ALtErNaTiVe ReTrO aNd PsYcHeDeLiC Sinister and strangely compelling track like being trapped in the hall of mirrors at an out-of-town Circus.The room starts spinning and you keep catching glimpses of the clown who seems to have a big glinting knife and an evil grin on his face for some reason..
All About Rock 2 The music reminds me of the Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour
THE NOBODIES CURSE! Hey Jackcover my back!
The Good Stuff Incessant pestering does not usually pay off. But in this case, the song warranted the add. A damn good song that I cannot deny is "Good Stuff". And I really do like the band, period. You may see their other song on here before all is said and done.
zing! flip! squash!--WATERPLANET radio Circusy and just ridiculous. Good sound and great fun.
Out Tha Box Sound System This track hypnotized me from the first note. This track is truly an enigma....and I can't stop listening to it. I bet you can't listen to this song once....I dare anybody.
nighthawks Hide women and children, pull the covers up over your head and be VERY afraid...Jack is wearing his imported silk bowler derby! Hey Ho is destined to be a ringtone classic. (you can remove the curse now, Jack, thank you....these ingrown toenails are KILLIN' me!!)
LEGENDARY MUSIC I'm sure old Rascal wondered just what the Sam Hell got into me tonight. Moments earlier I had appeared calm, collected, sane and relaxed tossing a couple of fresh logs into the fireplace, refueling our senses with that embracing and welcoming aroma of smoky wood heat on a chilly winter's night. Intoxicated and seduced by the warmth and comfort spilling from the hearth, Rascal had collapsed into a heap on his crumpled old blanket, and in a flash drifted quickly into doggie la-la land. Then I went and lowered the boom so to speak on his pooch dreams with The Jack Paddle Cover Band's "HEY HO" introduction to Legendary Music. Legendary Music? "HEY HO"? you ask surprised. Ears standing straight up, startled from his dreams, old Rascal appeared to be asking the same question. Uno momento mi furry amigo!! Trust me here. "LEGENDARY" - traditional, mythical, storied, fictitious, epic, mythic, fabulous, apocryphal, fanciful, imaginary, tralatitious, etc., etc. Enough? Okay. Now back to "HEY HO". This is Flash In The Pan and St. Peter meeting Bonzo and an eclectic bevy of wildly exaggerated marionette-like Cirque du Soleilish characters in the House of Mirrors on Manhattan Coney Island, struttin' up and down Park Avenue with the hunky-dunky ritzy-glitzy Harlemites. Yeah, crazy stuff I know, and kind of nonsensical, but hey, that's what makes "HEY HO" what it is methinks - a song with seemingly hundreds of moving parts and sounds, somewhat quasi Rube Goldbergian perhaps. Listen to these vocals will ya - perfectly greased, possibly with some kind of brewed high-test concoction of caffelatte espresso mocha cappuccino and lord only knows what else you can funnel in. This is musique musicale ... fun, vampish and downright entertaining. Good enough for me!! We all need to make room for more of this in our hurried scurried lives. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Rascal's cool with it too, in a toasty warm sort of way now he's back to sleep. Glad to have you here Jack!!
Rivergods Radio An outstanding track from the irrepressibly imaginative Jack Paddle
Radio Mperia Never has menace seemed so lighthearted + and that's disturbing!
Future Ones Jacks put together a catchy haunting little number need 2 listens me, try it and you'll be hooked
Off the main road A strangely haunting tune takes a few listens but once it's got're hooked
Selectively Random Addictive and catchy.
Wreck On The Highway Curious & more curious, vibrant & querky, definitely a hint of gothic moondust in this track, thumbsup!
fReE mAn LeEs' FaVoURiTeS I don't know why, but I want to laugh when I hear this. Reminds me of the group Ween too, but altogether my type of music.
The Peoples Choice! "I can't go past "Hey Ho" by the Jack Paddle Cover Band. This tune stays in my head...........a lot. Something about subliminal messages I think my shrink said...or was that Jack....I dunno, anyway if you haven't heard it check it out. Cheers"........... Chosen by Mark of NO RYTHM
The PAWN STAR Station pawnographic
Musings Hey, Hey, Ho! I've been a Musing myself with this one for awhile now. Quite the hook, watch out or it'll get you too! -M-
Timo's True Shaman Radio Interesting
monsterTracks Hey, hey, ho, say Hello miinions to sir jack's little submariners of the subsonic sound waves waving goodbye to her cold, cold coffee with his fat blue grimy face racing from the screaming sirens and shots sent searching into the shadows shattering the silence, ringing out in vain to find the only sign they can barely see--the once white cream now pink from his cheap red lipstick dancing on his evil grin as he darts thru the dark through the alley maze long since burned in his brain so he can have another coffee break again...
Dummass Music There's something wrong with this guy. But isn't that true of us all? Of course it is, dummass.
Tizzle Gs Musical Party Extravaganza UK Dirty, slick, and downright perrculiar. This is what it sounds like when a Welshman moves to massachusetts.
Getting Back in the Swing This tune is difficult to adequately describe, which is probably one of the reasons I like it. From the rolling piano line, to the Residents-sounding vocals and the odd extra instrumentation, this is a song that grabs the attention and invites the listener along for the ride. I especially like the little violin-pluck line that divides the verse about 2/3 of the way in.
2008 IAIA Golden Kayak Nominees nominated for Best Alternative Retro and Psychedelic Song
Radio SIX13 Hey Ho is a Dark and sexy track. Very groovy and solid, nostalgic feel. Great music and supreme production. Hey Ho!
Phlegm Phavorites dig your stuff. Definitely on PHLEGM PHAVORITES now! Tom waits meets the residents with an r&b twist? yup.
High Blood Pressure Western Civilization need more Hey ho than ever, in the middle ages the monks did not know about tutti frutti or ketchup.We are enjoying the progress of the technology that offer us new dimensional sound for the backbone.
Absurd Comments Station Western Civilization need more Hey ho than ever, in the middle ages the monks did not know about tutti frutti or ketchup.We are enjoying the progress of the technology that offer us new dimensional sound for the backbone.
PHIFTY PHLEGM PHAVORITES yeaaaahhhharggggghh, matey!
Out To Lunch Uranus.
KWLF (Werewolve Radio) Uranus.
Anarchists Uranus.
BIG DICK RADIO!!! stretching the limits!!!
Affinity ties Strange circus & great beat !
Touchstones "hey ho," jack showed up here and dropped this,, added so many stations here, a orphan urchin on a foggy London street mayhaps, kudos...
Summer Vacation A circuslike sonic patina, with a sinister undercurrent, and "the man with the fat face," "green coffee," what a snaky, twisty, psychokinetic anthemic confessional, "hey ho," fun fun fun...