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Greg Great Idea here. Cheers!
SapphireWolf Thanks again Eve for posting Amphibian
Raveztar Thanks for your accolades! Raveztar
Bob Balsley love the station. thanks
Motorbaby Thanks for the ad! "KEEP ON" rockin!
Marc Proud to be here among you and thanks to you!
Dee Hemingway Thanks for adding my song "Lies" to the stations. Liking the music of everyone.
Sicc Any stations in here? Please add my song to your playlist. you will love it.. thank you much
Helmut Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this beautiful de_scription of my song. I really really appreciate it. Have a great day
transcenderarts transcenderarts appreciates the inclusion
transcenderarts transcenderarts appreciates the inclusion
Steven Please check out and Like singer Dana Simone on Facebook
Steve https://www.facebook.com/DanaSimoneOfficial/
Holworks Thanks for adding Parable!
Holworks Thank you for listening to, liking, and adding my songs. I hope they give you joy,. Meristolis
Holworks Holworks made the Mash Page? How cool is that?
Linda Drewello Thank You so very much for adding my song 'Come and Sup With Me' to your play list!
Linda Drewello Thank You so very much for adding my song 'Come and Sup With Me' to your play list!
Seven Miles West Thank you for adding our song Deep Breath! YOU ROCK \m/
TolbertToz Much Thanks for Adding DOWN THE LINE
Shawn Adam Williams Thanks so much for rockin' and supporting my song; Miss High Roller. Please enjoy it!
Shawn Adam Williams Keep listening to Miss High Roller
David Thanks for nominating "The Man in the Window," featuring the incomparable Abby London! GOOD LUCK to all the fine nominees!
transcenderarts transcenderarts appreciates the inclusion
Tuesday X Thanks for adding my tracks!! New stuff coming up! Stay tuned!!!
Mike Harwood Thanks for adding 'Love is' to your station guys, appreciate the support.
Lance Kutchins Thanks for the Station add!
Rosie Shy Thanks for including me
Joe Thanks for the add!
transcenderarts transcenderarts appreciates the inclusion
denisecascione Truly thankful to you all adding Songs of an Unknown Chanteuse to Station Mash Up!! Much love to you all!! <3 denise
David Thanks for the om nom nom nom! "Listen to Your Heart, featuring Abby London" which is also
Seismo Wanaa Say a Loud and Clear THANK YOU!! to all Stations that are puttin' Me on; it is Highly Appreciated and got ya linked up on my Page as well as promoting on my Twitter. KEEP IT ROCKIN'!!
denise cascione Shut Up and Kiss Me, Oh, thank you for the add! Be well sweet friends and continue to bring your beautiful music to our world,Sharing the love through song, denise
Charmian Devi Thank you!..awesome to be here.
Charmian Devi Thanks so much Norm!
Susie Boehm Thanks for adding 'desperate times' and 'fastrack to sainthood' to the station! Nice way to start my day. Stay well :)
Susie Boehm Thanks for adding 'boxville' to the station. These days feel more boxed in and displaced than ever...but music pulls us through. Stay well!
Susie Boehm Thanks for adding 'boxville'! These days feel more boxed in and displaced than ever, but music pulls us through. Stay well!
Shawn Adam Williams Thanks so much for making "Sorrow" possible!
Carrie Wade Thank you Mash and Chandra Moon for attention to "Drive"!!!
Sapphirewolf Thanks Mash and wavelength station for featuring and commenting on “Where Dragonflies Dance “
Shawn Adam Williams Thank you so much! Mama Magnolia is officially on the rise. I'm off to a good rockin' start!
denise cascione IMP Station Mash this is a true honor to be added here with my song Honesty which I sing with David Cournoyer! So much love and inspiration wished for you all. Sharing the love through song, denise
MIchèle Raffaele Thank you so much for the add, really appreciate it
Ella Blame Thank you for adding "Dancing Angel".
Linda Drewello A BIG 'Thank You" to all at the IMP Station Mash for adding my song, "There's Been A Change in Me" to your play list. What a Blessing!!!
steve thanks for adding I let one rip!
Pocke Öhrström Than you so much for adding my song "It Was Too Late"
Out Of Bodies Hey, THANKS for the kind words and for adding “Crazy Boy” by The Out Of Bodies!
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Little Purple Bottle - rough cut
From: JUST LISTEN! Station
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana
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Little Purple Bottle - rough cut
From: Musings Station
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana
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Lonnie Glass
Vengeance Is Mine
From: Musings Station
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negative tendencies
“ Goddamn! That song makes me want to jump off the Coronado bridge!” - Javier Vega of #SOCIALSPIT!
