Luca Morselli - all instruments

Luca Morselli was born in 1964 in Milan, the strong passion for music and pictures of all kinds led him to confront and deal with the art world from an early age, understanding how important it was, and still rooted in its life, trying to make art, create, communicate its unique, and subjective vision of the state of things, free from the constraints of gender.
Deeply impressed by the masters of surrealism and metaphysics, just look for a figurative language that unites, in the creative period, and photography.

""Defining life as a series of changes that lead to the need to adapt to the times, places, customs that has radically influenced my future in a positive way was when I had to revolutionize my job adjusting to the times. Remaining in publishing I was able to bring together two worlds, which for many reasons I could not do before: the pencil, sign, gesture with the dexterity of the time, space and place. The continuing search for a solution before I did find a way of thinking, acting and entirely new work. ""

He lives and works in Milan as a freelance graphic with interests in exhibitions and national and international events.

Solo and group exhibitions
stARTup 2011 - Castello di Acaya, Vernole (LECCE)
7sins Sloth (from 25 / 6-17 / 7) - Villa Vannucchi, SG Cremano, Napoli
Consequences of Digital - BaoBar, Milano
7sins Envy - Villa Vannucchi, SG Cremano, Napoli

7sins Gola - Villa Vannucchi, SG Cremano, Napoli
Human Rights? 2010 - Bell Foundation Fallen - Rovereto
Consequences of Digital - North East Café, Milano
Assenz(i)a - Madeira - Milano (Music and Pictures)
Sensus - Napoli

startup 09 (with participation by the “Natural S(k)in” and music for the show
Sails and Marine - Trieste

Participation in collective WEB_TUBE ""Transparent Gallery, Porta Venezia, Milan

Participation in the collective ""Possesso,"" Area Events Mondadori, Venice San Marco, with the participation
Tinto Brass

Exhibition at ""Baghdad Café"" in Milan.
Exhibition inauguration of the ""Club of the knife"" in Milan.

from 1989 to 1996
Lead guitarist and percussionist in the group of Capoeira Brazilian music (bossa nova, samba, capoeira), with performances all over North Italy (until 1994).

The first song from the album “Malus Cenerea”

World Jazz

Ghost Town
The second song from the album “Malus Cenerea”

Jazz Pop

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Luca Morselli