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There is a fine line where Blues, Rock, and Pure Originality meet and on that fine line you'll find Mojo Perry.

Infused by Mojo's raw energy and unmistakable stage presence the Mojo Perry band delivers a high-energy show. Hailing from Wisconsin the trio is powered by a tight rhythm section that will leave you in awe. Mojo's music is always delivered with original footprints. That sound is what the band calls the "Northern Sound". Their "Northern Sound" has led the group to open shows for artists: Chris Duarte, Lonnie Brooks, Shannon Curfman, and The Kinsey Report amongst many more!! Mojo Perry is definitely original, definitely fresh, definitely unique, and DEFINITLY an Artist/Guitarist you MUST see and hear!

Mojo's unique brand of "Art-Rock" has taken on a whole new "Acidic" level. It comes in the form of his latest record "Closer to the Far Away". Unlike his previous records "Bookmaker" and "The Man"; "Closer to the Far Away" explores bolder steps into the elusive artist's self described "Blank Stare". Featuring what has now become his signature, Mojo's Philosophical Views and Introspection pulls the listener into corners of insight few dare to explore. Questioning authority and pushing limits of "acceptable" sounds, Mojo Perry is setting a path to artistic freedom far from the world of typical or the mainstream. Multi layering Guitars in Majestic ways deliver musical explorations inside of sounds. From start to finish "Closer to the Far Away" will give you different emotional and musical journies each time you listen.

Some call him Acid Rock. Others Call him Blues. Even the word Psychedelia is often used in sentences with his name: Beutiful, Intense, Passionate, and many others are also used to describe Mojo Perry's sound. However, the facts remain undisputable: You'll find him at Blues Festivals, Rock Festivals, your average joe bar, the big stage opening for National Acts, Headlining his own shows, and if you're lucky.... Inside an Art gallery performing "Blizzard Music; his Avante Garde Guitar looping... Dig...... Mojo Perry

Pure Originality... Blues Infused Psychedelic Rock !

So Out... It's In...

Naughty Boy

Psychedelic Rock


Acoustic Indie Rock

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Mojo Perry

1/19/2008 2:35:46 AM
Absolutly awesome!!



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Mojo Perry