From: Boof Woooglies Gnunga-Mgbwuni Chrowl Station
Neo Mod
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Francesca Tamellini
Francesca's back with a lovely ballad, poignant, graceful, and strong/vulnerable, "it takes a community" a sayng goes, good luck Francesca, your piano playing and vocal remains unique, and fabulous, kudos...
From: Po(t)pouri Station
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negative tendencies
This just might be the best NegTen song yet! What do you get when you throw a little Beatles, Stones, and Bobby Dylan into a blender? Blame!
From: Larree's Choice Cuts Station
Neo Mod
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Bryon Tosoff
I'm a Piano Man
Bryon, the piano man, kudos...
From: Auld Lang Sign Station
Live Performances
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Richard Scotti
Tastefully produced song, kinda an extravaganza, lottsa heart, kudos...
From: Auld Lang Sign Station
Classic and Progressive Rock
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Steve April
Blue Umbrella (collabro Steve Ison)
A rocker with a drivin' rhythm, and mandolin along with the EG lead, lyrics/story touchin' on the vicissitudes, among our 1st collabros, kudos...
From: Auld Lang Sign Station
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic
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Peter Adams
More Than You Know
Peter Adams w a unique touch, production choices are original, and tasty, kinda a simple love/infatuation song, w sparklin' touches, and easy musicality, kudos...
From: Auld Lang Sign Station
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negative tendencies
Rockin', , the outro/coda recalls Dylan, or Phil ochs, or RHCP, big props for the band, the wah wah's tasty, the drummer's assertive, also the bass, the bold, poetic lyrics and driving rhythms/vocal make for a tasty listen, kudos...
From: Winnebago Pop-Top Adventure Van Station
Neo Mod
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negative tendencies
Rockin', , the outro/coda recalls Dylan, or Phil ochs, or RHCP, big props for the band, the wah wah's tasty, the drummer's assertive, also the bass, the bold, poetic lyrics and driving rhythms/vocal make for a tasty listen, kudos...
From: Cup'A Coffee (Expresso) Station
Neo Mod
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negative tendencies
Well, Father Time and his band rock the place, a tastefully produced piece, much hard-won experience rocks this song, 'I've given it all baby/this is all I got left to say," catchy chorus, "blame it on...", a bit like "everybody must get stoned," in its crazy rhythms, kudos...
From: Outside the Window Station
Neo Mod
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Steve April
All Fired Up
Rocking with a retro vibe and lots of organ, digging that and the driving percussion, love the old time style progression tasty rocking tune with character and the good feeling of the style of BTO or a kind of Beatles feel too
From: Dj Bruh Epic Rock Station
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Francesca Tamellini
This one draws you in immediately and beacons one to continue the journey to the inner truth as revealed by Francesca, the song is sung with such a sweet mellow groove with lovely tonal touches of the ivories , its somewhat dark yet hopeful
From: Dj Bruh Easy Listening Station
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negative tendencies
NEGTEN ARE RIGHT UP THERE WITH their brand of NUROCKGROOVE+ Mod vibe a rolling happening tune with a message that for sure will grab ya , superb musical journey which takes you into a new age of stylizing rockinreality preaching the truth
From: Dj Bruh IMP ICONS Station
Neo Mod
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negative tendencies
Boom NegTen drops the best ever song they have done. tight, killer vox stellar work all around
From: eYe Station
Neo Mod
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Francesca Tamellini
The Darling of IMPNATION graces us again with her wonderful voice, lyrical insight and beautiful touches on the piano, elegance
From: MUSIC IS TRUTH Station
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The Living Dolls
Well, a blast of 60s musicality and indie spirit, the harpsichord upbeat w a classical patina, the harmonies are colorful, toucha strings & the lyrics/story charmin', kudos...
From: Auld Lang Sign Station
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic
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Marc Ceccotti
Three views of you
What a fun track, in jazz-fusion-rock mode, the guitar work's stellar, production fulsome and tasteful, bass presence, drum presence, recalls John McLaughlin a bit maybe here and there, kudos...
From: JAZZ Club Station
Jazz Rock Fusion
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Hugh Hamilton
Don't Hide Your Love
harmonies a la the Beatles, kudos...
From: Auld Lang Sign Station
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana
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Al Stravinsky
Roll the dice
b-i-g chorus, Al rocks...
