Ainjel EmmeProperty Of The State
Singer/Songwriter HyperLink
song created                                

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
song updated                               

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
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Apocalypse Radio
Over The Moon
America Destroyed... (an Inside Job)
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Eve's Special Reserve
Indie Superstars Will Rock Your World
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Golden Kayak Nominees 2017
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DEMOISELLES FM - a Desperado Revue stn


A Pro Woman Anthem featuring Austin singer-songwriter Ray Prim and a group of other talented musicians who are passionate about Women's Rights.

Written by Ainjel Emme and Ray Prim


Ainjel Emme – Acoustic guitar, bass, guitar solo
Anthony P. Lopez – drums, percussion
Michael S. Pozzi – Electric guitar
James Clarke – organ, piano


Ainjel Emme
Ray Prim


Suzy Husner
Jacqueline Mackenzie
Aimie Lovett
Greta Valenti


Keith England
Jennifer Blake
Liane Curtis
Joshua Cobos
Dan Madonia


Ainjel Emme - Producer, Recording Engineer (Block Of Joy)
Anthony P. Lopez – Recording, Mixing, and Mastering Engineer (Block Of Joy)
James Clarke – Organ and Piano Recording Engineer
Rob Black – Suzy Husner Vocal Recording Engineer (Light Black Productions)
Guest Vocalists who recorded their own vocals: Greta Valenti, Rie Daisies, Keith England, Liane Curtis.

Cover art by Kimberly Zsebe

Property Of The State is collaborative effort I spearheaded with my friend Ray Prim and a posse of other talented folks. Written in the wake of attempts to subvert and repeal Roe V. Wade, released on the day of Women's Marches around the world, January 21st, 2017.
Don't tell a woman that her hands are tied
She has the fortitude to decide for herself
For herself

You prop yourself up on your sense of morality
You try to take control on feeble technicalities
Old habits are dying hard
You keep your business in your own backyard

Ain't it a shame?
Would you want someone to treat your mama this way?
Ain't it a damn shame?

A woman's body is not you business
It isn't property of the State
You're not speakin' for nobody's best interest
You just want someone to regulate
Your power, your voice
Her body, her choice
Don't second guess the way it always was
Mama knows better than you think she does

Don't tell a woman what she has to do
Don't try and strip her from her right to choose
It ain't your right
It ain't your life
You're standing holy on an island that's sinking
You're talking, talking when you should be listening
It isn't up to you so shut it down
Her body ain't a battleground

Ain't it a shame?
Would you want someone to treat your mama this way?
Ain't it a damn shame?

A woman's body is not you business
It isn't property of the State
You're not lookin' for nobody's best interest
You just want someone to regulate
Your power, your voice
Her body, her choice
Don't second guess the way it always was
Mama knows better than you think she does

Ain't it a shame?
Ain't it a damn shame?

You don't cure the disease by treating the symptom
Take a look at what the bigger picture's missing x
Song Comments

Eve's Special Reserve
Ainjel was one of the stars of this site when I first joined and it's so exciting that she has a new song, especially a protest song of sorts on the day of the great women's march. This song is spectacular, it goes right to my top station. The vocals are beyond compare, and it has a blues rock element too. Oooh it's sooooo good....

Over The Moon
So relevant afer the extraordinary womens marches yesterday ALL OVER THE WORLD against the disgusting mysogyny and backward step for the planet and all who live on it represented by the new president of the USA. More women came out to express their views than came to his inauguration.

Fantastic tune great timing, Scott loves it too!

Fantastic tune great timing, Scott loves it too!

The best women's anthem ever made. Puts I Am Woman totally in the dust.

Apocalypse Radio
Welcome to The Apocalypse!

Indie Superstars Will Rock Your World
Ainjel is totally in a league by herself. She sings with great conviction, she is fearless, and you know you're hearing something you never heard before, that actually happens.

Kayak Number One Songs!
week 253 and 254

Tripping out on this delicious song

Golden Kayak Nominees 2017

A little known fact: OVER 1/4 of WOMEN DIED IN CHILDBIRTH "back in the day". They knew of "abortion drugs" back then too, passed down from Grand Mothers unto their Daughters. The Men were kept ignorant of the fact that this type stuff was going on... for Obvious Reasons! I am all FOR Individuaal Freedom and Rights of Expression(although Abortion Breaks My Heart to think about it). Another perspective not valued properly is that DEATH HAS ALWAYS BEEN AN ACCEPTABLE CONSEQUENCE WITHIN ALL LIFE! -M-

America Destroyed... (an Inside Job)
A little known fact: OVER 1/4 of WOMEN DIED IN CHILDBIRTH "back in the day". They knew of "abortion drugs" back then too, passed down from Grand Mothers unto their Daughters. The Men were kept ignorant of the fact that this type stuff was going on... for Obvious Reasons! I am all FOR Individuaal Freedom and Rights of Expression(although Abortion Breaks My Heart to think about it). Another perspective not valued properly is that DEATH HAS ALWAYS BEEN AN ACCEPTABLE CONSEQUENCE WITHIN ALL LIFE! -M-

The Best Artists In the World
This soulful songstress belongs in the bigtime.

shining examples of indie brilliance
a really powerful statement song.

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