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Sixteen year old Haley Breedlove, a very talented Vancouver Island, British Columbia teen, won ‘Youth Artist of the Year’ at the Vancouver Island Music Awards in 2007 and has opened for The Wilkinson's, Valdy and Gary Fjellgard and performed at the Merritt Mountain Music Festival three years in a row. Haley, already an accomplished recording artist when she was just thirteen, is just back from Nashville where she has been working on recording her 2nd CD and was able to perform at the very famous Bluebird Café where many country artists have begun their careers in Nashville. Haley has 2 songs released to country radio and her song ‘Mama’s Little Girl’ reached #99 on the ‘Top 100 Country Hits’ all across Canada. Haley’s CD is available on several digital download sites such as ‘I Tunes’, EMusic, Napster and Snocap.
Haley believes in giving back and supports little girl from Mali through World Vision and has been touring the elementary schools on Vancouver Island with her very powerful Anti-bullying message and Concert.
Haley is one young talented teen and is making quite a name for herself on the Country Music scene.

We have limited opportunities for interviews with Haley so if you are interested please contact me and I would be glad to work you into her schedule.
Haley Breedlove is truly focused on her goal of being Country Music’s next Superstar! Contact Steve Graham at .

I Wanna Live Like That
Great song about wanting to be a good person.


Mama's Little Girl
Cute song about a young person wanting to be independant.


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Bryon Tosoff

1/30/2010 12:39:35 AM
Stellar production and amazing wonderful singing......terrific,wanna live like that is a way fine song


12/8/2009 6:04:24 PM

Awesome songadding to top 50


go well



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Qualicum Beach British Columbia Canada
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Last logged in: 6/9/2013 8:49:11 AM         Pageviews:  20566
* Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to The Country Rose Show station!
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* Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to Raymond Porters New Songs Station station!
* Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to Ray Porters New Artist Of The Day 2 station!
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* Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to Heartland station!
* Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to SOUND COMMUNITY station!
* Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to IAC BEST COUNTRY station!
* Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to What the Folk! station!
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* Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to SILVERWOODS TOP 50 station!
* Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to Extra! station!
* Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to What the Folk! station!
* Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to What the Folk! station!
* Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to MUSIC IS TRUTH station!
* Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to eYe station!
* Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to Diane's Place station!
* Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to WHERE THE MIGHTY RIVERS MEET station!
* Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to KczxOnline station!
* Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to Bowlegged Nora Radio station!
* Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to HOBBIT RULE station!
* Your song 'Mama's Little Girl' has just been added to MUSIC IS TRUTH station!
IMP Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to KINDRED station!
IMP Your song 'I Wanna Live Like That' has just been added to HONKY FM - A Desperado Revue Station station!
IMP Your song 'Mama's Little Girl' has just been added to NASH FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
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More comments from the Media

Just found out that she won youth artist of the year at this years Island Music Awards. She deserves it, she is quite the talent I’m looking forward to seeing her career develop.

Ty McInnes
Ride Mornings
CRWB 1490

She can sing! Let me know when and if we can do a phoner interview and feature the song – I’m definitely gonna try to get this some regular spins in the next week…..

Dave Baker

Hard to imagine she is so young. Another Tanya or LeAnn on the rise.

WBDR (kix1027)


Leanne Doty
Brandon, Manitoba

Haley sounds a little more ‘little girlish’ on ‘Mama’s Little Gir’l compared to ‘I Wanna Live Like That’ Perhaps it’s the lyrics. Still a very strong debut track that we initially will be adding to our Can Con Rotation (1-2 spins a week, 9am to mid).

Kelly Moore
Program dDirector
CJKC – Country 103

Hi Steve, Just thought Id add my 'two cents' [wait, they just raised the
postage again...]...
GREAT voice and it flows so smooth and easy.....
arrangement and production values on the song are sub par though....sounds
like the music could be behind Crystal Gayle in the 80s....
This young girl will ROCK with the right vehicle.....get er done! ;}

Denis 'Catfish' Miller
Music Director
Afternoon Drive A/T
WYCT Pensacola CatCountry 98.7 fm
ACM Station of the Year
nominee CMA Station of the Year
NASH FM - a Desperado Revue station
Bowlegged Nora Radio
music is truth II
Diane's Place
What the Folk!
HONKY FM - a Desperado Revue Station
Gina Marie

4/20/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 3/31/2025 8:48:28 AM
Pageviews: 20566

Haley Breedlove