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Ainjel Emme is a songwriter, producer, and multi-instrumentalist from Austin, TX. Known primarily as a singer-songwriter, she is also an accomplished session musician and recording engineer who moves through a variety of genres with ease. Her passion for honest, meaningful content paints her songs with a rich, colorful humanity.

AE currently lives in Los Angeles and helps run a small audio/visual production company, the Block Of Joy, that caters to upcoming and independent artists.

FOLLOW AE on Social Media:

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Property Of The State
A Pro Woman Anthem featuring Austin singer-songwriter Ray Prim and a group of other talented musicians who are passionate about Women's Rights.


Damn The Moon
You were a fool for love.

Electric Rock

Nameless, But Not Few
A song about the commodification of human suffering.

Female vocal

 -  reached  # 1 on  KIAC Big 50   

Alternative Pop Rock

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Neil w Young

12/19/2017 10:06:13 PM
Congratulations on your Golden Kayak 2017 nomination. Wishing you the best of luck, Happy Holidays and much continued success. Neil

Stephen Francis Engelmeyer

1/28/2014 8:11:20 AM
hi Ainjel, do you have many people checking out your music here? so many sources to get into..... still hoping you come to StL for a live concert. see ya! StL Steve


8/22/2011 6:11:15 PM
Anjel, congratulations to Featured Artist of the Week, mega well deserved, I listened to the Down song a hundred times and it is addictive, your voice is absolutely great, best of luck and success EM GIEL

gabe stenziano

11/11/2010 2:14:12 PM
nice job on this song. liked the soft vocal and the harmony is sweet. well done. gabe


1/2/2010 9:49:32 PM
Welcome back...! :)


1/5/2009 12:01:29 PM
happy 2009!

have a good one, keep it real!



9/14/2008 3:10:15 AM
Hey Girl, Long time no see. Haven´t seen you since the contest on Music Nation.
Just stopping by to show some love on your page.
Hey, I didn´t know you were a LEGEND here at IAC. :) lol "Legends Of IAC". :)
Haven´t been on here in ages, been spending most of my online time at My Space or You Tube promoting my business.
Hope all is going well for you.


Jerry Butler Country

9/12/2008 11:18:38 PM
Great music Ainjel. You have a beautiful voice.
Your friend
Jerry Butler Country


8/11/2008 1:56:07 AM
Great stuff


7/8/2008 8:32:30 AM
es bueno .....

Village Jammers

4/13/2008 5:05:29 PM
Ah Ha!! Well, Ainjel, it looks like I'm even slower than Sam in getting around to congratulating you for an outstanding song in Easier and a well deserved Kayak award. Kudos to you for a job well done!

The Man With No Band

4/11/2008 11:29:08 PM
Ainjel ... A big congats to you for yet another Golden Kayak ! ... sorry I'm a bit slow getting 'round ... May it just keep getting better and may I just keep gettin' 'round ... :)

Keep Raaaaaaaaawkin' !!!!!!!!


4/9/2008 9:48:26 AM
Big Congrats on Song of the Year Kayak, Ainjel. Well deserved.

Slimdog Productions

4/8/2008 8:55:24 AM
AE...Congrats on winning the Golden Kayak for Song Of The Year!!! I'm REALLY diggin', "Easier"...I love the drums and the melody of the song. I could easily see one of my artists rapping on this song. It has such a soulful feel to it...I LOVE IT!!! Once again, Congratulations!!!


The Blue Voodoo

4/7/2008 1:57:14 PM
Congratulations on your Golden Kayak Award and best from the Bluevoodoo dudes
Ted Rick Gerry and Kelly---and cheers from the Blue voodoo blues bands manager Bryon at Voodoohead Productions



