10/14/2022 9:35:01 PM
Hey did you know nestbound1 band name is my little brother two years younger than me Elliott markiel this is rand markiel voice of and band ame my band called the Retsej a ND deeppossession cool that my brothers on here too with me and my band the Retsej his music is different unique he's very talented does some cutting edge different intellect type hiphoprap white boy like me he's also in my our song me and Elliott both rap freestyle on one of my baddestass Retsej dp songs ever Retsej and El hurricane freestyle 2003 also known as well the other version of that same song is edited more of his verse got cut but the shortened version also the first unediteduncut elhuricanefreestyleandretsejelhuricanfrerstlye is called also still the first song uncitu editedstillcalledasthesecondname for the cut version number2 retsejfreestyle2003 which they're both also both just called though when you look them up on YouTube they're under each different those two different names what I mean is Retsej and El hurican freestyle is still nonetheless know also since they're both the same song one the secondretsej freestyle2003 recorded 2003 at my parents house back then we were standing and we tore the track apart to save the world myname stheretsejandyoudontwanttofuckwithitthatsmylittlebroyther Elliott markiel isn't he the best as a white boy my brother and me killing ripping apart the words freestyling the whole song perfect anyway the first song namedofboththesamesecondeditedsecondnameonfirststillforthatonehutrelhuricaneretsejfreedtyle is still known and called by the same name from the second as in Retsej freestyle 2003 nestbound11enkouymuchluvpeacerandqmtheretsejvoiceofdemonicpissessionactexircist as I n Retsej deeppossessionsbandname666777778