From: Auld Lang Sign Station
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From: Auld Lang Sign Station
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Peter Adams
Listen Harmony
Happenin' song, back in the day, "boombox sitting on top of a car," "have a little faith/direction and listen harmony," tasty production, indie spirit galore, kudos...
From: Long Time Coming Station
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Steve April
All Fired Up
Soulful groove, upbeat vibe lookin' forward in anticipation, Mark's keys alternately growl and romp, 12 "all fired up" chorus, woo hoo, catchy, kudos...
From: Long Time Coming Station
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Grand Jury
Threesome musical soulmates
Musicality & story here, tasteful production values, song w a rare/unusual theme, the benefits/pleasures of collabros, energetic and upbeat/froward sounding, kudos...
From: Long Time Coming Station
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Tony G. Copeland
Soulful atmosphere, a charmin' vocal, kinda Motown influence or Barry gray maybe, actually vocal tones recall sam cooke, replete with horns, backing vocals, production fulsome, lyrics/story pleasing, kudos...
From: Long Time Coming Station
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Steve April
All Fired Up
Catchiest chorus this year, well, maybe, surf-y EG, the crazy-legs organ, production over-da-top, lyrics/story colorful & engagin', 1 2 3 4, kudos...
From: ^^Moods For All Seasons^^ Station
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Richard Scotti
A rocker, kinda anthemic, production fullsome, stylish EG, lyrics/story kinda classic-progressive, w EG stylings that recall ELO or John Mayall maybe, kudos...
From: Long Time Coming Station
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One Time Only
I'm glad I don't live in the US of A
Bold vocal, neat production overall, a toucha strings adds atmosphere, lyrics/story bold and a chronicle contemporary w attitude, time'll tell, will this be prophetic??, the role of chroniclers, kudos...
From: Long Time Coming Station
Easy Listening/Soft Rock
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Bryon Tosoff
Telepathic Connection Reprise (piano-sax)
Easy listening groove, relax-and-float-downstream vibe, rain on the roof maybe, and a warm fireplace, charmin' keys by Bryon, and sax by Paul Wainright, well-played, kudos...
From: Long Time Coming Station
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The Dorroughbys
Catch The Rain
Ooh, Cary caught sunshine/rain here, production w indie spirit galore, catchy chorus, a bit of CCR influence maybe, but definitely unique, an artistic sensibility, air choir the icing on the cake, kudos...
From: Long Time Coming Station
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Brandon LaSpada
This ISss... such a "Beautiful Song", Brandon... BRAVO! -M-
From: Barefoot on a Dirt-Floor Station
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana
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Richard Scotti
nice and aggressive!
From: JUST LISTEN! Station
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Richard Scotti
nice and aggressive!
From: Musings Station
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The Dorroughbys
Wow! VERY Cool! -M-
From: I Like Strange. ~M~ Station
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Bryon Tosoff
nice and strange... just like i like it to be... strange? nice!
From: I Like Strange. ~M~ Station
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Ben Elliot
The Fifth Horseman
Strangely "Psychotic".
From: I Like Strange. ~M~ Station
Melodic Metal
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How Bizarre Does Art Need To Be?
JUST as "Bizarre" as THIS! Art NEEDS "To BE"(and "Be FOR") ANY(and all) "Bizarreness"... To Hath ANY "Powers" at all!
From: I Like Strange. ~M~ Station
Acoustic Punk
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Guys Like Me
is this "really"... George Bush???
From: I Like Strange. ~M~ Station
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Ben Elliot
The Fifth Horseman
"Psychotically" Mesmerizing!
From: Moody, Cool, Psychotic, and Mesmerizing Station
Melodic Metal
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Bryon Tosoff
Telepathic Connection Reprise (piano-sax)
Mellow vibe
From: New Age Inspirational Station
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The Dorroughbys
I Don't Believe
An operatic vocal in places, pumpin' bass, and lyrics/story thot-provokin', w a toucha L. Cohen influence maybe here and there, fun stuff, kudos...
From: Summer Vacation Station
Adult Alternative
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The Blue Voodoo
Walkin' Shoes
nice one!
From: JUST LISTEN! Station
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Psyche's Muse
A chill jam for the journey to inner space. Too cool.
From: Greatest Fantastical Original Hits Station
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Lonnie Glass
Vengeance Is Mine
You is feeling like you was lost in the bush, boy? You says: It is a puling sample jungle of woods. You most shouts out: Bethicket me for a stump of a beech if I have the poultriest no- tions what the farest he all means. Gee up, girly! The quad gos- pellers may own the targum but any of the Zingari shoolerim may pick a peck of kindlings yet from the sack of auld hensyne. Lead, kindly fowl! They always did: ask the ages. What bird has done yesterday man may do next year, be it fly,...
