Juliette Lewis
Any Way You Want
Juliette rocks my world. The Rollng Stones may not put out good singles anymore but this is as good as any Stones single. Juliette is an alien with super powers, it takes one to know one.
added to station 2/1/2017 3:19:54 PM

sugarplum fairies
Touchdown or Fly
Here's the perfect Super song for the Super Bowl. Silvia Rider melts me, that voice. Sometimes you cry. You can't make up your mind.
added to station 2/1/2017 3:12:04 PM

The Mariettas
Cactus Embrace
Is this a super song or what. It reminds me of being in the desert with the Flash. I love songs that set an atmosphere and no song doe that better than this one. Give me your cactus embrace, let your thorns pierce my skin.
added to station 2/1/2017 3:13:41 PM

she rose from the dead
It's a trap little rat
My boss and mentor Cat Grant was kidnapped. I tracked her down only to find the culprits waiting with more kryponite than I've ever seen. I felt very sickly, like I was going to die, but my spirits were lifted by this transcendent masterpiece of a song, I wish I knew the lyrics. I intend to find them out someday.
added to station 12/22/2016 4:59:14 PM
Alternative Adult Indie

The Striped Bananas
Girl You Got Me Feeling Alright
There was no LSD on Krypton. On earth my friend Monel gave me a tab, I think cause he hoped to loosen me up so he could mate with me. I loved tripping but even though Monel has superpowers, I couldn't stop thinking about Father Time and his sexy ways. Monel, we'll just have to be friends, but do you know where I can find an ounce of pot without flying all the way to Colorado?
added to station 12/22/2016 5:04:31 PM
Psychedelic Rock

Beaulieu Porch
Golda 03
I've never been to Hampshire but based on this song I am considering (when my flying days are through) getting a house there and having superbabies. My father was left to die on Krypton but I've decided I'm going to have J'onn J'onzz give me away, earthlings have such strange traditions.
added to station 12/22/2016 5:09:17 PM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

Dead Bed Bad
Love Burns The Man
You know what else burns the man? Giant electrical fires brought to earth by cyborgs from Cadmus. Lucky I'm around to save the day.
added to station 12/22/2016 5:19:09 PM

The Free Design
Kites Are Fun
I love springtime when all the kites are up in the sky, it gets lonely flying up there sometimes.
added to station 12/22/2016 5:31:20 PM

The Pony Collaboration
Don't stay
The Pony Collaboration brings out my sad side. Even Supergirls cry once in awhile. On a side note, I never understood why some of these superheroes shout out catch phrases like "Shazam!" So.. what should my catchphrase be? Do you think "Love To Rock Ya" would work?
added to station 12/22/2016 5:29:41 PM
Alternative Indie Folk

Fozzie and Jack
Over the Edge
I like to listen to this song when I fly at night, it makes me feel so peaceful. On another subject, do you know where I can get a good ice cream cone? Is there a Carvel nearby?
added to station 12/22/2016 5:21:23 PM
Guitar Instrumental

Father Time
Heads Turn
Father Time hinted that he wrote this song about me but he probably says that to all his honeys!
added to station 12/22/2016 10:35:14 PM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

Happy Rhodes
I could've been Charlie. I could've been dead. but I met Father Time and he turned me on to indies, now I'm happy instead.
added to station 12/22/2016 5:23:00 PM

Camera Obscura
If Looks Could Kill
If looks could kill we all know I'd be a mass murderer, thank you very much. ok I'm off to post some pictures on my page, stop by, my name is Kara Zor-el.
added to station 12/22/2016 5:32:29 PM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

The Martinis
You Are The One
Who is the one? It might be Mon-el. He confessed that he likes me, but I sort of feel like his mother sometimes. It's definitely not James Olsen, he's too detached. I want someone who's always there for me, like Father Time.
added to station 2/1/2017 3:17:04 PM

Open Letter Before The End
This is a super indie rock song. I like songs that make me feel things. The singer has a lot of angst. This song makes me think about when I had to leave Krypton, it makes me sad but it rocks me sad.
added to station 2/1/2017 3:10:26 PM

David Mullen
Rash Within Time - Blisster Demo
I was working with the Flash during a crossover episode and he carried me thru the time thing and this is what happened, I got a rash within time. I think that Barry Allen loves me like all the other boys. I told him I'm seeing Father Time now, sorry, I'm a one-man girl.
added to station 12/22/2016 5:16:09 PM

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