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William J Urmson
8/12/2024 7:45:32 AM
Golden Kayak Awards
It was my honor to be one of this years nominees for the GK Awards. My thanx to whoever nominated me and my congrats to all the worthy award winners! Keep on rockin in the free world~ WJU

Shawn Adam Williams
8/12/2024 6:28:57 PM
Proud of you
William J Urmson
8/13/2024 5:38:43 AM
Thanx Shawn I appreciate you and congrats on your GKA~ WJU

Desperado Revue
8/13/2024 12:02:47 PM
You know William, you and I are somewhat alike.
We keep plugging at this site. You with your songs. Myself with my station add-ons.
4 years ago, when the pandemic started and we were all locked down and even more recently in the last 2 years when the site was broken, we just kept plugging away every chance we got.
The most important thing is to keep plugging away.
William J Urmson
8/13/2024 3:08:10 PM
Actually Norm you are the reason why I stayed on the site. All your stations kept me afloat and like my prior reply to shawn, I really appreciate you man! I'm glad you get me and what I do. We for sure are kindred spirits~ WJU

8/13/2024 3:58:01 PM
Right on, William! You know I've always been a fan, my bro!
William J Urmson
8/13/2024 7:09:52 PM
---- Updated 8/13/2024 7:18:40 PM
When I first came onto this site maybe 18 years ago now, when it was called IAC, I got excited when I saw the station Nobody for President because I basically do only political protest type songs and this was right in my lane. I love the OG's on this site and like what Norm said, in a previous comment, have stayed through thick and thin and "L" ya don't get anymore OG than you! I'm so happy for your well deserved GKA. Thanx for always supporting me and other artist on this site and because we basically do the same genre of music when you win, I win, we all win. Congrats again bro Ima fan~ WJU
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