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Gary Stockton

5/7/2009 5:01:41 AM

"It's too quiet" - a real nice song. Props.

Bryon Tosoff

5/7/2009 3:44:16 AM have talent. but maybe cool the jets and not get so abrasive on the pipe
I am sure we all can get along show some love. aint that the way it should be

Bryon Tosoff

3/22/2009 12:55:01 AM

Well one thing is you sure can sing. the both of you. impressive material, gorgeous songs. I love them both
we may have differences of opinions on some issues. but I think we are in some ways on the same wavelength on others..If you check my page out I think you may agree
We are after all, but sojourners here on earth here for a little time then gone like the flower that blooms for but one day, or like the misty breath of a buffalo in the winter
best to you


indic mist

2/7/2009 11:36:46 PM

'its too quiet' is an ageless song.... u brought tears to my eyes....peace be with u...

indic mist

2/7/2009 11:35:05 PM

wow.... u really trip me out with ur voice.... keep making beautiful music.... peace and love...

Texas Willie

2/4/2009 1:43:15 PM

Hey Sterling!

Love "It's Too Quiet"...Great mix and production, not to mention cool vocals!


Hop On Pop

11/8/2008 12:08:48 PM

Glad to see you put some music up here, Sterling!
And I'm digging it.


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