Kr-3The Water Song
Alternative Indie Folk HyperLink
song created                                

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
song updated                               

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
stations playing this song              
Folk Acoustic Americana
Psyche Folk
Pocket Mystic Delights
All Banjo-- All the Time
The Big Whatever
Sounds of the Cosmos
A Song A Day
IMP Playlist
The Retsej Indie Radio
RIVER FM - a Desperado Revue station


This is a trippy step back into Tim Boyds past. He started off his musical career playing bluegrass before moving to rock and jazz. This song combines rock psychedelia with a classic bluegrass feel.

Tim Boyd - acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass ,vocals
Steve Curry - banjo, backing vocals

This song was recorded in November of 2003 during the Kr-3 demo sessions. Exkr-3 drummer Steve Curry played banjo. Acoustic guitar, banjo and the first vocal part were all recorded at once using a single mic. Bass, electric guitar and the second vocal part were all dubbed in later.
Song Comments

Psyche Folk
Really cool haunting pychfolk song..Spacious and atmospheric with a strange nostalgic,ghostly sunshine vibe i really like..Love how it subtley shifts mood when the banjo solo comes in..This'd be great in a film f'sure

A really nice dream like song from Kr-3. My only complaint is that it's too short. There puts it into the category of songs that you just have to play over again.

A Song A Day
Sept 16th 2008...About as perfect song as you could possibly get for a late 60s Road Movie from the excellent KR-3..Heat-hazy,dusty,spacious Americana.You can picture the hero waking up in the back of his beat-up car bleary eyed,putting on his shades and driving off into the sun-baked distance just as the brilliant pickin' banjo coda kicks in..Great track................"Banjo...? Did somebody say banjo?" (HUGH HAMILTON)

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