Keep your eyes wopen
Keep Your Eyes Wopen by MALEEDIVY is such a magical gem of a track i discovered on Steve Aprils 'Thanksgiving' station..6 women from the Czech Republic all singing accapella.I was just thinking this would absoloutly blow me away if i happened to chance upon it live somewhere..
The prescence,freedom and joy here is palpable,Its like they're totally at one with some primordial essence and spirit in the music.
The lead singer seems so awake and full of life,it's as if she's just opened her arms and started flying while she's singing..
The song itself is great.A kinda fusion of Reggae,African,blues,soul n pop with a beautiful free-spirited melody and great chords provided by the backing vocalists..
Love the sudden eerie chromatic shift just before she sings 'Here I Am'..
Haunting,strange and evocative yet totally natural,human and organic too..Timeless music
There's such a playful spirit here i love as well- they seem to be having an absoloute blast performing together..
Woh..The magic of the human voice !
The other track they've got up here 'Damned Day' is a total joy too..
added to station 3/28/2013 8:59:41 AM

Rabbit Run
Rabbit Run sums up whats so great about Dreamtown for me..There's such a sense of joy and freedom in what they're creating..This is music so obviously made purely for the love of just doing it and some of that freedom gets sprinkled over the listener-opening up their imagination,healing them and taking them on a mythic trip to an inner landscape away from the mundane world for a little while..
It basically just makes you feel good lol
Was speaking with a musician mate in the pub a few days ago and he was saying (in reference to the utterly stellar song 'Go Now' which i'd just played on acoustic ) that great music instantly creates its own world for you to enter into..
Thats certainly the case for me with Rabbit Run....
Its sunny,earthy,warm n strange with a totally organic transcendence in its groove,melody n vibe..
The sudden chromatic instrumental section that appears from nowhere is a real piece of magic- as is the way it comes round all major 7thy again n ascends toward heaven on those cool harmonies..
added to station 3/28/2013 9:06:48 AM
Acoustic Alternative

Sly Witt
Just A Little While
Just A Little While by SLY WITT is such a wonderful track..Its like its managed to condense n bottle the spirit of 1976 FM pop/rock radio into a glorious monster hit that never was..Made by one of those soul influenced singer/songwriters who worshipped The Beatles and had access to ridiculously expensive studios n great session players the airwaves would reverberate with then..
You'd hear them ringing out in lush widescreen stereo whilst driving your open-top thru the Hollywood hills in summer..
Simultaneously nostalgic n timeless, there's a real emotional resonance and sense of the glory of great pop in the soulful,heartfelt vocal lines, wonderful hope-filled chorus and songcrafting of the highest order here..
I love how he's managed to make the whole thing sound so epic on a budget..The sweep of those strings and brass i'm sure are synthetic,but the songs so frikkin' cool he makes you BELIEVE they're real lol..
I posted an enthusiastic fan review of another of Sly's excellent songs here a few years back - and someone commented that they really disliked his vocal -but i think his performance here is totally natural and convincing-supporting the tune perfectly whilst emotionally drawing you in..
Magical song..
added to station 3/28/2013 8:56:51 AM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

Harol Dalley Way
Harol Dalley Way by Azwel is such a magical,beautifully written song..
By what generally gets success in the mainstream, you'd think that the art of creating songs with anything but lumberingly predictable,cookie-cutter chord changes was dead.
Luckily from digging deep enough - as i have on IAC particularly -the arts still very much alive - and my Spaceboy station here is awash with them- for anyone interested in hearing some great,beautifully written (relatively) modern alternative pop/rock songs..
Its a huge driving force for me as a writer to constantly try and suprise myself musically,make strange detours and basically NOT be able to predict where the songs gonna go from the first couple of chords - and i love artists and songs which give me that thrill of the new..Its just being creative imo..
In my strange alternate universe then Azwel would be a million selling artist and not a total unknown, such is his skill at shifting moods,teleporting sections - suprising you at all turns with so many cool songs..
Harold Dalley Way starts with the ominous intro before settling into the lovely sad smiling
verse.The chorus suddenly toughens up then - and the whole mood become more unsettling and strange..Its a fabulous ride - and the ghostly haunted outro is one last unexpected ace, shifting the mood yet again and letting you float away on melancholic memory bliss
Fabulous track..
added to station 3/28/2013 8:56:01 AM
Indie Pop

Steve Iannetti
Knocked Over
Knocked Over by Steve Iannetti is such a beautiful tune..Was a toss up between this and the equally great Danger To Myself from the songs of his i've heard..
In the end decided on Knocked Over tho which is like some long lost Country gem from a great Road Movie in the 60s/70s/80s/90s/2000s Its timeless so any decade would work....The epic cinematic sweep of it reminds me a little in vibe of the excellent Eagles track "Take It To The Limit ".
In truth tho, this is closer to the bone and far more real n raw emotionally..Simultaneously heartbreaking and strangely joyful at the same time,its tugging on your heartstrings whilst you knock back yet another JD on the rocks in a mix of drunken reverie n pain..
I met this beautiful woman at a party in the early hours a few months ago and she played/introduced me to the first Ryan Adams album- and the best songs on there had a beauty thru loss that made me want to cry - just like this song does..
"It's like I'm driving in the dark, down a long freeway.
And I see you in a car Going the other way "
This is classic Americana/Country of the very highest quality..
I had a listen recently to a few modern country pop songs and none of them were even remotely in the same league as this qualatively..
The fact that they're making millions, whilst a song like this is totally unknown can only make me conclude unfortunately that the world is populated by idiots..
added to station 3/28/2013 9:01:11 AM
Dark Pop

