"I never trouble trouble til' trouble troubles me." This is a pro Desperado Station page~ WJU
Bring Trump Down Song The orange blunder
New Mexico Everyone has an opinion about Immigration. This song looks at how each side of the issue sees it. This is a singing argument about immigration~
The Boston Way Voter suppression and intimidation didn't start with Trump but with GWB when lawyers started showing up at the polls. That's what this song is about done in Mar 2005 making it to #29 on Neil Young's Living With War Today's song chart~
Towers of Babylon This is the USA's destiny post 9/11~
The American Dream Trickle Down was the biggest con in American History funneling all the money up instead of down. The American Dream was just a scheme that's what this song is about
Mental Bound Homelessness, depression, hopelessness, all the horrors of living on the streets that's what this song is about. It can't happen to you? Take a good look at our government today and unless you're one of the two percent you're kidding yourselves. If ya haven't guessed my glass is always half empty~
Gal-huh-Leo Is being Gay okay? Not for you or me to say! No one has the right to judge another person's life style PERIOD! I did this song back in 2003 about the evolving attitude towards the LGBTQ community~
Get Pumped I did this song back in the GWB days during the Iraq war but this song is always relevant because of the never ending greed of big oil and their price gouging. This song made it to #56 on Neil Young's Living With War Today's song chart. So put in the nozzle and prepare to Get Pumped~
The New Robin Hood Regardless of what you may think of Obama he didn't need an army of lawyers on speed dial and no family scandals. He honestly tried to help Americans with little to no help. In my book he was the last great American President that's what this song is about~
The Butchers of Ukraine A poem about the heroic people of Ukraine and the murderous butcher Vladimir Putin
The Pain Within We all experience pain physical and emotional. Physical pain will usually fade but emotional pain lasts forever that's what this song is about~
The Lord's Loathing A poem about the orange blunder's cult
The President of Hate A poem about the orange blunder
Shock and Awe This Iraq war protest song was recorded and given an official copyright back in 2003 months before Neil Young's and Toby Keith's versions and may possibly be the first Shock and Awe. Lofi for sure but lyrically reflects what was happening at the time anyone alive back then should understand and hopefully appreciate the lyrics~
Bonnie James A non traditional Christian song
The NRA Prayer of Despair Hell will be filled with people that loved their guns more than children~
The Basturd I did this song back in 2003 about the architect of the American demise aka Osama Bin Laden may he rot in Hell forever~
Amish Inside I have Amish blood they are my people.They aren't perfect but are better than anything on two legs today. I wrote this song for them~
Citizens No More American Greed, American Greed, American Greed
The Sarah Palin Smackdown This song explains when The BatShitCrazy originally started in America courtesy of John McCain and The Queen of Crazy Sarah Palin~
The Bachmann cRAP A Rap about the OG of GOP whack jobs Michele Bachmann who said she and others of similar warped minds could pray away the gay LOL. Yeah she has been off the grid for sometime but she definitely helped open the door to the homophobic attitude today. If you don't like what your neighbor does or who they love then just mind your own damn business, there problem solved! June is Pride month and I celebrate it with this song~
Whim-Pay A Popeye parody about the stress credit takes on ordinary people trying to squeak bye. I wrote this beauty my daughter does lead vocals I do backup vocals and guitar, enjoy~
Politics I did this song back in 2016 during Trump vs Clinton. In it I reference; Bill Cosby, Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, John McCain, Bernie Sanders and of course the very screwed up condition of American politics today. Enjoy~
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