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Last logged in: 2/24/2017 10:33:29 AM         Pageviews:  67216
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to INDIE MUSIC 2017 - 4 SPECTACULAR SONGS!! station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to Apocalypse Radio station!
IMP Congratulations! Your song 'Property Of The State' is now #1 on the Kayak Big 25!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to Indie Superstars Will Rock Your World station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to This Just In station!
IMP Your song 'Damn The Moon' has just been added to Heavy Rotation station!
IMP Congratulations! Your song 'Property Of The State' is now #1 on the Kayak Big 25!
IMP Congratulations! Your song 'Property Of The State' is now #5 on the Kayak Big 25!
IMP Your song 'Damn The Moon' has just been added to Nathan's Picks station!
IMP Congratulations! Your song 'Property Of The State' is now #10 on the Kayak Big 25!
IMP Your song 'Easier' has just been added to Kayak Classics station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to Kayak Number One Songs! station!
IMP Your song 'Damn The Moon' has just been added to Desperado Revue station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to eYe station!
IMP Your song 'Easier' has just been added to Kayak Classics station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to Golden Kayak Nominees 2017 station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to Musings station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to America Destroyed... (an Inside Job) station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to Desperado Revue station!
IMP Your song 'Damn The Moon' has just been added to Boris 's Station station!
IMP Your song 'Easier' has just been added to Kayak Classics station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to Kayak Classics station!
IMP Your song 'Easier' has just been added to Kayak Classics station!
IMP Your song 'Nameless, But Not Few' has just been added to Please Come Back station!
IMP Your song 'Damn The Moon' has just been added to Alizarine FM station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to The Best Artists In the World station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to Desperado Pop station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to Kayak Classics station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to Nobody For President 2020 station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to shining examples of indie brilliance station!
IMP Your song 'Damn The Moon' has just been added to AMR Desperado station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to Kayak Classics station!
IMP Your song 'Nameless, But Not Few' has just been added to Musings station!
IMP Your song 'Nameless, But Not Few' has just been added to JUST LISTEN! station!
IMP Your song 'Nameless, But Not Few' has just been added to My k"New" Life station!
IMP Your song 'Easier' has just been added to Witt's Picks station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to Kayak Classics station!
IMP Your song 'Easier' has just been added to Gravel Rock Desperado Radio station!
IMP Your song 'Damn The Moon' has just been added to BANG station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to STATE Radio Desperado station!
IMP Your song 'Easier' has just been added to PICK station!
IMP Your song 'Damn The Moon' has just been added to MODD FM station!
IMP Your song 'Damn The Moon' has just been added to Indie Extravaganza station!
IMP Your song 'Easier' has just been added to OTHER FM - A Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to DEMOISELLES station!
IMP Your song 'Easier' has just been added to SNAP FM - A Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Nameless, But Not Few' has just been added to DEMOISELLES station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to Kayak Classics station!
IMP Your song 'Damn The Moon' has just been added to GIRL FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Property Of The State' has just been added to Kayak Classics station!
Name       Link
Msg  Go!
SNAP FM - a Desperado Revue station
Apocalypse Radio
My (k)NEW Life
Over The Moon
Alizarine FM
MOD FM - a Desperado Revue station
Eve's Special Reserve
Render Unto Little Caesar
shining examples of indie brilliance
IMPs Premier Singer-Songwriters
CURL's girls
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Like Fun Steakhouse.
Space is the Place
Eagles Flight
Pipeline Picks
[ ( { -DYNAMIC- } ) ]
*****DirgeKs Furry Friends*****
Nobody For President 2028
Nice Vocals
This Just In
DEMOISELLES FM - a Desperado Revue stn
When Rock Talks
Indie music is better
AZs Female Vocals Only station
Recycle Radio
Alternative Nation
AZs Random picks from all flavors.
FM tunes for the FM
Love, Longing and Loss
++The SnowClowN++
***tHe MuSiC hAnD***
Tropical Escape
Diane's Place
Songs - to listen to
Indie Superstars Will Rock Your World
SPIN FM - a Desperado Revue station
GIRL FM - a Desperado Revue station
Acid Rain
America Destroyed... (an Inside Job)
MOVE FM - a Desperado Revue station
Indie Extravaganza
Spaceman's Spiffs
Heavy Rotation Archive
Got Music?
Radio Head
Sweet Notes
Flying Fred´s Germany Indie Rock Show
Reach for the Stars
Cherry Popper
Heavy Rotation
Sandman's Songbirds
Golden Kayak Nominees 2017
AOR Overflow
Nathan's Picks
The Best Artists In the World
Witt's Picks
Voices of Angels
Alternative Pop Rock
midnight station
The Metro Underground
Kayak Number One Songs!
acoustic feel
The message(I get It)
station fulla hits

12/20/2017 3:06:20 AM
Last pageview at: 3/31/2025 9:30:54 AM
Pageviews: 67216

Ainjel Emme