I am a singer songwriter from Canada. I recently released my first solo CD called ""Jutsun". At present I am preparing to tour. I am anxious to perform live, all across the globe. For more info please check out Ian's website www.ianjutsun.com.

I hope you enjoy the music, please say hi when you stop by!


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Last logged in: 5/31/2009 5:00:00 PM         Pageviews:  17174
* Your song 'Mr. Moonlight' has just been added to Cashbox On The Radio station!
* Your song 'Mr. Moonlight' has just been added to Cashbox On The Radio April 2007 station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to the wife station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to to old to be somebody station!
Sound of Emotions/Mesmer I don't know what's in the water in Canada - every single Canadian I have come across on IAC has got IT!!! PEELER (my persoanl favorite, he has a special place in my heart), Aida, Katelyn Dawn. PEELER is in Brantford - pretty close to Toronto?!?
Mesmerized Cont'd Your are no exception to the IT rule - I will definitely be placing you on one of my stations - thanks for stopping by Sound of Emotions!
* Your song 'Mr. Moonlight' has just been added to Mesmerized Still station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to Mesmerized Still station!
* Your song 'Mr. Moonlight' has just been added to NATURE ENTER ME! station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to Songs ah laka station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to Subtlely Powerful station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to Recent Uploads Sampler station!
Recent Uploads Sampler Nice work!
* Your song 'Mr. Moonlight' has just been added to MF187.7FM station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to MF187.7FM station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to LAID BACK LIFE station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to THE ART GALLERY station!
* Your song 'Mr. Moonlight' has just been added to Restless Hearts (2) station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to Larree's Choice Cuts station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to Eleven Songs station!
Steve April Ian, by coincidence i also have a song "mr. moonlight" lol!, kinda about john l., so if you note my station name change to "mr. moonlight," because i love the beatle's song, and yr song also very cool. peace...
Mesmerized Still Just popped in to see how you are - great to see how many stations have picked you up!!! My Best:)
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to The Talent Searcher station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to Heavy Rotation station!
* Your song 'Mr. Moonlight' has just been added to 24 hours After Eight station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to Platinum Hits station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to what he isnt saying station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to Cup'A Coffee (Expresso) station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to The Big Red One station!
* Your song 'Mr. Moonlight' has just been added to Bi-mutuality station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to One Hit station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to The Power of the Schwartz station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to what he isnt saying station!
* Your song 'Mr. Moonlight' has just been added to Mesmerzied Still station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to Mesmerzied Still station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to All My Love station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to Today & Every Day station!
* Your song 'Today and Everyday' has just been added to Raymond Porters Pop Station station!
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Msg  Go! 10/10/2024 7:47:25 AM
Last pageview at: 2/1/2025 10:45:45 PM
Pageviews: 17174

www.myspace.com/ianjutsun, www.myspace.com/m2musicmangement, m2music@yahoo.ca