From: Finnegans Wake Book 1 Chapter 5 Station
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The stain, and that a teastain (the overcautelousness of the masterbilker here, as usual, signing the page away), marked it off on the spout of the moment as a genuine relique of ancient Irish pleasant pottery of that lydialike languishing class known as a hurry-me-o'er-the-hazy. Why then how? Well, almost any photoist worth his chemicots will tip anyone asking him the teaser that if a negative of a horse happens to melt enough while drying, well, what you do get is, well, a...
From: Finnegans Wake Book 1 Chapter 5 Station
Alternative Modern Rock
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Old Man's Money
Bird Song
The bird in the case was Belinda of the Dorans, a more than quinquegintarian (Terziis prize with Serni medal, Cheepalizzy's Hane Exposition) and what she was scratching at the hour of klokking twelve looked for all this zogzag world like a goodish- sized sheet of letterpaper originating by transhipt from Boston (Mass.) of the last of the first to Dear whom it proceded to mention Maggy well & allathome's health well only the hate turned the mild on the van Houtens and the general's...
From: Finnegans Wake Book 1 Chapter 5 Station
Indie Rock
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Father Time
Bully Baby
After just witnessing public humiliation, confrontation, name calling and bullying on the news, I remembered this song by FT, always a favorite - and it seemed appropriate..
From: SHOUT OUT Station
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Bryon Tosoff
SUMMERTIME with Duane Flock
Cup of joe is listening to this classic number a cover by Bryon Tosoff with Duane Flock doing up some sweet guitar
From: Cup of Joe Station
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Bryon Tosoff
Into the Seventh Dimension reprise
Soulful and evocative, this piece feat. Bryon on piano, and Paul Wainwright on sax, Bryon plays with an almost chopin-esque lyricism, a jazzy motif, and the sax leans over and breathes atmosphere, like back in the day, with Roland Kirk, at the Blue Note, kudos...
From: Wavelength Station
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Ross Harding
What You Gonna Say To God?
Ross's music rocks, the descending bass recalls classics like "leader of the pack," the chorus "what you gonna say..." , it's like a echo from the "other place", the EG and piano well-played and dramatic, good catch there Norm, kudos...
From: Coffee & Cream Station
Contemporary Classic Rock
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Carmel Danzante
No Matter
Poppy vibe, strong vocal, production's good, bold subject matter, kinda recalls Alanis morrisette "jagged little pill" songs, original also, kudos...
From: Cup'A Coffee (Expresso) Station
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Psyche's Muse
Me, My Self, and "Aye!" -M-(station "master"... "baiting"! )
From: Poe poe whittle me Station
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Shawn Adam Williams
Wash My Sins
wow! cool stuff man!
From: Poe poe whittle me Station
Acoustic Swamp Blues
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Beneath the Sand
Mesmerizing... really "nice lyrics"!
From: Moody, Cool, Psychotic, and Mesmerizing Station
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Dreaming Up The Answers
Evocative, atmospheric piece, the sonics are beautiful, a toucha al de Miola influence maybe??, f-u-n listen, kudos...
From: ^^Moods For All Seasons^^ Station
Melodic Guitar Instrumental
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Contemplating Waves
Blue Jay Way Reprise - I Can Feel You Now
Got a toucha 60s vibe, innocence and experience, well-played, kudos...
From: WATERS EDGE Station
Progressive Rock
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negative tendencies
Our Year
Rockin' band, super bowl Sunday, kudos...
From: PICNIC Station
Arena Rock
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Bryon Tosoff
Pretty piano, graceful guitar, pluggin' into the great outlet, the heavenly connection, music, kudos...
From: PICNIC Station
Singer Songwriter
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Steve April
Ben Franklin
The EG keeps a light, breezy vibe, charmin' vocal, lyrics/story touches on Ben's inventions, his major role helping the colonies win the revolutionary war, pioneer in electricity, and a freedom-of-the-press founder, kudos...
From: PICNIC Station
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana
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Tom O'Brien
Do You Love Me?
Nice one Tom!
From: JUST LISTEN! Station
Acoustic Soul
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Tom O'Brien
Do You Love Me?
Nice one Tom!
