Based in Richmond, VA; Born in North Carolina; Bred in New England, the West Indies and New York. In 2001 she released her first EP, entitled 'down', which was recieved well by the music community. Her first full length CD, working title 'shark', will be out soon. She has worked on scores and original tracks for theatre and film. She gigs with her band: drummer Blake Methena, Pianist Mario Blocker, guitarist Bryan Hoffa and occasionally (when she is lucky) Patrick Turner on strings. The sound? Hypnotic, sultry, soulful, smokey, streetlamp-lit melodies about desire and what goes with it, which she weaves into minimal layers and rich textures. The vibe is atonal and moody, the songs are often bass-driven, and are felt in as much as they are heard. like Maia, the sound is full of contradictions; gritty and raw, while at the same time simple and clear, and always an excellent live music expirience. Banks' bad girl / sad woman, burnished vocals and her driving bass grooves backed by Methena's earthy, organic rhythms - Blocker's Beefheart to Coltrain keys and Hoffa's masterfully minimal guitar playing - down to Turner's sparse, dynamic string & bow - leave the listener satiated and satisfied yet still begging for more.
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