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The Rhythm Kings
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10/17/2022 5:08:57 PM
OK So Nobody's been here in a while. So I'll piss u all off.


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The Rhythm Kings

10/17/2022 5:08:57 PM

OK So Nobody's been here in a while. So I'll piss u all off.
So, Just for Fun.

Record inflation Check
A unsecure Boarder Check
Record Crime Check
Fentanyl Flowing like a river Check
Gas Prices way more than I can afford Check
Men Play Female Sports..............................Ugh
Food Prices...................................................Why I hunt!
Shame Jan 6 committee ...............................Bye Bye Liz ............
13 American Service men and women dead.......... On your Hands Joe...
Energy Independence GONE. We could be the riches country in history with our resources.

I can go On..... I'd take some Mean Tweets right now, and $100,000 back in My 401K.

I know this will Piss some folks off. But Where were all the Glorious comments while the Dems have had all 3 Branches of power?

The Reason it's dead, is because, there is nothing good to talk about....

Red Wave is upon us.

Not about left or Right. Let's get this country going....

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10/17/2022 6:53:52 PM

You know the thing Joe Biden ,going nuts

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The Rhythm Kings

10/18/2022 11:43:49 AM



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10/18/2022 6:36:54 PM

Problem is, when it comes to important stuff affecting us all, (the petrodollar and the basis for our economic system and currency) most couldn't even describe what it is, or how it works. Those who make the global currencies and distribute them call the big shots. Politicians are not part of this process, and you will never be able to vote on the wars or manipulations around it, as these are private global entities with no loyalty to any country, but only their own interests.

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Father Time

10/18/2022 7:51:07 PM

Not pissed off Bruce, just really disappointed. All the nonsensical Fox News talking points, I don't think you missed one. Sounds like you are aching for another big dose of Orange Julius.

Biden has done a decent job, but he's being wiped out by bs propaganda.

It all comes down to smart vs. stupid.

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The Rhythm Kings

10/18/2022 8:34:22 PM

Scott, I missed plenty.

Smart vs Stupid? No need to pick a fight. I won’t bite.

Decent job… to quote Joe. “ COME ON MAN”

I’m glad none of this BS has affected you. Are you better off today than 3 years ago? Really, not a joke…Sorry I had too.

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Father Time

10/19/2022 12:06:28 AM

Way better, the orange thug totally dropped the ball on Covid. Luckily Biden came along and gathered all the vaccine and distributed it, something the infant stood no chance with, with his merry band of incompetents. Meanwhile Biden restored America's place in the world from the embarrassment we were under Trump, handled the Ukraine situation masterfully. If Trump got another term, there would be a Russian flag over Kiev right now.

oh and there's some things you may not have heard on Fox News:

Biden passed the infrastructure bill Trump promised. Biden’s Made in America strategy resulted in the largest yearly increase in U.S. manufacturing jobs in nearly 30 years.

Biden got Mexico to pay for border repairs which Trump promised.
Biden got passed the biggest climate change bill in history, oh, but you probably don't believe in climate change.

Biden kept his promise on college loans
moved to get the marijuana arrested out of federal prisons.
passed a bill to improve health care for veterans.
signed the CHIPS and Science Act will help lower the cost of everyday goods, strengthen American manufacturing and innovation, create good-paying jobs, and bolster our national security.

broke a 30-year streak of federal inaction on gun violence legislation.

ended America's longest war.

broke through two years of Republican obstruction and signed legislation in March 2022 to reauthorize and strengthen the Violence Against Women Act.

led America through a historic economic recovery. In 2021, the U.S. economy added over 6.5 million jobs – the greatest year of job growth under any President in history. At the same time, we saw the largest annual decline in unemployment ever recorded and the strongest year of GDP growth since 1984.

the anti-inflation legislation legislation lowers health care costs for millions of families and allows Medicare to negotiate drug prices for the first time. The Inflation Reduction Act caps seniors’ out-of-pocket spending for prescription drugs at $2,000 per year and ensures no senior on Medicare will pay over $35 per month for insulin. Under the law, 13 million Americans, covered under the Affordable Care Act, will see their health insurance premiums reduced by $800.

Really all you got is inflation and gas prices which aren't even things the man in office can control. Fact is those are worse pretty much all over the world.

oh and if you would've watched the hearings you would know what you're defending when you be hatin' on Biden like the MAGAs taught ya.

