voodoohead productions from the Outside Looking in cd
Blues Music is Truth Hip blues tune, from the BV, largely ignored here at iacmusic for adds and recognition to stations.how they never have made the hitline is mind boggling, top drawer band that has been together going on 15 years
The Gatekeeper keep chugging boys, sometime you will break through to the other side and you'll get the respect you deserve. Gatekeeper
eYe 4 eye 4 eYe 4 Chu Chu Chu Chugging along with the blue voodoo, dont give up, keep it happening you just have to keep on chugging ,chugging along and maybe someday you get to where you going, or end up someplace else instead. for all you unbelievers ,you can make it in the biz, but you gots ta play and play and well work your chops. from me, the eYe.