INSTRUMENTALLY YOURS .......another haunting masterpiece from Marc. How does he do it?......
ORGANIC SOUNDS Following a course musical passer-by the academy of music of Monaco then a collaboration with the conservatory of jazz of Monaco, Marc Ceccotti creates the group of rock neo - progressive EDHELS, of which he is composer and guitarist; EDHELS is mentioned repeatedly in a published encyclopedia by the University Oxford of New York under the Rocking title ' The Classics English progressive rock and the counter - culture '. Marc Ceccotti achieves albums solo and several musics in the same way for TVs and Radios.
digitalWaves1 Thanks Marc, for this musical journey !
serendipity redux II Maybe not the easiest listen for everyone, but sometimes, a little effort brings big rewards. A reminder to guitarists everywhere that a million notes do not great solos make
I Like Strange. ~M~ FANTABULOUS !!!
Neem: India's tree of life FANTABULOUS !!!
Moody, Cool, Psychotic, and Mesmerizing Moody, Cool, Psychotic, and Mesmerizing. =M=
Finnegans Wake Book 1 Chapter 1 For what we are, gifs a gross if we are, about to believe. So pool the begg and pass the kish for crawsake. Omen. So sigh us. Grampupus is fallen down but grinny sprids the boord. Whase on the joint of a desh? Fin- foefom the Fush. Whase be his baken head? A loaf of Singpan- try's Kennedy bread. And whase hitched to the hop in his tayle? A glass of Danu U'Dunnell's foamous olde Dobbelin ayle. But, lo, as you would quaffoff his fraudstuff and sink teeth through that pyth of a flowerwhite bodey behold of him as behemoth for he is noewhemoe. Finiche! Only a fadograph of a yestern scene. Almost rubicund Salmosalar, ancient fromout the ages of the Ag- apemonides, he is smolten in our mist, woebecanned and packt away. So that meal's dead off for summan, schlook, schlice and goodridhirring.