A truly independent anglo-italian singer-songwriter duo producing a unique mix of alternative contemporary folk-rock.

Plunkett... an English boy and an Italian girl. Both Ian and Lara had a love for music from a very early age. Lara chose the piano, Ian the guitar.
After studying music (theory, midi, harmony and sound engineering) at Rome, Lara became a partner and A&R of Dune Records, an independent Italian label based in Florence.
Ian had always played in bands and after finally finding like minded musicians the band ‘Pukromo' was born. In late 1999 Pukromo signed to Dune Records recording their debut album ‘Promise Me Kill Me' during 2000.
Life’s funny sometimes and although the label and band folded, Ian and Lara got together.
Frustrated by the mechanisms and ties of the music biz and tired of their ‘electronic’ past, they focused on their emotions, on themselves.
Without any thought or the pressure of trying be anything other than that. Themselves.

With a desire to only write songs and move people, Plunkett choose to remain independent artists and work outside of the mainstream music business.
Their first album '14 Days' (2006) gave them an unexpected critic and listener's acclaim through the internet.
The couple releases the second album 'Folk Songs' in 2008. The concept of this album is 'folk music of our generation'.

For further info visit www.plunkett-music.com

Lyric talks of values without the need for religion to enforce them

Alternative Indie Rock

It's just how it seemed
Lyric romaticising the hippy era and the youth revolution

Alternative Folk Rock

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1/5/2008 8:06:12 AM
Hey kids - I added Just Rise to my Random station and had a listen yesterday - really liked the feel and tone - Nick Drake would have been proud to have this in his canon (that's a huge compliment chez Monkey68)


The Man With No Band

12/29/2007 2:12:46 AM
Very nice sounds here .... Welcome ..

Peace ...


12/21/2007 1:17:08 PM

Stephen Laycock

12/20/2007 3:33:31 AM
Just Rise and The River... three cheers and best wishes for you both on the release of your album. Check out Tripod Radio.



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Last logged in: 6/11/2013 6:25:11 AM         Pageviews:  31573
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to Rays New Songs Station station!
niteshift Hey guys, welcome, will check out your tracks larer tonight.
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to AOR (All Over the Road) station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to Singer Songwriter Storyteller station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to Jericho station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to 20/20 station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to Enjoy These Choons station!
* Your song '14 Days' has just been added to Hidden Gemstones station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to Private Stock station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to Alien Planet Radio station!
* Your song '14 Days' has just been added to RockKey station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to The Monkey68 Random Station station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to In ThE heArt of ThE gArDeN of DeVi station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to Music with meaning station!
* Your song '14 Days' has just been added to The place to be station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to Hum-Dinger station!
* Your song '14 Days' has just been added to Hum-Dinger station!
* Your song '14 Days' has just been added to Acoustic Connection station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to Acoustic Connection station!
Alyson Glad you contacted me,,your songs I added with pleasure. 14 Days really sneaks up on you...I thought OK, that's nice, Suddenly I was captured...I'll just put that on rpt. a few times. PEACE!
* Your song '14 Days' has just been added to SILVERWOODS TOP 50 station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to Voices station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to sky station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to FAME & GLORY station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to Forest of Azure station!
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* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to Indigo Station station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to red globe station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to more mighty songs station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to IAC Underground40 (linked on front page) station!
* Congratulations! Your song 'Just Rise' is now #27 on the KIAC Underground 40!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to Performer station!
* Your song '14 Days' has just been added to Atmo Electro station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to A Quiet Ambiance station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to Atmo Electro station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to The Blend station!
* Your song 'Just Rise' has just been added to Over The Moon station!
* Your song 'Flies' has just been added to Performer station!
* Your song 'Flies' has just been added to THE NOBODIES CURSE! station!
* Your song 'Flies' has just been added to Midnight on frisco bay station!
* Your song 'It's just how it seemed' has just been added to Over The Moon station!
* Your song 'Flies' has just been added to Nathan's Picks station!
* Your song 'Flies' has just been added to Render Unto Little Caesar station!
* Your song 'Flies' has just been added to This Just In station!
* Your song 'Flies' has just been added to Recent Uploads Sampler station!
* Your song 'Flies' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'Flies' has just been added to New and Notable station!
IMP Your song 'Flies' has just been added to Holding up the charts station!
IMP Your song 'Flies' has just been added to This Just In II station!
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Plunkett is actually writing the third album which should be out sometimes between the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011.
This Just In
New and Notable
This Just In II
Recent Uploads Sampler
Midnight on frisco bay
Hitline Archive
Nathan's Picks

Station Links
Hidden Gemstones  
AOR (All Over the Road)  
Singer Songwriter Storyteller  
Enjoy These Choons  
Private Stock  
The Monkey68 Random Station  

3/31/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 1/31/2025 8:04:14 PM
Pageviews: 31573

