* Your song 'VISION' has just been added to Television station!
* Your song 'DEAD BIRD' has just been added to NATURE ENTER ME! station!
* Your song 'VISION' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'VISION' has just been added to Alternative Modern Rock station!
* Your song 'VISION' has just been added to Heavy Rotation station!
* Your song 'VISION' has just been added to The Goods station!
* Your song 'VISION' has just been added to Auf der gleichen Wellenlänge station!
* Your song 'VISION' has just been added to Chart Toppers station!
* Your song 'One Big Mess' has just been added to Alizarine FM station!
* Your song 'All Against Me' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'All Against Me' has just been added to Oh Boy station!
* Your song 'All Against Me' has just been added to Mob Rules station!
* Your song 'All Against Me' has just been added to Black Label station!
* Your song 'All Against Me' has just been added to Wide Angle station!
* Your song 'All Against Me' has just been added to Heartland station!
* Your song 'One Big Mess' has just been added to Noted station!
* Your song 'One Big Mess' has just been added to Black Label station!
* Your song 'One Big Mess' has just been added to Short Takes station!
* Your song 'All Against Me' has just been added to Hard Rock station!
* Your song 'One Big Mess' has just been added to The Bullet List station!
Greetings from KENNIS MU Recording Artists, Producers, Labels, DJ's, Signed Artists or Unsigned Artists, KENNIS MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT GROUP WORLDWIDE MR. Kenny Ogungbe, President and Founder since 1985 A Global Company - Trademark, KMEGW, Registered Call For More Information: (44)
Greetings from KENNIS MU Kennis music will help promote you and your music in Africa.N/B:Please kindly reply to our private email address only for more details.kennispromo2012@gmail.com
IMP Your song 'All Against Me' has just been added to Super Eclectic station!
IMP Your song 'All Against Me' has just been added to DARKENESS station!
IMP Your song 'All Against Me' has just been added to Witt's Picks station!
IMP Your song 'All Against Me' has just been added to BANG station!
IMP Your song 'All Against Me' has just been added to GIRL FM - a Desperado Revue station station!