From: Musings Station
Acoustic Soul
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Paul groover
The earth moved strangely
About that original hen. Midwinter (fruur or kuur?) was in the offing and Premver a promise of a pril when, as kischabrigies sang life's old sahatsong, an iceclad shiverer, merest of bantlings ob- served a cold fowl behaviourising strangely on that fatal midden or chip factory or comicalbottomed copsjute (dump for short) afterwards changed into the orangery when in the course of deeper demolition unexpectedly one bushman's holiday its limon threw up a few spontaneous fragments of...
From: Finnegans Wake Book 1 Chapter 5 Station
Ambient Soundscape
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Isle Of You
Our isle is Sainge. The place. That stern chuckler Mayhappy Mayhapnot, once said to repeation in that lutran conservatory way of his that Isitachapel-Asitalukin was the one place, ult aut nult, in this madh vaal of tares (whose verdhure's yellowed therever Phaiton parks his car while its tamelised tay is the drame of Drainophilias) where the possible was the improbable and the improbable the inevitable. If the pro- verbial bishop of our holy and undivided with this me ken or no me ken...
From: Finnegans Wake Book 1 Chapter 5 Station
Electro Folk
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Pete Townshend
There is No Message in a Broken Heart
Who in his heart doubts either that the facts of feminine clothiering are there all the time or that the feminine fiction, stranger than the facts, is there also at the same time, only a little to the rere? Or that one may be separated from the other? Or that both may then be contemplated simultaneously? Or that each may be taken up and considered in turn apart from the other? Here let a few artifacts fend in their own favour. The river felt she wanted salt. That was just where Brien...
From: Finnegans Wake Book 1 Chapter 5 Station
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Oliver Moore
Ornery Grin
Luckily there is another cant to the questy. Has any fellow, of the dime a dozen type, it might with some profit some dull even- ing quietly be hinted — has any usual sort of ornery josser, flat- chested fortyish, faintly flatulent and given to ratiocination by syncopation in the elucidation of complications, of his greatest Fung Yang dynasdescendanced, only another the son of, in fact, ever looked sufficiently longly at a quite everydaylooking stamped addressed envelope? Admittedly it...
From: Finnegans Wake Book 1 Chapter 5 Station
Alternative Pop Rock
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negative tendencies
Our Year
Well, a rousing stadium song, why not this on the Super Bowl game halftime show, rockin' band, happenin' drummer, the EG lead rocks, the singer's joining the fray, got that catchy chorus, and toucha Roland, kudos...
Arena Rock
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Milla Kara
Words Unsaid
Naysayers we know. To conclude purely negatively from the positive absence of political odia and monetary requests that its page cannot ever have been a penproduct of a man or woman of that period or those parts is only one more unlookedfor conclu- sion leaped at, being tantamount to inferring from the nonpre- sence of inverted commas (sometimes called quotation marks) on any page that its author was always constitutionally incapable of misappropriating the spoken words of others.
From: Finnegans Wake Book 1 Chapter 5 Station
Neo Classical
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Peter Baacke
Now, patience; and remember patience is the great thing, and above all things else we must avoid anything like being or be- coming out of patience. A good plan used by worried business folk who may not have had many momentums to master Kung's doctrine of the meang or the propriety codestruces of Carpri- mustimus is just to think of all the sinking fund of patience pos- sessed in their conjoint names by both brothers Bruce with whom are incorporated their Scotch spider and Elberfeld's...
From: Finnegans Wake Book 1 Chapter 5 Station
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Close your eyes
In fact, under the closed eyes of the in- spectors the traits featuring the chiaroscuro coalesce, their con- trarieties eliminated, in one stable somebody similarly as by the providential warring of heartshaker with housebreaker and of dramdrinker against freethinker our social something bowls along bumpily, experiencing a jolting series of prearranged disappoint- ments, down the long lane of (it's as semper as oxhousehumper!) generations, more generations and still more generations. ...
From: Finnegans Wake Book 1 Chapter 5 Station
Classic and Progressive Rock
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Bob Elliott
To the hardily curio- sing entomophilust then it has shown a very sexmosaic of nym- phosis in which the eternal chimerahunter Oriolopos, now frond of sugars, then lief of saults, the sensory crowd in his belly coupled with an eye for the goods trooth bewilderblissed by their night effluvia with guns like drums and fondlers like forceps persequestellates his vanessas from flore to flore. Somehows this sounds like the purest kidooleyoon wherein our madernacerution of lour lore is rich....
From: Finnegans Wake Book 1 Chapter 5 Station
Acoustic Soul
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Guy consistently puts out top shelf tunes
From: Choice mix Station
Alt Pop
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Bryon Tosoff
Neat piano/guitar interplay, "a way of escape," kinda a holding pattern kinda song, an artist pressing on, what we all gotta do, kudos...