Beyond The Veil
Beyond The Veil by english duo LANE is a fabulous atmospheric,bluesy gem in waltz time..The chord progression is a delight all the way thru- and heavily influenced by 'I Want You' by The Beatles i should think- with those great diminished n 7th chords and ace ringing Harrisson-like arpegios..
Also Abbey Road-like, the fabulously expressive stellar lead playing that punctuates the whole track..
The 'Something inside me' chorus is so haunting n spooky in vibe when it comes in and the whole vocal/melody line is soulful and beautiful in a way Peter Green in his prime might've written..
Absoloutly love the rolling chorus chords on their own played right after the sung chorus.(C#min/D#min7/G#) Its amazing how a move as simple as that can bring so much pleasure
Ace organ too - adding alot to the vibe with that great riff
A bit of magic happening here f'sure :)
added to station 3/28/2013 9:21:17 AM
Alternative Modern Rock

Bob Elliott
Orange Lane
Orange Lane by Bob Elliott is a such a fantastic timeless track , one thats stayed with me since i first played it..Hearing it again recently for the first time in a couple of years i was just blown away again by its haunted,haunting prescence..Superficially it seemed depressing the very first time i heard it, but continued plays showed this to be absoloutly not the case..
Its more that the vibe and tune is tapping into some kinda mystic ,primal energy that connects me deeper with life in some way, like transcendent songs do..The ghosts of great old acoustic blues singers and strange archetypal folk songs,deep dark forests alive with powerful spirits live n breathe in the grooves here.
So much to love ...The beautiful sad soulfulness of the chorus,the great slippery chromatic chord changes filled with tension n suspense,the wonderful sense of release when the piano part comes in..The sepia-tinged super 8, lifetime spanning lyric of timeless moments,loss and always worshipping at the shrine of beautiful music
The production n performance is a joy..A great rock song dressed in folk clothing...A weird folk song with a rock groove n attack..
A brilliant vocal from arguably the most instantly recognisable singer on IAC (infact maybe anywhere)
Thanx so much for the inspiration and creativity dude..*raises glass*
added to station 3/28/2013 8:55:00 AM
psychedelic pop

lost eyes
Thought i'd start a series here to give totally ace songs i've discovered over the years here some much deserved extra exposure.Maybe make a new thread every few days.
I'd love to have the power of an international DJ or something to be bring so many ace unknown songs i've fallen in love with here and on youtube etc to a large audience-but i can't
Hopefully these songs'll get a few new spins and maybe a couple of station adds tho..
Will make a new station out of these when i've found enough..
First off Lost Eyes by TRANSCENDER is brilliantly simple but ohhh so effective..Great pulled-out-the-ether sweet yearning melody on the verse, giving way to that great dumb lumbering mood-shifting riff.So cathartic n present.The guys voice is the spit of Neil Young - and if this was on After The Goldrush - or Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere it'd be one of the standout tracks.Yeh,its that cool.
added to station 3/28/2013 8:51:49 AM

The Dependents
Lullaby For The Brokenhearted
Lullaby For The Broken Hearted by New York band The Dependents is a fabulous soulful pop gem..Instantly engaging, intuitive and timeless in the way so many beautiful 60s tracks were..As a song this could easily've been a top 10 hit in 1966 - which for me - is one of the best compliments i can give..
Its so cool to discover a young band with so much natural class and obvious love for the transcendent magic n power of the pop song..They make it all sound so easy and effortless -as the best bands do..Its like they're carrying the flame forward for the spirit in the music or something..Yeh,they've gotta lotta soul....
It was a toss-up for me between this song and the equally excellent 'I Can't Go With You' from their page..
This is fabulous tho..A beautiful ballad with a wonderful evocative,memorable chorus - and a melody that feels so life-affirming n joyful whilst simultaneously breaking your heart..An excellent professional tasty band performance and a wonderful vocalist who's voice has a lilt that reminds me alot of gorgeous 60s soul-pop chanteusse PP Arnold..
Great music
added to station 3/28/2013 9:00:33 AM
Indie Pop

The Squire Of Somerton
In THE Night
n The Night by THE SQUIRE OF SOMERTON is a totally ace piece of creative retro-pop with a huge late 60s psychedelic flavour.Strongly.Influenced by early Queen,Syd Barrett and The Who i'm guessing.Featuring some of the most stellar n inventive guitar work i've ever heard..And what a thrilling ride it is !
The song is quirky n eccentric to the max ,chock full of ace dramatic changes,brilliant guitar riffs (my favourite the long bent note at the end of each verse ) but beautifully written and performed..
The band just about make those bizarre offbeat change hits that occur twice (once right at the end of the song) in unison..Must've taken alot of practice lol
added to station 3/28/2013 8:54:06 AM