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The Rhythm Kings

10/19/2022 4:56:43 AM

Glad I could stimulate you on the Political pipeline.

We will have to agree, to disagree.


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The Rhythm Kings

10/19/2022 5:55:10 AM

Ok FT.

I’m an uneducated redneck. In your eyes.

I believe in the 2nd amendment
I don’t believe in paying for other peoples debts. Nothing is free. Period.
Your right. Climate change, global warming, or whatever the narrative this week is, it’s BS

Infrastructure? Full of pet projects and pork .

Look at the polls. America sees what is happening. Our country under Biden is a laughingstock. Respected? Americas a joke. And quit labeling me a Trumper. I’m a conservative. But I can vote. MY ONE VOTE. For anyone I dog gone please.

I’m tired of the “ It’s all Free” . I’m tired of paying for it.
At the pump
At the grocery store

Someone’s gotta pay for the collage loans? It just does not go away….. And that you and I and the American peoples tax dollars. The government does not create wealth. For them to give a dollar, they have to take it from someone else.

There are so many issues, That Did not exist before this administration. Explain that!

I really thought twice about starting this thread. Shoulda listened to my gut.

Biden the great unifier. Our country has not been this divided in 150 or so years.
The great independence hall speech…. Bathed in red light….

I’m done. We’ll all see the will of the people Nov. 8th.


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Father Time

10/19/2022 9:15:56 AM ---- Updated 10/19/2022 9:58:14 AM

you're not uneducated, you're just in a cult. You're incapable of seeing how f-ed up Trump is.

Of course there's division with the MAGAs who wanted to take power even though they lost the vote. That division is healthy. by the way under Trump, government spending was far worse. or do you believe the My Pillow guy?

Trump decided he was going to say the election was stolen before a single vote was counted, you'd know that if you watched the hearings.

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The Rhythm Kings

10/19/2022 10:21:14 AM

So I'm a cultist.

Im Done Scott.
Did not call you any Names. I did not degrade your point of Veiw.

The Kings are gone. Your attitude will continue to drive people away.

Good Day.

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Father Time

10/19/2022 12:13:22 PM

well I'd be defensive too if I was backing the GOP. I don't have an issue against you for hating Biden because I understand this is how you've been groomed by the likes of Tucker Carlson and Mark Levin.

You shouldn't take this personally. You argued your side, I argued mine.

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10/20/2022 2:22:17 AM

Kind of pointless in my mind boys. You are not going to make the global Petro dollar global economic system go away by voting for either a Democrat or Republican. Same holds true for a war with either Russia or China based on it, and China overtaking the USA as the global big shot with their BRICK nations destroying the old global economic order. You will never get to vote on what global bankers decide for us all, and being mired in domestic political crap is exactly where they like us as the chess pieces get moved by one dominant player to another. Been that way for 500 years, usually with civil wars and the big war to finally settle it as the old dog loses the bone. Trouble is, nobody can afford that big war anymore, so they will simply drive us to submission. Hold on! Stop the crazies from going head to head and making toast out of us while they hide in their luxury bunkers.

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10/20/2022 2:48:15 AM

In 2016 the DNC party chair resigned. This year, my representative here in Hawaii resigned. She was the DNC vice chair. This is what she had to say...
Of course CNN, NBC, ABC, pbs, etc. never covered it. People need to broaden their news sources imo. I watch everything I am able and make my own conclusions.

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10/20/2022 2:52:29 AM


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Father Time

10/20/2022 6:57:08 AM

you aren't trying to say the 2 parties are the same, are you?

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Psyche's Muse

10/23/2022 4:34:49 AM

"Same"??? Well, let's say one of 'em's "Hulk Hogan" and the other one's "Andre' the Giant"... and though they are "different", they still STAND FOR the "same" THING... the WWF! What? We're Fucked? Yeah!

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Father Time

10/23/2022 3:24:41 PM

disagree, the GOP mainly stands for bad things.

