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Ronnie Gent is a brilliant singer/songwriter who has toured the world and even performed a song with Sir Paul McCartney. He has had success
in all areas of the music business from commercials and TV work, recording on Gene Simmons' record label, to working with the late great producer and writer Keith Diamond.
Ronnie has continued his winning ways by racking up four #1 songs at IAC Music and for having a Cashbox Magazine Indie Pop Pick that went
to #1.
Based in New York City, Ronnie plays at all the best venues in town when he's not on the road. His soulful and muscular rock solid voice and melodic rock/pop songs have endeared him to many a New Yorker but Ron is popular where ever he goes because he sings and writes from the heart and is the consummate performer.

"Hands down one of the best indies I have heard in a while.”
IAC Mastering Department.

"This is one guy that has been blessed with a truly marvelous voice, one that is perfect for AOR music and his songs ain't bad either"...
Rob Evans/Powerplay Magazine, UK

"Ronnie... you're like a black man stuck in a white man's body". "Man, can you f**king sing!"
Gene Simmons (KISS)

"I've produced some great singers over the years, r&b and rock and Ronnie's right there with the best of them."
Keith Diamond (award winning producer/songwriter who wrote 'Caribbean Queen' and 'Suddenly')

"You're a great singer ya know."
Paul McCartney

Band mates include Michael Kelly on bass and Hank Logan on sax, flute and harp.

Ronnie's last name is pronounced "Jent".

Ronnie Gent: Lately.dv




Love Isn't Enuff

Acoustic Rock


Acoustic Rock

Better Day
Added to KIAC HITLINE June 2011


The Way You Look

Easy Listening/Soft Rock

Rock and Roll Inn
To listen to any of these songs, click on the "PLAY" button (>)... to the right of each song.


Can't Change My Mind


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Psyche's Muse

6/17/2024 5:15:30 PM
"FAN"tastic! Truly an "ART"ist! -M-

Eric Dwayne

7/31/2009 12:03:37 PM
Nice writing...

gabe stenziano

4/7/2009 9:18:49 PM
wow! loved the songs here. your voice has a great character to it, the tunes are melodic and catchy. well played, tasty instumental tracks. gabe


4/7/2009 12:14:11 AM
Ron, Congrats on hitting #1 with "The Way You Look Tonight"
I played it every day for 2 weeks but now that you are #1 I will stop playing it and down load it instead.

Rock On Lucky Man!


PS Hope to see you at Fresh Meadows Concert series this summer 2009!


3/30/2009 4:02:08 AM
Ronnie you always sound amazing!!!!!

Richard Scotti

3/14/2009 6:05:56 PM
Your new song "Better Day" is a winner! I love it.

Richard Scotti

4/11/2008 10:36:14 AM
Hey Ronnie,
I just wanted to thank you for your amazing vocals on my songs: "Water From A Stone", "Bad Blood Between Us", and others that will soon be posted on my site. Not only were you blessed with an incredible voice, you're a gifted songwriter as well. Keep rockin' and thanks for all the support you've given me over the years. It is much appreciated.
Your friend,

The Man With No Band

9/19/2007 2:23:48 AM
Very nice sounds coming from here ! ..



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Last logged in: 3/22/2012 10:24:03 AM         Pageviews:  36757
* Your song 'IT'S TIME TO CHANGE THE WORLD' has just been added to WROK station!
* Your song 'LATELY' has just been added to Sweet Notes station!
* Your song 'LATELY' has just been added to The Crystal Blue station!
* Your song 'LUCKYMAN' has just been added to Sweet Notes station!
* Your song 'IF SHE TELLS YOU (she loves you)' has just been added to Sweet Notes station!
* Your song 'THE WAY YOU LOOK' has just been added to Sweet Notes station!
* Your song 'IT'S TIME TO CHANGE THE WORLD' has just been added to Sweet Notes station!
* Your song 'ROMANCE HAPPENS (now and again)' has just been added to Sweet Notes station!
* Your song 'CAN'T CHANGE MY MIND' has just been added to Sweet Notes station!
* Your song 'FLOAT AWAY' has just been added to Sweet Notes station!
* Your song 'FLOAT AWAY' has just been added to The Crystal Blue station!
* Your song 'ROCK and ROLL INN' has just been added to Blues Tracks station!
* Your song 'LET THE CHILDREN PLAY' has just been added to Petra Luna's .... War on abuse station!
* Your song 'LET THE CHILDREN PLAY' has just been added to Off the main road station!
Perry Great voice Ronnie.
Willa Hot voice and songs!
* Your song 'ROCK and ROLL INN' has just been added to DAVE RADIO station!
* Your song 'Better Day' has just been added to Texas Willie Productions station!
* Your song 'Better Day' has just been added to Texas Willies Favorites On IAC station!
* Your song 'Better Day' has just been added to Spread The Wealth station!
* Your song 'Better Day' has just been added to Texas Willie's New Releases station!
* Your song 'The Way You Look' has just been added to Cashbox Pop Picks station!
* Your song 'Luckyman' has just been added to More Words and Music station!
Philly The honesty in your voice is terrific. Love the songs.
* Your song 'Better Day' has just been added to The Gabby Station station!
* Your song 'The Way You Look' has just been added to pro-racing cap station station!
* Your song 'Better Day' has just been added to thebernreuter - all request station!
Jill Great vocals, Ronnie.
* Your song 'Lately' has just been added to Queen's Choice station!
* Your song 'Mo Thing' has just been added to 2009 RnB/Soul Songs Sorted! station!
* Your song 'Mo Thing' has just been added to Formidability station!
* Your song 'The Way You Look' has just been added to brown station!
* Your song 'The Way You Look' has just been added to Dirt Road Empire station!
* Your song 'Luckyman' has just been added to 1 Hot Rock Station station!
* Your song 'Love Isn't Enuff' has just been added to 1 Hot Rock Station station!
* Your song 'Better Day' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'Better Day' has just been added to WTOZ RADIO station!
* Your song 'Lately' has just been added to Over The Moon station!
IAC Your song 'MoThing' has just been added to Over The Moon station!
IMP Your song 'Can't Change My Mind' has just been added to Choice station!
IMP Your song 'Better Day' has just been added to Nothing more than feelings station!
IMP Your song 'Can't Change My Mind' has just been added to JUST LISTEN! station!
IMP Your song 'Rock and Roll Inn' has just been added to JUST LISTEN! station!
IMP Your song 'Better Day' has just been added to JUST LISTEN! station!
IMP Your song 'Luckyman' has just been added to JUST LISTEN! station!
IMP Your song 'Love Isn't Enuff' has just been added to JUST LISTEN! station!
IMP Your song 'Love Isn't Enuff' has just been added to Poe poe whittle me station!
IMP Your song 'MoThing' has just been added to JUST LISTEN! station!
IMP Your song 'Lately' has just been added to JUST LISTEN! station!
IMP Your song 'Rock and Roll Inn' has just been added to Transistor Radio station!
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Over The Moon Two
Poe poe whittle me
Over The Moon
Transistor Radio
Mike's Pop Picks
Just Good Music
Arcadian Heights
Dirt Road Empire
Spread The Wealth
All of the Above
Shades of brown
thebernreuter - all request
pro-racing cap station
The Gabby Station
Texas Willie's New Releases
Hitline Archive
Texas Willies Favorites On IAC
2009 RnB/Soul Songs Sorted!
leggs world

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6/17/2024 10:15:50 PM
Last pageview at: 3/31/2025 3:22:06 PM
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Ronnie Gent