Kid Wezel
Life Without Lolly
Life Without Lolly By KID WEZEL is such a beautiful understated song and one thats stayed with me for years.Its got this wonderful sense of serenity and tranquility like a lullaby, mixed with this underlying uneasy haunting major-minor undercurrent.
Was walking thru the woods today playing this in my head and thinking how timeless songs can help heal you in some way.They just open up doorways to your inner world and push you to see the world in a more magical way..
As Josh from The Living Dolls said here on another station "has a strong if completely unintentional psychedelic quality to it" ,which is another reason i love it so much.
The verses are so matter-of-fact but laced with hidden pain. The chorus is so evocative and spacious..The voice is perfect.
Creating such beauty and sense of peace from bereavement and loss.Just one guitar and vocal too.Amazing..Thanks for the magic louise :)
added to station 3/28/2013 8:53:17 AM

The Trolleyvox
Jean Jacket
Jean Jacket by TROLLEYVOX is such an ace TRACK- as opposed to a fantasticly written 'song' which is what i usually go for..I mean it dosn't even have a chorus .Broken down,its basically a series of 2 chord verses interspersed with guitar breaks really-but what a gorgeous, dreamy n delightful pop confection it is ! And what a beautiful atmosphere it creates as a whole..
So much to enjoy here..
The cool Byrdsian riff,the seductive whisper-soft vocals from a singer sounding remarkably like The Bangles Suzanna Hoffs..The fab bubbling McCartney bass and the wonderfully poppy "Jean Jacket" BVs littered throughout..The real star here is the guitar tho..Shimmering n cascading luxuriantly from speaker to speaker with a series of utterly stellar cameo's.The ace echoey chromatic bit -so evocative.The brilliant glisteningly transcendent lead breaks flowing
like waterfalls..Reverby n resplendent and all encased in a gorgeously clear technicolour hifi production..
The long pauses of silence before diving back into the endless cyclical signature riff are brave, intentionally humorous and deliciously eccentric, giving the track a strong identity of its own and also the listener a space to dream ..
This is luxurious, airbrushed psychedelic soft pop with a fabulous band performance and a spick n sparkling modern sheen...
A wonderfully decadent full fat pop pleasure f'sure..
added to station 3/28/2013 8:57:45 AM
Alternative Pop Rock

Ronnie Hock
Let's Go Tubin'
Lets Go Tubin' by Ronnie Hock is a delightful piece of whimsical retro -pop..Normally i wouldn't elevate a song thats so obviously a pastiche to the status of one of my "IAC gems", (tho i'd still enjoy it on my stations) but there's something here that just strikes a chord with me and seemed so memorable and fresh even on a first listen..
I think its the quality of CHARM it has...Yeh,this is a genuinelly charming song with an unaffected sense of joy.Its ploughing a similar furrow that artists like Harry Nilsson did in the 60s - updating that 20s goodtime music with plenty of oompa tuba (neat pun with the title here) n wah-wah wailing trumpet..
Anyways the elusive quality of 'charm' in music is a rare quality to find in these days of brow-furrowed ultra-earnest singer-songwriters,bludgeoning rock n pelvic grind dancepop..
Its more cynical ,jaded times we live in now - and the mainstream taste refects that-but there's still a quality of innocence the human soul craves (often ironically as a RELIEF from the artless,noisy chit-chatter of the modern musical world ) - so there's always gonna be a need for a song like this for certain people (i.e me) thats got a genuinelly life -affirming loving vibe..
The nearest modern music gets to being "charming" these days is the kinda twee 'little girl lost' folk pop thats ironically used alot to sell cars in adverts on TV..There's something so obviously self -conscious about that particular vibe that puts me off tho -not to mention the fact the music's usually lazily crafted n musically cliche...
This song on the other hand is beautifully made,totally natural,intuitive n timeless of melody - and shows a master craftsmans eye for arrangement n production detail..Like good music does,it strikes you as effortless- -tho you just know a huge amount of works gone in to get it to sound this way..
Lovely track
added to station 3/28/2013 9:02:12 AM

Chandra Moon
Shadow Puppets
Shadow Puppets by CHANDRA MOON is a wonderfully atmospheric track..
Instantly creating a strange late night space from its opening cool broken arpegioed chords..
Its poetic lyric deals with the disturbing hallucinogenic effect on a mind that can't sleep, as all the 'normal' conscious barriers are let down,allowing unguarded n unedited thoughts and feelings from the unconscious to come flooding in..
Theres more than a little of the spirit of Nick Drake here in its gentle soulfulness and soft incantation
As a song its instantly enjoyable and moves beautifully n naturally..Particularly love the chromatic rising 'margins of my mind' melody that reappears a couple of times throughout the song that adds a strangely charming almost childlike quality to the song..
added to station 3/28/2013 9:05:55 AM
left field

Steve Ison
On The Way Up
added to station 3/31/2013 9:57:18 AM
Brit Pop

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