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11/2/2022 2:46:56 AM ---- Updated 11/2/2022 2:59:27 AM

Father Time, No I am not saying they are the same on SOME of the less relevant social domestic issues, or to weather they prefer "Asia first orEurope first" regarding their preferences for wars. What I am pointing out is NEO Con policy followed by both Dems AND Republicans regarding protection of the failing petrodollar global economic system. Both parties have steamrolled over countries since the collapse of the Soviet Union in order to maintain it, not by economic development (except for China financed by Wall Street banks and a bought off Congress at US workers expense and our productive capability. The need for corporate growth and access to the majority of the global population was their goal, not the advancement of citizen's interest. Now the chickens come home to roost with 31 Trillion of debt on your and my heads, sanctions coming home to us for a change, and nothing but threat of military force up our sleeve as has been the case for 30 years. Heck, Cheny is campaigning for Democrats! A good little Neo Con protecting her families refineries in the Northern States for crying out loud. On the other side, you have the ex vice DNC chair supporting Republicans! Crazy! My point is NEITHER party will slash military spending, end the constant state of war, fix and pay off our debt, etc. It's already toast! Just keep them from torching the whole planet now! Take your pick weather that will be a Republican or Democrat. Both Parties violated the Minsk agreements after the soviet collapse, and from Germany east to Russia those were to be left Neutral. It led to NUKE disarmament. Now, those are all Nato Countries right up to Russian State borders and the flashes are ready to g off. Not good for any of us, or the forked tongue levels trapping domestic populations in deceit and relative levels of chaos everywhere as a result of 30+ years of escalating wars led by both parties.A devolution of the progress made based on greed by interests with no loyalty to the pip-squeak 4.25 per cent of the global population called the USA. We are rapidly being shaved down to our proper relative size by the majority of the world now. Not good for us, and a result of policy implemented in secrecy and deception by the few without loyalty to US, Canadian, or British public interest. Welcome to global corp. totalitarian control, where legislation is written by those entities, regulation (The primary component piece of regulating our economy as stipulated in the constitution) has been usurped and controlled by the very private entities themselves.When our primary export is weapons, we are left with nothing here but use it or loose it. The Soviets chose fund the Military industrial intel complex over feeding their own people leading to civil war and internal collapse. We are making the same mistake IMO.Problem is, it seems intended, by interests that got us here in the first place. A debt based system predicated on unending growth is unsustainable on a finite planet. The ultimate pyramid scheme, soon to be reshuffled with a new deck and system of totalitarian control that is already coming upon us all.

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Father Time

11/3/2022 2:49:34 AM

well my issue is that one party undermines democracy to the point they won't ever recognize losing an election.

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The Rhythm Kings

11/7/2022 6:47:21 AM

We are a Republic…. Not a democracy.

A Republic. If you can keep it…. Ben Franklin…

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Father Time

11/8/2022 2:14:52 AM

Are you anti-democracy?

What do you think about the current GOP ethos that the election is only legit if they win?

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The Rhythm Kings

11/8/2022 9:20:39 AM

I’m not an election denier if that’s what you mean.

Recite the “ Pledge of Allegiance “ These strong proud words. … AND TO THE REPUBLIC FOR WHICH SHE STANDS.

So I suppose I am now a Nazi??? We’ll I’d be in good company then. Washington, Adam’s ,Franklin, Hancock, and so On.

The foresight our founding fathers had was profound.

I’ll accept the elections. But we do need reforms. We can count American Idol in 3 mins to get the winner. But it takes days for an election?

Paper ballots, proper ID, no drop boxes, absentee presented directly to a qualified official. That is not suppression.

GOP, Democrats, I don’t care they all have flaws. But “come on Man” have some common sense.

We disagree. I won’t change you , not trying to. You won’t change me.

But so much is SOOOO obvious. There is no working across the Isle from either party.

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Father Time

11/8/2022 2:39:45 PM

Biden got infrastructure and chips bill done with help from across the aisle.

Glad to hear you're not an election denier because that's really where the line is crossed for me.

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The Rhythm Kings

11/8/2022 3:33:14 PM

I really don't care where your "Line" is Scott.

As you care not for Mine...

