Updated 3/21/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last View: 9/20/2024 6:03:10 PM
Last Login: 6/9/2013 7:37:11 AM
IndieMusicPeople.com       ~kenfusion~
About Me
life summary
life summary? ... ... !?! (i'll let you know when it's over .)
I live for…
i live for ...?!? ( i live forever !)
I despise
i despise despite !
self-chosen nickname
self chosen nickname ...?!? how about "tax exempt" (i hope it catches on )
life turning point
my life turning point was definitely leaving the womb.
in 10 years I'll be
in ten years i'll be Elmer J. Fudd ( a millionaire with a mansion, and a yacht)
in 10 minutes I'll be
in ten minutes i'll be trying to forget filling out this silly thing , and eating leftover thanksgiving turkey.
experience of high strangeness
i experience high strangeness every minute of every day (i am Kenfusion you know !)
most overrated
most overrated ...anyone who thinks it important to tell someone else that they are bored .being bored is nothing less than a lack of imagination . what is the purpose of telling someone else ?what do you want me to do entertain you? i am a musician . thats what i do! if you're bored keep it to yourself . i did my part !
most underrated
MOST UNDERRATED =turkey sammitches !
my advice to you
MY ADVICE TO YOU =listen to more Kenfusion ! (it will make the world a better place . DO YOUR PART !!!!)
-kenfusion- began in 2003 after the insanity's horse project disbanded with the death of multi istrumental co contributer.
-kenfusion- is the solo project of
multi-instrumental,songwriter ,
composer ,recordist ,
illustrator , and hypnotist Ken

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3/21/2011 9:51:45 PM
HELP i'm trapped in the pipeline !!!!




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-Kenfusion-   -kenfusion- of the highest order
weird stuff   this is the good stuff . it's weird stuff from the tweeches zone .
Interesting   YES ! this is an interesting station . you should drop in for a listen
weird stuff   THIS STATION IS THE GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT OF MODERN MAN !!! you must link to this station today !

        �2015-2016 IndieMusicPeople      All Rights Reserved

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~kenfusion~ hey ....what's up peeps ?
andy c many many thanks for playing my music :)
andy c many many thanks for playing my music :)
Mortamor Hello Mr. Ken!
hey ya'll ~kenfusion~
* Your song 'Borrowed time' has just been added to PsychFolk station!
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      2/8/2007 2:37:51 AM Add Comment
for pete's sake somebody throw me a rope or something .i'm down here in the pipeline .


      2/8/2007 2:11:57 AM Add Comment
I AM IN A PIPELINE ... is this progress? should i call for help ?why am i in a pipeline ?
does it contribute to the gross national product ? can i write this off on my W4 ?
can i collect while i'm in the pipeline ?what kind of mileage does this thing get?

Snydertown Pennsylvania United States of America view more pics...          