!
IMP Your song 'Beyond horizon' has just been added to RHYTHM AND THYME station!
IMP Your song 'Beyond horizon' has just been added to MELLODY FM station!
IMP Your song 'Viva Carlos !' has just been added to MELODY FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
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There are three different covers for "in memory of the Greatests"
but music is still the same.Sorry for inconvenience, it's my fault :-)


Buy the CD
AREK RELIGA: In Memory of the Greatests
click to order
Now We're REALLY Streamin'
How Blue Can You Go
just fontain
MELODY FM - a Desperado Revue station
The Talent Searcher 2
Lars Lair
CVFA's Radio Play
Prime Cuts
Eaglehead's Big Bundle O' Tunes
Radio Head
Station Mu
Latest Wonders
I hear with my little Ear...
The Source
The little station that could.
Spectral Potpourri

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4/13/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 3/31/2025 2:32:36 PM
Pageviews: 19707


Arek Religa