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11/8/2022 10:31:27 PM

Am I better off than I was 3 years ago. well, actually I am. Does Biden have anything to do with that? Well, actually, he does not. I am just the beneficiary of some good old luck behind some hard ass work on my own part. However, I will say this. I am so much more comfortable with old Joe at the helm than I was with the daily scandalous operation known as Trump. Joe may not be the smartest bulb in the box but he definitely is not uninhibitedly evil the way Trump is. It shocks me that anyone still has the gumption to defend him and his evil antics. He is the most divisive entity this nation has seen in centuries. I won't be satisfied until I see him in manacles being led towards some new federal accommodations. The man who would be king should now be bludgeoned and raped repeatedly the way he bludgeoned and raped this nation of all semblance of unity and peace. Thank God that there is still a bit of democracy left here to salvage after what we went through under the foot of power lusting Trump.

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11/9/2022 3:57:20 AM

Well now we only have to feed the hoards, pay the bills, keep the nukes from falling and the evil aliens from Planet X from invading. Heck 1.5 trillion to upgrade our nukes, on top of 800 billion for the military, on top of 100 billion so far just Ukraine (forget about Taiwan, all those Mid East countries, etc.... Things are so great why don't we all party like it's 1999? I don't get it. You will not find a single peace candidate running anywhere! If they do they are called a Putin stooge. This is just F.... up imo.

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11/9/2022 4:00:40 AM

In addition, international election monitors have deemed they are not able to monitor our elections for fairness and transparency due to State restrictions on them. This is the same benchmark we have used across the world for others. We have succumbed to third world politics I am afraid.

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Father Time

11/9/2022 6:25:00 PM

Trump is a third world piece of shit.

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11/10/2022 7:00:18 PM ---- Updated 11/10/2022 7:30:42 PM

Trump has nothing to do with anything I mentioned and no politician of any ilk was discussed. I just don't get it. Besides, he has been investigated for 6 years on anything made up to blanket the news with by talking heads and has never been charged or put on trial. They are trying to get him on tax invasion now, just like Al Capone! We will have to wait and see on that one. Meanwhile, the new Rep. House will play the same game over the Biden and Clinton crime families, Hunters oil deals with China and Ukraine, and the laptop. Meanwhile the masses get pitted against each other, the country goes to third world status, threats of civil war, Homeland security and the 3 letter agencies target citizens, censorship and media restrictions, social credit scores, a digital dollar giving ultimate control over the masses on purchasing what they choose, and restricting your money based on going along with the party directive and not causing waves, like asking simple questions! While this crap goes on, the military industrial complex wins big, Pharmaceutical and fossil fuel giants make record profits, and the 1 per cent who have a carbon footprint larger than the bottom 50 % buy new private jets to add to their fleets. Heck, glad I am not in Ukraine, Serbia, Iraq,Aphghanistan, Yemen, Lybia, Lebanon, or any of the Central African states from Congo to Sudan that we have either bombed, droned, paid for soldier for hire mercenary armies, or otherwise "rescued" and instituted "democracy and freedom" in over the past recent years. Trump, Biden, or either party for that matter are leading and distracting you into oblivion with race, division, and finger pointing that have nothing to do with the issues that will potentially soon end your life, your bank account, family and friends. Those issues are not publicly discussed, debated or tossed around on social media without being banned. Evidence is never presented, only some talking head saying "we say so".

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The Rhythm Kings

11/10/2022 8:19:39 PM

Lance…. You are so right. You get it. I’m gone . Sort of… we , I no longer care about this site. It’s so … let’s say.. 2010….. The most interesting person. Thou gay and crazy was Lesly or something like that. An incredible mind and musician. He, she , made it fun. Creative. But Scott chased him away. Imas straight as a 2 by 4….. got a great wife and life. I thought this place was cool. Like minded people. But , as many wishes go… another disappointment… I will continue to grow…. This was another stop along my “ journey “ . I love many people here . Richard…. Your a talent. Know that. Stone man. You are greater than you know. Two silo Ken…. Mad skill. Scott…. Find your inner truth. Look beyond CNN. You are a smart individual. Think for yourself. Before it’s too late.

So, good bye all, be well . Be strong. Be your beautiful self.

I choose to be me.


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11/10/2022 8:39:54 PM

Heck, don't go away! This site has it's bennies, is small, and would be still has great potential if some things ever get fixed. I do it for the love of doing it, not the money, so it's great for people like me that just want to get a few listens. Sure, Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube and the rest of the social media crazies (dozens from tic Tok dummies on down) will drag you into social oblivion distribution companies requiring you to do your own marketing to promote yourself in the literally hundreds of thousands of songs uploaded everyday to these sites. It's not making music, it's biz, which will take all your time!

