The artist's fascination with the ocean, nature - as well as human nature, and the mysterious, comes through in the stories she tells. An underlying theme of concious healing gathered through introspection is a common thread that runs through these three albums, as each one wends its way through what may be a spiritual quest. Cassandra's paintings and photography appear on and throughout each CD cover. REVIEWS ~ "...Cassandra specializes in taking each word and offering it as a gift to you, handing you phrases of poetry as she delicately paints fleeting images upon your mind's eye, with ethereal music accompanying a soothing vocal delivery, easily placing your thoughts wherever she wills." ~ Zach at ZachsMind Radio * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "With the feel of the Cocteau Twins plus ultra-clear lyrics, Cassandra combines that dreamy, surreal quality with new-age sonic and spiritual elements. "Indigo" mixes a heart-centered magical blend of Fink's soothing voice with her accompaniests on guitar and keys along with her vocal and of course, ethereal effects. Rather than highlighting a choice cut or two, the release is like a long drawn-out mantra from the center of the Earth...this Texas-based talent encourages you to bliss out, letting her poetry speak for itself. "Dipping Into Indigo," while sensual *and* sensory, also proves itself to be a fine soundtrack for meditation, yoga, and contemplative moments in love". ~ Jianda Johnson, 6/21/00 issue of The Women of - Cyber Muse * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "The "Dipping Into Indigo" CD is proof of digital alchemist Cassandra Fink's ability to collaborate and morph at will...with not only the quintessential speaking voice, but truely lovely vox in the sung vocals. Influenced by a variety of instrumental and world flavours, her work is an inspiring ambient mixture of meditative poetry and music." ~ Sue Braiden of CBC Radio, Canada ****************** "Her first CD is a journey into a poetic landscape like no other...her second collection shows an amazing growth in the artistry presented...with an eclectic mix of guitars, keyboards and drum beats. Although more mainstream and more appealing to the general public, Ms Fink still attempts to paint landscapes and textures with her tracts, although much of her work is obviously inspired by a more Oriental muse. Her voice, haunting and airy, is remniciant of some early Sarah McLaughlan. Above all, her tracks are a cool glass of wine after a long hot day...soothing and refreshing." ~James D. Thwaite
Pockets This song/poem is a wry look at the subconscious mind and our conceptions of time; memory as intrusion of the past into the present. Listen to first part of streamed song here, or download full version to hear all of it. The artist has designated this song as non-chartable.
Song of the Deva A rather ambient and haunting poem written about the genesis of a wood nymph, amidst electric guitar, keyboard and singing. Stream the sample clip or download the full track to hear the entire story.
"Mermaid's Reply" “A wonderful transcendental voice piece melded with music…Beautifully orchestrated…” –Mark Bolton The artist has designated this song as non-chartable.
"Now" This final piece off the first CD, Dipping Into Indigo, is an ambient mixture of meditative poetry and music on the topic of inspiration. The artist has designated this song as non-chartable.
"Zensuality" Listen to this track from the second CD, "Lingering Jasmine", to hear Neole Egen's ambient oceanic music combined with Cassandra's vocals. Lyrics and music written by Neole, a highly diversified international artist in Bombay, India. This was the first of these joint collaborations. The artist has designated this song as non-chartable.
Dawn Inspired while walking on the shore, as the sun rose on Sanibel Island.
"Animal to Vegetable to Mineral" This somewhat melancholy, surreal poem is the fifth track out of 18 on the "Dipping Into Indigo" CD. Stream this sample clip, or listen to the full piece when downloaded, to do some auditory lucid dreaming online. The artist has designated this song as non-chartable.
Woman of Cenkuang This was inspired by my travels to the far east, and was my first foray into the world of songwriting with my new keyboard. Is a bit long, so this just is a sample clip for streaming. (Full version, just over ten min, was too long to be allowed on this site - but can be heard by purchasing CD.)
Moonbath Light and lyrical, yet moody and melancholy, this spoken word piece was written by Cassandra to inspire a smile; and set to sensual guitar music written and played by Russ Hines. This brief sample track is from the upcoming CD, The Origins of Moonbathing by Cassandra, with Russ Hines.
"The Art of Procrastination" This song is from the third CD, "The Origins of Moonbathing". Listen to this sample clip...
10/27/2009 9:29:21 PM Sorry some of these were not playing, technical difficulties now resolved. Thanks for your patience! 10/09
12/14/2008 12:40:24 PM I came to add a tune -some are not playing -you may need to check-I will be back soon good luck Rob
11/26/2008 2:42:29 AM Hi. Great Sound nice work! Please check the new fucking song "oriental dreams" out And tell us what you think.. Best Regards SHIZOEY
1/24/2008 3:38:37 PM it was great to be able to give you the tour. Your music is surprising, different.
3/26/2007 10:43:44 AM Very Good ;)
1/23/2007 5:45:23 PM Welcome to the Tanzende Sound Gallery! Here you can sample some of the tracks on my 3 CD's. �2015-2016 Indie Music People All Rights Reserved
Dallas Texas USA
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