THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO OUR EVERYTHING Kick the F6cking back door off it's hinges clean, Built up the Drive now time to be seen, Sex driven beats pounding change the beat of your heart, Nothing but 100% straight from the start, Seize control of our art & master the game, Give back to the others and then do the same,Impossible Mission, Forced to fruition, Burning Cars, Bending Bars, Too many so Drugged and Insane. But creating music's so brilliant I can't complain.
Feel Me There is so much more to our everything
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1/28/2009 12:36:04 PM Thanks for the great comments Cheers Savage
11/27/2008 11:46:33 AM Its time....
10/25/2008 10:33:55 AM Sorry,i don't understand at all your comment. Could u explain? p.s. but i listened your track Feel Me.Amazing-i listen being spellbounded.!
10/6/2008 1:26:44 AM I really appreciate what you are doing
10/1/2008 6:58:47 AM Ace track -Sister - great groove people!
9/27/2008 1:13:00 PM You always share such beautiful and deep words that are so meaningful... thank you so very much for giving of yourself is such a lovely way... in a moment when I needed to feel connected to others the most. You are a beautiful gift to the world... your music... your words... have touched me in a way I can't express... and feel blessed... in you, having shared a part of yourself with me. Much Love, ~Butterfly
9/1/2008 9:05:21 PM hey Satro Congrats on being No.1 on this site in all genres!! (again?)
8/31/2008 2:42:12 PM Ewe are soo-lyrical!!! I really appreciate your input and the way you approach life I have learned a lot by taking in your words on the pipeline-thanks for the offer of helphopefully it won;t come to that- We may downsize our PA-it was very heavy!! ALL our instruments were above the water-that is a blessing!! back online asap I think I love ewe!! Rob
8/31/2008 1:57:39 PM Thank you so much for the comment on "Find Someone" it really is from the heart. I really love your music, I think youe fantastic, I will add your other one too thanks dave
8/24/2008 1:22:42 PM Hey PopiKoK!! Just dropped by to have a listen. LOVE your music. Great sound! Sexy voice! Insightful lyrics, really moves. Eye
8/22/2008 4:48:57 AM Great tracks! I was listening and reminded of somebody, and it was killing me who. Now, I finally figured it out: The Wolfgang Press No wonder I love these songs so much.
8/2/2008 5:53:46 PM I feel I have been neglecting ewe! no more! �2015-2016 Indie Music People All Rights Reserved
Los Angeles Ca United States
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