From: Whisperin Pines Station
Singer Songwriter
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James Stanley Howen
Gypsy Soul - (Les Boyko cover)
Tasteful EG stylings, soulful vocal, the backing/harmonizing works well, like the evocative production values, lyrics/story well-done, kudos...
From: Wild Horses Station
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indic mist
Dont Say
Moody, Cool, Psychotic, and Mesmerizing
From: Moody, Cool, Psychotic, and Mesmerizing Station
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic
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Steve April
Ben Franklin
Folksy vibe, retro groove, bass is bouncing, vocals happy guitar twanging ,organ grinder working hard welcome to transistor radio
From: Transistor Radio Station
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana
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The Coming of Age
The World Was Ours
Some great musings going down here.
From: Poe poe whittle me Station
Epic Modern Rock
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The Coming of Age
The World Was Ours
Some great musings going down here.
From: My (k)NEW Life Station
Epic Modern Rock
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The Coming of Age
The World Was Ours
Some great musings going down here.
From: Convalesence Station
Epic Modern Rock
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The Coming of Age
The World Was Ours
Some great musings going down here.
From: JUST LISTEN! Station
Epic Modern Rock
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The Coming of Age
The World Was Ours
Some great musings going down here.
From: Musings Station
Epic Modern Rock
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This "seems" to be(possibly?) pertaining to "her conception" and being inside of her mother(letterbox) via her father(via his "words" being inside that "letterbox")... and then contemplating her "fate" as being either "birth" or "abortion". This "seams" to apply "hear"(literally) hmm?
From: EULOGY Station
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Coming Home
From: JUST LISTEN! Station
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Parker Elliott
The Way I Come Home
Gorgeous sonic textures here, recalls a bit Seals & croft here and there, a song like "Summer breeze," a catchy chorus, kinda oblique & mysterioso, s-m-o-o-t-h musicality, and w indie spirit galore, kudos...
From: Now We're REALLY Streamin' Station
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negative tendencies
Our Year
"This is our year," well, a rockin' ditty, kinda a football (or is that baseball) anthemic, with happenin' organ riffs, so upbeat it's stadium ready, nice descending baseline, charmin' band, kudos....
From: Spring Is Springin' Station
Arena Rock
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Father Time
Virtual Star
wow! nice one FT!
From: Poe poe whittle me Station
Folk Rock
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Father Time
Virtual Star
wow! nice one FT!
From: JUST LISTEN! Station
Folk Rock
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Father Time
Virtual Star
wow! nice one FT!
From: Musings Station
Folk Rock
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Parker Elliott
The Way I Come Home
great laid back tune
From: Bat's Delight Station
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John Myles
Dead Man Talkin
Nice bluesy vibe
From: Choice mix Station
Alternative Blues
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Carmel Danzante
Soothe You With A Lullaby
Very sweet melody and vocal
From: Choice mix Station
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Bob Elliott
Morning in Your Eyes Tonight
From: Bat's Delight Station
Acoustic Soul
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Parker Elliott
The Way I Come Home
Love these vocals! Very Moody.
From: My (k)NEW Life Station
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Parker Elliott
The Way I Come Home
Love these vocals! Very Moody.
From: Musings Station
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Parker Elliott
The Way I Come Home
Love these vocals! Very Moody.
From: Moody, Cool, Psychotic, and Mesmerizing Station
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Willie and the Poor Boys
Let the People Go
love theses vocals!
From: America Destroyed... (an Inside Job) Station
Art Rock
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Willie and the Poor Boys
Let the People Go
love theses vocals!
From: Musings Station
Art Rock
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Maria Daines
Little Mac
animals being tortured is routinely done every day... for our benefit... supposedly justifiably so?
From: EULOGY Station
Easy Listening/Soft Rock
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Airy Ann and Berber Blut, Amy Licks Porter While Huffy Chops Eads, Abbrace of Umbellas or a Tripple of Caines, Buttbutterbust, From the Manorlord Hoved to the Misses O'Mollies and from the Dames to their Sames, Many- festoons for the Colleagues on the Green, An Outstanding Back and an Excellent Halfcentre if Called on, As Tree is Quick and Stone is White So is My Washing Done by Night, First and Last Only True Account all about the Honorary Mirsu Earwicker, L.S.D., and the Snake...
From: Finnegans Wake Book 1 Chapter 5 Station
Spoken Word
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