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Father Time

11/10/2022 9:11:00 PM

I guess you didn't watch the 1-6 hearings Lance.

Bruce, the nature of political arguments is that people disagree. I wish you weren't reacting so badly to this but you won't find another site that provides a yearly free contest for free. Asking you to not burn your bridges here. You did show up saying you wanted to piss people off.

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11/11/2022 3:06:50 PM

Yes I did. Democrat 5 to two committee. The hearings mean nothing if they do not charge or try him! Political hogwash.. That is my point. Charge and try him, that's where the rubber meets the road. The rest is just political pablum! The point I have been making all along about this finger pointing crap while the country goes down the tubes with the actual stuff that matters. Also, please do not assume I am a Trumper... I have never voted Republican in my life and feel the 2 party trap has the public at each others throats while the global Corporations move in and take over, owning both parties. End citizens united for crying out loud. The Dems promised it years ago and blew a Democratic controlled House, Senate and President to do so. There is your sign.

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Father Time

11/11/2022 5:18:28 PM

I find it hard to fathom that you both watched the hearings and concluded "he has been investigated for 6 years on anything made up".

That's the DoJ's job to indict and they will.

finger pointing crap, how ridiculous.

The Dems could never have promised ending Citizen's United because they never had that many votes.

That our elections and democracy are being demeaned are very important.

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11/11/2022 10:29:35 PM

The fact is, I did watch! Whether you fathom it or not, CHARGE AND TRY HIM, otherwise it's just pointless political talking heads! I am only talking common sense here. If what you believe is true he would have been in jail 6 years ago! Both sides play this crap, and I am sick of it.

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11/11/2022 10:39:08 PM

In addition, they rolled back the impeachments after they found the Russian collusion rants for four years a HOAX! I suppose you fell hook line and sinker for that. Like I said, I never supported Trump, but this crap has to go. There are real issues going on while people get all upset over this kind of crap. Go look up Nancy's speeches on ending Citizens United before the 2016 elections and see the promises made by the DNC! The DNC Chair had the sense to resign over the Hillary crap. This year it was the DNC vice chair. For crying out loud, Rome is burning and half the country is concerned about Orange man, out of office for 2 years and this crap being covered instead of real issues. We can do a lot better imo.

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11/11/2022 10:44:25 PM

They didn't budge on legalizing med pot either, with it still a schedule 1 narcotic. Homage to the pharmaceutical giants at your and my expense. When you hold a majority in all 3 chambers to let the opportunities slide is something they do not want you paying attention to, hence the tabloid talking head hysteria instead.

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11/11/2022 11:30:22 PM

You get useless statements like that from Biden "Releasing those in jail for pot possession" before the election. LOL! That only applied to federal prisons, for which there is not ONE prisoner for possession, only trafficking across State lines, or sale! People fall for this crap. Promises, hot air and meaningless rhetoric to keep people believing things. It's all in the spin, public ignorance and unwillingness to do their own research (which has become very difficult to do with all the censorship, secrecy, and privacy intrusion). They just ban you for asking questions, or supplying evidence that does not fit the narrative. You have the right to be wrong with free speech, otherwise someone else is deciding for you what the truth is. Let people make up their own minds without censoring it. FB and Twitter are dust primarily due to this kind of Totalitarian Fascist curtailment of rights under our constitution. More are on the way.

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11/12/2022 10:20:08 AM

Vote for me, Lanny K, the lone peace candidate! Shun the war mongers!

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Richard Scotti

11/24/2022 10:10:46 PM ---- Updated 11/25/2022 5:22:11 PM

Bruce, please hang in there. DON’T GO!!! We need you here. You bring so much heart to this place and your authentic Americana abilities are integral to our community. It’s cool to take a break, regroup, rethink and then come back when you’re ready. But don’t delete your account and leave forever. You really would be missed! My best advice would be to make music and talk music. Avoid political arguments and just rock around the clock!

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Father Time

11/26/2022 3:15:12 PM

Lance, you're one of the more righteous Trump apologists I've ever seen. Check in with me after he gets indicted.

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Father Time

12/1/2022 11:47:57 AM

image uploader

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The Rhythm Kings

12/2/2022 8:57:11 AM

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