Combine the Victorious is an indie duo from Vancouver Canada featuring record producer Mark R. Henning and fashion designer Isabelle Dunlop. Released debut album, The World Over in April 2007. The follow up Disagreements EP was released Nov 2008. Have licensed nine songs to television and are hoping for more. Helped to form the Vancouver artists' collective Boutique Empire in 2008 along side Sex With Strangers and Guilty About Girls.

Currently writing the material for a third album, which shall be for more electronic than anything preceding: Spring 2010 release date is scheduled.

Back In Style

Alternative Pop Rock

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Combine the Victorious

9/24/2008 3:12:04 AM
I confess to finding this entire site kind of confusing. Sorry for not being here. bye


4/3/2008 4:32:04 AM
Yummy - we like Fat Kids, Big Cars (the song of course - not really obsese people in gas guzzlers!)


Susan Raven

11/13/2007 5:23:12 AM
Good music - great to be sharing the Big 50 with artists like you!


10/23/2007 7:01:15 PM
Oh yes, indeed we do!


10/11/2007 6:20:21 PM

Welcome to this fine site!

Nice big sound! yep I'll be in!


Troy Beadles

10/11/2007 1:21:40 AM
Y'all are amazing! Thank you for the awesome music!

Troy B.



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Vancouver British Columbia Canada
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Last logged in: 6/9/2013 8:34:47 AM         Pageviews:  13915
* Your song 'Blue Kitchen' has just been added to RIDE THE RIVER II station!
Satch Excellent - I hear elements of The Who in Blue Kitchen! Well done!
* Your song 'Blue Kitchen' has just been added to RockKey station!
* Your song 'King's Cross' has just been added to SILVERWOODS TOP 50 station!
* Your song 'King's Cross' has just been added to FAME & GLORY station!
* Your song 'Blue Kitchen' has just been added to SOUL RETRIEVAL 2 for new soulful songs station!
* Your song 'Blue Kitchen' has just been added to Rays New Songs Station station!
* Your song 'Blue Kitchen' has just been added to the party station!
* Your song 'Blue Kitchen' has just been added to Beadles & Friends station!
* Your song 'Blue Kitchen' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'Blue Kitchen' has just been added to # KIAC HITLINE REVIEWS # Now showing station!
* Congratulations! Your song 'Blue Kitchen' is now #34 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'Blue Kitchen' is now #27 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'Blue Kitchen' is now #21 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'Blue Kitchen' is now #18 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Your song 'Blue Kitchen' has just been added to Alien Planet Radio station!
* Your song 'Blue Kitchen' has just been added to Super Freaky station!
* Your song 'Blue Kitchen' has just been added to Rosalindo station!
* Your song 'Blue Kitchen' has just been added to One Hit station!
* Your song 'Blue Kitchen' has just been added to House station!
* Your song 'Blue Kitchen' has just been added to Ships Log - 1.2008 station!
* Your song 'Blue Kitchen' has just been added to trekkies station!
* Your song 'Blue Kitchen' has just been added to House station!
* Your song 'Blue Kitchen' has just been added to Flock Of Tunes station!
* Your song 'Decay' has just been added to Mood Ring Baby station!
* Your song 'Decay' has just been added to more mighty songs station!
* Your song 'Decay' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'Blue Kitchen' has just been added to $u$ie$ $oundalike $how station!
* Your song 'Decay' has just been added to The Peaceful Revolution station!
* Your song 'Back In Style' has just been added to The Peaceful Revolution station!
* Your song 'Back In Style' has just been added to Raymond Porters New Songs Station station!
Russ do you know you lose all your stations when you your songs?
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Writing our third album which will be more electronic to reflect our live setup. Hoping for a Spring 2010 release.
The Peaceful Revolution

11/3/2022 8:26:11 AM
Last pageview at: 12/3/2024 11:34:57 AM
Pageviews: 13915

Combine the Victorious